Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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As far as I'm concerned, it is a godsend. Until I started with a 3mg of LDN in January, whenever I traveled and could not smoke marijuana I became "sick--felt lousy, discomfort, diarrhea 8 times a day, the was even when I was on Humira.
With marijauana, felt well until end of last year when the Humira stopped working although marijuana still helped. Now I'm on LDN and smoke marijauana and feel really good for an old guy who has had Crohn's for about 50 years.
If you want to they marijuana, I recommend you start with the edibles and if necessary, progress to vaping and smoking.
Just wanted to say that in the last few days PA (USA) has moved further down the road to getting this to those it can help. As of now there is a list of doctors in PA, around 100 with another 200 finishing the certificate up.

You can find out how to register with the government and which doctors to try to get in contact with a the PA Gov website. It's under Guides. I would have posted a link but I need at least 10 posts and currently this is my third.

They will also list dispensaries, 22 located in PA right now, for when they are open.

If you live in PA and plan to try this just remember your street address needs to be all capitalized, your name doesn't except for the first letter and you have to type in the (000) 000-0000, the - and () must be entered.

It took me multiple tries as it wouldn't be verified because of my street address not being all in caps instead of just the first letter of the word.
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis. But I do feel a great deal of relief in regards to the gut. Is there a way of using it that would cause LESS paranoia? Is ingesting or vaporizing different then smoking it? I wish I could benefit from it, it would be so easy! LOL

No THC or lower THC.
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Wanted to mention that marijuana and CBD are two different chemicals from the cannabis plant. THC gets you high, CBD doesn’t. You can obtain CBD oil, gummies, lotions, sprays from smoke shops and some pharmacies over the counter. Im sure both offer relief to people depending on your issues. I don’t smoke, but have tried the CBD gummies. They helped to relieve anxiety, but not much more. Best of luck.
I personally don’t feel ‘high ‘ from 1:1 ratio THC and CBD and it stops hours long vomiting episodes. I just left the clinic just now actually. The educator and doctor confirmed in my case, both chemicals are recommended. I am not sure if people coming off of medications with horrific side effects will even notice feeling ‘high ‘. The stigma associated with THC used recreationally to get ‘high ‘ kept me from trying it earlier. No different than people using any prescription for the purpose of getting ‘high ‘. The stigma stings as much as ever.
I personally don’t feel ‘high ‘ from 1:1 ratio THC and CBD and it stops hours long vomiting episodes. I just left the clinic just now actually. The educator and doctor confirmed in my case, both chemicals are recommended. I am not sure if people coming off of medications with horrific side effects will even notice feeling ‘high ‘. The stigma associated with THC used recreationally to get ‘high ‘ kept me from trying it earlier. No different than people using any prescription for the purpose of getting ‘high ‘. The stigma stings as much as ever.

Are you on any other medications while using the Cannabis? Like antidepressants or crohns treatment drugs?
Thanks! Just curious. Cheers
I would love if this could atleast the help pain since i am currently on low does opiods and they are currently barely helping me get by. The government is also cracking down on opioid usage for anyone even ppl who are sick so my doctor wouldn't increase my dosage even a slight bit. I had looked up the laws of my state and am wondering if I should ask my doctor if I should prescrip to the medical marijuana in my state. Would it help anyway and which part is supposed to help the thc or the cbd cause my state only allows for Marijuana with low thc and high cbd
I have read many articles about medical marijuana and how it can help you in terms of chronic pain, bone injuries, eating disorder/anorexia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, inflammation, even cancer and a lot more. Like this article about a marijuana strain from . Cbd and thc are also new to me and I don't even smoke. If this is true I cant find any solid conclusive evidence that speaks to its efficacy.
I'm new to this site and this is my first posting here. I figured I would post on something I feel strongly about after reviewing a few of the forums here(which all look great and I cant wait to get involved). But I am not exactly sure where the discussion is here, I know that I moved to CA where the use of medical marijuana is legal recreation use and medical of course. I've tried cbd products to full spectrum 1;1 ratios... higher thc contents. 1;1 ratio of cbd;thc (full spectrum plant extraction) is now my medicine of choice. I have NEVER got this close to remission (or so i think) on medications prescribed to me. I dont want to go into full detail of what i do or which exact choice of use of cannabis I engage in, unless anyone would like to know more info. Ive been trialing myself on this and i feel as though its a miracle I have figured something out.
Hi All,

