I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2013 at 16. I've been in remission for over six months now however, have never been symptom free! The past six weeks I have suffered from painful diarrhoea, which I think is a result of insufficient movement of my bowel, causing me to become so backed up, that the only way for faeces to leave my body is if I have diarrhoea and sickness. I have a lot of symptoms now that my Crohn's is active, I have ulcers, fatigue, mood swings, nausea and inflamed knees; it's also excruciatingly painful to pass diarrhoea and I've been throwing up all day and night. It is not as bad as my usual flares however I am wondering if this is going to lead to one as I have the dull ache in my lower back and my bum and anus are so painful! Does anyone have any advice for me? I am currently on: Pentasa, Omeprezole, sodium picosulfate, citalopram and the contraceptive pill, my meds haven't really changed since I've been diagnosed but I just wondered if anyone could suggest my next move as I can't possibly wait until my next appointment in four weeks but my flare isn't bad enough to go to A&E
Thanks for reading, sorry it's so long
Thanks for reading, sorry it's so long