Feeling worse after eating...

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Mar 30, 2014
Just curious if this happens to anyone else while they're in an active flare. I literally feel worse when I eat than when I basically starve myself. I haven't had solid food since Sunday night...i just dont want it and im not even hungry...finally caved and had some mashed potatoes with shredded cheese and shredded chicken. I was only able to eat a few bites before I was done. And after I eat I just feel generally unwell all over even if the food doesn't send me to the toilet immediately. Anyone else experience anything like that?? Thanks in advance.
I have felt like that before when in a flare. I would still eat. But always my abdominal pain would be worse after eating and sometimes I wouldn't be able to keep food down. Been feeling better since I was diagnosed and started on Pred.

Hope that your doctor is able to help diagnose and treat you soon, not nice at all to be suffering as all of us here know.
I always feel nausea/pain after eating - my GI is still trying to figure everything out - I also have bile acid Malabsorbtion & Fat Malabsorbtion so I think those things might be contributing to my issues. I used to manage eating around when I was around a toilet and lost weight - could barely keep my weight stable.

Have you talked to your GI? That is a long time without food.

I hope you feel better soon. :ghug:
Ali: I just had my first set of scopes done on Tuesday where everything was "visually" normal. They said there should be lab results from the biopsies by tomorrow. And my GI is a pain to call so I was kinda trying to hang on til tomorrow :/
So sorry your having such a hard time, I can relate. Hopefully the biopsies will yield some results. Have they run blood work or stool tests?
These diseases hide so well, it took 9 months for me to finally have a CD diagnosis (which the Pill Cam found). We were just treating the symptoms for the bile, they haven't found out why the bile or fat issues still remain. So many layering of conditions with this disease - it is just really rough the first year when you finally have a diagnosis - I was told finding the right combination of meds, etc. some people luck out and do great with the meds right off the bat.

I actually ask for copies of my labs so I can keep track of things going up/down.

Good luck for tomorrow!!
Gemling: what is your diagnosis? I SWEAR I've got Crohn's and we just haven't found it yet lol
Hi Nurse Nausea,

I was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago with Crohn's disease. It is all in my small intestines in a few places. I have had a gastroscopy, colonoscopy and MRI. Gastroscopy was clear. Colonoscopy showed inflammation and damage at the terminal ileum (end of small intestine), they couldn't really get much further than that because of the pain it was causing me, so the colonoscopy was stopped and an MRI ordered. Had a small bowel MRI a month later and waited over 3 weeks to hear from my consultant about the results. Ended up A&E (ER) because of my pain and was diagnosed there because they had biopsy results from my colonoscopy confirming Crohn's and MRI results showing inflammation and narrowing of small intestines. Very upset that my consultant did not get back to me sooner. All these results were in my file on his desk!

Still, I was treated with IV steriods at the hospital and released with Prednisilone and Pentasa. We have just added Azathioprine to my medication because Pentasa is not shown to be very effective at treating Crohn's.

I have found that it is more common to have nausea and throwing up if you your Crohn's located in your small intestines, so it does make sense from that point of view.
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