Been reading this thread with interest. I have had bowel issues all my life. I use to roll around on the floor after dinner as a teenager. I did have a colonoscopy but nothing found. Throughout my years I was diagnosed with IBS. I had constant bloody diarrhoea throughout my 30s. I expected to never have a normal bowel movement again. Dr said it was haemorrhoids and IBS so I just went with that. Eventually, at about age of 42 (4 years ago) I was in the back of an ambulance getting rushed to hospital 40 minutes away with my heart going crazy. I had H.G of 8 no iron, mishappen small, clear red blood cells etc. No cardiac issues found, was put in hosi for a week ... they gave the option of iron infusion or blood transfusion. I went with the infusion (worked well). Colonoscopy was done during that week and found chronic active inflammation in large bowel and biopsy in one section confirmed changes the showed IBD as proctitis .. non specific other areas.

I went onto salazopyrin and within a short time I had normal bowel movements ! I stayed on that for a couple of years and bowel was good, but my iron crashed again (but no bleeding ?) and another infusion ordered ... this time I had an allergic reaction as soon as the flush went through and iron started, that was scary but I walked out of the hosi that day with no iron .. told never to have another iron infusion. Managed to get iron up to 50 with daily liquid iron drink over 6 months. HG was ok.

I was getting weird symptoms, like muscle aches and tight chest, sometimes shortness of breath like at 3am. Went through all the cardiac tests again, asthma test etc. Nothing showed up. I stopped the sulfa and the symptoms all disappeared within days. It was the side effects of the sulfa causing the symptoms. I stayed off all drugs for a while then UC symptoms started again so tried Mesalazine. Immediately I had the same side effects as with the sulfa so I stopped. Tried colozade but was not effective. So after reading around about MM and having the opportunity to have a supply of it, I thought I would try. I was a bit worried as I had smoked it in my 20s and new that it caused rapid heart rate .. my low iron issues caused rapid heart rate so I did everything to avoid it ...... it was a feeling that made me nervous. And the first time I smoked my heart rate was at 140bpm ! Scary ... the next day though it wasn't so bad and after a few days smoking once after work my heart rate actually went down to around 80s (it was normally around 100 before I started smoking).

Anyway the cannabis worked very well .. normal stools, no diarrhoea or bleeding after 9 months (of smoking) another scope showed disease was in quinessence (I get scoped every 2 years due to nasty polyp found). But I could not get a good supply of MM and hated buying it so stopped when I was really well. After a few months symptoms returned .. with bleeding. I was very worried about my iron levels and part of the bleeding was from my hems from years of diarrhoea. So I was booked in for what they call HAL/RAR hem surgery. I didn't smoke as I thought it might interfere with the surgery. The recovery was bad (6 months ago) and since then I am still seeing some bleeding plus now I have new symptoms in my stomach, nausea, sometimes vomiting (bile / highly digested food) and strange pains between my bellow button and sternum immediately after eating and iron back to nothing again. Really bad back ache in my spine and migraines too now. Dr says maybe it ulcer from NSAIDs from the operation. So now in 2 weeks time I have another colonoscopy and endoscopy.

My uncle had Crohns and Dr (specialist) says perhaps I do also and not just UC / proctitis. I'm not sure but its never ending and a central theme in my life although I know there are worse of than me for sure. It's embarrassing having to tell work clients that I am not well often too.

Anyway bottom line is the MM really helps me and after these scopes in 2 weeks I might consider going back to it if the stomach stuff is IBD related. I feel that if I had not stopped I might not be in this position now.

Well, I'm doing research for my future cash crop and haven't really put much thought into which marijuana strain I would like to grow. I'm looking for the highest strain to harvest, but quality is a must as well. I did a search for "Highest yield" and "harvesting" here and this was the only result it contains all the information I was looking for to came up. I'm a stage 2 Pancreatic cancer survivor. Doctors declared that im now cancer free and i'm so glad to hear that. Since then marijuana products has been a great help to me so i decided to grow my own marijuana for my personal use only. But growing marijuana requires more knowledge and need to understand its life cycle. I have encountered many different problems in growing myself but that doesn't help me stop from growing my own herbal medicine.
Using marijuana doesn't make you an addictive person, what Miss Universe Catriona Gray answered in her Q&A question “I'm for being used in medical use but not so for recreational use. Because I think if people were to argue, 'what about alcohol and cigarettes?' So everything is good but in moderation." Some people used marijuana for medical purposes, as one of the users i found this www greenmed io/blog/medical-benefits-of-marijujana/ and i think it is one of the best MJ that can help us when it comes to the medical aspects.
It's been 5 days since I started cbd with thc. I think things are different already. I'm not visiting the loo anywhere near as much. I'm not sure about the pain relief though. Mind, my Crohn's isn't good at the moment. Hasn't been for a long while and I have a lot of inflammation with my stricture. This is my chance to see if it works. I have wanted to try it for a very long while. I am worried about getting paranoid though. I'm not sure how to dose it really, so i'm starting with minimal amounts.
Just keep in mind that even though its legal in several states, it doesn’t mean it is allowed in many work places that do drug testing. One reason I wasn’t able to use it regardless. Now I could but found a different way to keep things under control.

MM is a pretty good option though. It’s also nice that it shouldn’t interfere with other treatments that are used.

Good luck to the new pioneers of MM.

Bergy, I heard that drugs stay in the system for three days. So I could get into trouble for drug driving (not that I go out much). Also, it's illegal here although they do sort of allow for personal use only.
Has anyone tried CBD to pass an over-stressed period? I'm about to lose my job 'cause I have problems in my family and I don't have enough time to do my tasks at work. So I guess that I'm about to lose it, but I need a job. My life started to become crazy. Everything is very stressful. One of my friends shared this solution. He told me to order this CBD oil and to read on that site how to use it correctly 'cause it is very individual. He couldn't sleep during the nights and he started to have hard headaches. So only CBD oil helped him to pass over it. Do you think it will help me too?
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I used to use cbd for anxiety, higher levels, which were quite expensive, worked best. However, i had a run in with cancer so used FECO which helped a great deal. I did find the body gets used to it. I think i will always use some form of cbd. Hope it helps you.
such a versatile food and medicine....

i have a relationship with this plant for some time now.....but in relation to chrons now is new for me.

hadnt really considered too much by CBD but i will have to read back now i guess.....

what i was wondering tho, is in regards to THCA.....which can be of good utility with anti-cancer type treatments....perhaps it is also true for IBD?

i have not read this entire topic, so i apologize if this has already been mentioned......anti inflammatory is such a wide category, can be a bit confusing at a glance.......

fwiw tho
The most studied components of marijuana are the chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (often referred to as THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). In fact, they provide all the medicinal effects of marijuana.

that is actually not true....there are a whole host of cannabiniods, including things like TCHA, TCHV, CBN, CBC, CBG and others, plus a whole line of terpenes which also have medicinal effects only partly known so far......
Has anyone tried medical cannabis for Crohn's disease or IBD?
After reading the research and discussions and consulting with my doctor, I’m considering trying medical cannabis as a treatment for Crohn's disease. I found a clinic in the UK where I live, Releaf, that offers medical cannabis treatments for gastrointestinal conditions. What I liked most about them is that everything is done online and they deliver directly to your home. They seem to have a good track record, but I’d like to hear the experiences of those who have tried this treatment, especially if they have had success.
Has anyone tried medical cannabis for Crohn's disease or IBD?
After reading the research and discussions and consulting with my doctor, I’m considering trying medical cannabis as a treatment for Crohn's disease. I found a clinic in the UK where I live, Releaf, that offers medical cannabis treatments for gastrointestinal conditions. What I liked most about them is that everything is done online and they deliver directly to your home. They seem to have a good track record, but I’d like to hear the experiences of those who have tried this treatment, especially if they have had success.

Hi, I'm 66, diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 25. I had surgery for partial blockage, around 4 yrs ago. Part of my colon was removed, and also part of my intestine. After the surgery I began to experience urgent BMs. At first I didn't know why, when I asked my GI doctor, he said with my colon now being smaller, I can't always hold it if need be. Needless to say, that has a huge impact on many aspects of daily life. When I say "urgent", I mean I sometimes have less than 30 seconds to get to a bathroom. Doesn't happen every day, but I'd say it happens once or twice a week on average. The trick is to be home when it does happen, and not on the road somewhere.

As for the medical cannabis, well I kinda found something out by accident one day. I noticed if I take an edible, it tends to "numb" my digestive system. I can only describe it this way.'s kinda like when you have surgery, and you wake up in recovery, and it takes awhile for your system to get going again to where you are having BMs again, (due to the anesthesia's numbing effect), of course not quite as strong as anesthesia. I also noticed that taking an edible is the only way this numbing effect takes place, it kinda puts my BMs in check for a couple hours. Smoking it can sometimes help, but it's much different, in that the numbing effect on my colon/intestines is not nearly as good as when taking it as an edible. I usually buy a water-based THC tincture (the oil based ones don't work very well with me for some reason), and I take a measured dose about 45 min before I need to go out to do some errands, shopping, doctor's appointments, etc...and the numbing effect for the most part shuts down my system for a couple of hours so I can get stuff done. It's not 100% foolproof all the time, but pretty close, and it works better than anything else I've tried, including medications. Also worth mentioning, the one I get is mostly THC, and only 1% CBD. Yeah unfortunately just CBD alone when taken doesn't have the same effect, the THC needs to be there.

So this is how I roll, at least for now. I'm still limited as far as travel, and some other things, but until I find a better way, this is it for now. I'm still wondering if there are other people who have had similar surgery, and experience the same kind of urgent symptoms that I have. I'm one who believes in diet refining first before just popping pills made with chemicals in a laboratory. I have a very good nutritionist who I've been working with for 4 yrs now. I notice if I steer clear of fried foods, and heavy oils, like canola, avocado, etc...and stick with coconut oil and olive oils mostly, it also helps. Knowing trigger foods also goes a long way. It can be so strange sometimes though, for example, if I have any kind of fresh cooked food, it can cause an urgent BM, even if it's a proven safe food. Example...if I buy a piece of fresh salmon, cook it and eat it right away, it can cause urgency, but if I eat canned salmon, or if I eat the fresh salmon the next day after it sits in the fridge for a day after cooking, I don't get the urgency. If I eat fresh grapes, urgency, grape jelly, no problem. Who ever heard of such a thing?? If most freshly cooked foods cause urgency, that kinda rules out being able to enjoy going out to a restaurant to have a meal. Yep, it sucks, but it's a mystery that my nutritionist and I haven't been able to figure out. I saw another post on this forum about cholestramine (I think that's right), but I haven't discussed with my doctor yet. Strangely enough, I also have to be careful with fiber though, cuz I can get constipated from certain kinds of grains, mostly whole grains. I try to basically stick with softer fiber foods, like steamed artichoke, carrots, potatoes, in order to avoid constipation. Crohn's, I call it the disease from hell.

I hope some of this info has helped. Not sure if you are dealing with the same issues as me, but in general, it might be worth trying if you are having any chronic or urgent BMs. From what I've heard, the THC can also help other symptoms of Crohn's, but as always, what works for one person, may not work for another.
Hi, I'm 66, diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 25. I had surgery for partial blockage, around 4 yrs ago. Part of my colon was removed, and also part of my intestine. After the surgery I began to experience urgent BMs. At first I didn't know why, when I asked my GI doctor, he said with my colon now being smaller, I can't always hold it if need be. Needless to say, that has a huge impact on many aspects of daily life. When I say "urgent", I mean I sometimes have less than 30 seconds to get to a bathroom. Doesn't happen every day, but I'd say it happens once or twice a week on average. The trick is to be home when it does happen, and not on the road somewhere.

As for the medical cannabis, well I kinda found something out by accident one day. I noticed if I take an edible, it tends to "numb" my digestive system. I can only describe it this way.'s kinda like when you have surgery, and you wake up in recovery, and it takes awhile for your system to get going again to where you are having BMs again, (due to the anesthesia's numbing effect), of course not quite as strong as anesthesia. I also noticed that taking an edible is the only way this numbing effect takes place, it kinda puts my BMs in check for a couple hours. Smoking it can sometimes help, but it's much different, in that the numbing effect on my colon/intestines is not nearly as good as when taking it as an edible. I usually buy a water-based THC tincture (the oil based ones don't work very well with me for some reason), and I take a measured dose about 45 min before I need to go out to do some errands, shopping, doctor's appointments, etc...and the numbing effect for the most part shuts down my system for a couple of hours so I can get stuff done. It's not 100% foolproof all the time, but pretty close, and it works better than anything else I've tried, including medications. Also worth mentioning, the one I get is mostly THC, and only 1% CBD. Yeah unfortunately just CBD alone when taken doesn't have the same effect, the THC needs to be there.

So this is how I roll, at least for now. I'm still limited as far as travel, and some other things, but until I find a better way, this is it for now. I'm still wondering if there are other people who have had similar surgery, and experience the same kind of urgent symptoms that I have. I'm one who believes in diet refining first before just popping pills made with chemicals in a laboratory. I have a very good nutritionist who I've been working with for 4 yrs now. I notice if I steer clear of fried foods, and heavy oils, like canola, avocado, etc...and stick with coconut oil and olive oils mostly, it also helps. Knowing trigger foods also goes a long way. It can be so strange sometimes though, for example, if I have any kind of fresh cooked food, it can cause an urgent BM, even if it's a proven safe food. Example...if I buy a piece of fresh salmon, cook it and eat it right away, it can cause urgency, but if I eat canned salmon, or if I eat the fresh salmon the next day after it sits in the fridge for a day after cooking, I don't get the urgency. If I eat fresh grapes, urgency, grape jelly, no problem. Who ever heard of such a thing?? If most freshly cooked foods cause urgency, that kinda rules out being able to enjoy going out to a restaurant to have a meal. Yep, it sucks, but it's a mystery that my nutritionist and I haven't been able to figure out. I saw another post on this forum about cholestramine (I think that's right), but I haven't discussed with my doctor yet. Strangely enough, I also have to be careful with fiber though, cuz I can get constipated from certain kinds of grains, mostly whole grains. I try to basically stick with softer fiber foods, like steamed artichoke, carrots, potatoes, in order to avoid constipation. Crohn's, I call it the disease from hell.

I hope some of this info has helped. Not sure if you are dealing with the same issues as me, but in general, it might be worth trying if you are having any chronic or urgent BMs. From what I've heard, the THC can also help other symptoms of Crohn's, but as always, what works for one person, may not work for another.
I'm 76 and was diagnosed at 22. I have been trying med marihuana on and off for several years to no avail. Thanks for the tincture tip. I am going to the wed store next week. What is your measured dose? I have been taking Cholestramine for 30 years and my Crohn's is mostly under control (except for several flareups per years). I usually have several BM's early in the AM and then am good for the rest of the day.
I'm 76 and was diagnosed at 22. I have been trying med marihuana on and off for several years to no avail. Thanks for the tincture tip. I am going to the wed store next week. What is your measured dose? I have been taking Cholestramine for 30 years and my Crohn's is mostly under control (except for several flareups per years). I usually have several BM's early in the AM and then am good for the rest of the day.
Hi Marty, thanks for the mention of the Cholestramine, not sure if it will also be right for me, but as with everything else, it's a try it and see.
With the tincture, they all come with their own measuring system, so they can't all be read the same. Mine has markings on the eye dropper of
.25mL, .50mL, .75mL, and 1.0mL. I started at the halfway point and went from there, eventually building more resistance. I usually measure between .75mL - 1.0mL. Everyone is different, many factors are involved in finding the right dose, but it shouldn't take long to figure it out. That's what I like about the tincture, you can expect the effects to be very close to the same every time for the same dose. With gummies and the like, I noticed if I had a 10mg gummy one day, and again the next day, one of them might be weaker (or stronger) than the other. Just wanted to mention, if you go with an oil based tincture, be careful to check all the ingredients. I can't use them because most have some kind of artificial sweetener, which is a trigger for me. Also many of them use MCT oil, which can cause gas/bloating for some, myself included. It's not a severe side effect, but not one I'd want every day.
Hi, I'm 66, diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 25. I had surgery for partial blockage, around 4 yrs ago. Part of my colon was removed, and also part of my intestine. After the surgery I began to experience urgent BMs. At first I didn't know why, when I asked my GI doctor, he said with my colon now being smaller, I can't always hold it if need be. Needless to say, that has a huge impact on many aspects of daily life. When I say "urgent", I mean I sometimes have less than 30 seconds to get to a bathroom. Doesn't happen every day, but I'd say it happens once or twice a week on average. The trick is to be home when it does happen, and not on the road somewhere.

As for the medical cannabis, well I kinda found something out by accident one day. I noticed if I take an edible, it tends to "numb" my digestive system. I can only describe it this way.'s kinda like when you have surgery, and you wake up in recovery, and it takes awhile for your system to get going again to where you are having BMs again, (due to the anesthesia's numbing effect), of course not quite as strong as anesthesia. I also noticed that taking an edible is the only way this numbing effect takes place, it kinda puts my BMs in check for a couple hours. Smoking it can sometimes help, but it's much different, in that the numbing effect on my colon/intestines is not nearly as good as when taking it as an edible. I usually buy a water-based THC tincture (the oil based ones don't work very well with me for some reason), and I take a measured dose about 45 min before I need to go out to do some errands, shopping, doctor's appointments, etc...and the numbing effect for the most part shuts down my system for a couple of hours so I can get stuff done. It's not 100% foolproof all the time, but pretty close, and it works better than anything else I've tried, including medications. Also worth mentioning, the one I get is mostly THC, and only 1% CBD. Yeah unfortunately just CBD alone when taken doesn't have the same effect, the THC needs to be there.

So this is how I roll, at least for now. I'm still limited as far as travel, and some other things, but until I find a better way, this is it for now. I'm still wondering if there are other people who have had similar surgery, and experience the same kind of urgent symptoms that I have. I'm one who believes in diet refining first before just popping pills made with chemicals in a laboratory. I have a very good nutritionist who I've been working with for 4 yrs now. I notice if I steer clear of fried foods, and heavy oils, like canola, avocado, etc...and stick with coconut oil and olive oils mostly, it also helps. Knowing trigger foods also goes a long way. It can be so strange sometimes though, for example, if I have any kind of fresh cooked food, it can cause an urgent BM, even if it's a proven safe food. Example...if I buy a piece of fresh salmon, cook it and eat it right away, it can cause urgency, but if I eat canned salmon, or if I eat the fresh salmon the next day after it sits in the fridge for a day after cooking, I don't get the urgency. If I eat fresh grapes, urgency, grape jelly, no problem. Who ever heard of such a thing?? If most freshly cooked foods cause urgency, that kinda rules out being able to enjoy going out to a restaurant to have a meal. Yep, it sucks, but it's a mystery that my nutritionist and I haven't been able to figure out. I saw another post on this forum about cholestramine (I think that's right), but I haven't discussed with my doctor yet. Strangely enough, I also have to be careful with fiber though, cuz I can get constipated from certain kinds of grains, mostly whole grains. I try to basically stick with softer fiber foods, like steamed artichoke, carrots, potatoes, in order to avoid constipation. Crohn's, I call it the disease from hell.

I hope some of this info has helped. Not sure if you are dealing with the same issues as me, but in general, it might be worth trying if you are having any chronic or urgent BMs. From what I've heard, the THC can also help other symptoms of Crohn's, but as always, what works for one person, may not work for another.
I'm 66 years old and was diagnosed at 17. I've been in and out of the hospital since I was 15. I've had 8 bowel resections over the past 50 years. Thankfully always small sections of my intestines were taken but still no bag. I find a lot of relief from medical marajauna. It relaxes me as well as my bowels. It also helps with the bloating and the pain. Give it a try. You may be surprised.

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