Female Hormones affected by Crohns?

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Feb 28, 2013
Hello, my hormones have been wacky since my diagnoses and now Haven't had my period for over 4 months and no I'm not pregnant. Anyone else experience this from crohns? My dr seems to think it may be all related and the rapid weight loss may be a contributor to this. Anyone else been told this?
Rapid weight loss can absolutely lead to a loss of your period (rapid weight gain can also do this). I don't know the science behind it, but I've heard it before on the forum and you're definitely not alone. I personally haven't had this happen due to weight loss, but I have had crazy changes in my menstrual cycle as a result of massive stress/grief (I didn't have a period for like 2 months? when a close friend of mine suddenly passed away many years ago). So yes, in a nutshell, any number of stressors on the body including illness & weight loss/gain can cause big-time changes to your menstrual cycle.
What Cat-a-Tonic says is true. When I've been in in a bad flare my periods have been all over the place too. Once you start feeling better and even start gaining some of your weight back your periods will return. It's just part of our wonderful female system. Hope you'll start feeling better soon. :)
Weight loss or gain can be a factor as well as anemia. If your iron or hemoglobin is low then your body will forgo your period as a way to try to hold on to what little there is. I tend to get anemic a lot when flaring.
What Cat-a-Tonic says is true. When I've been in in a bad flare my periods have been all over the place too. Once you start feeling better and even start gaining some of your weight back your periods will return. It's just part of our wonderful female system. Hope you'll start feeling better soon. :)

Hi cross-stitch gal. I noticed you have iritis in your bio. I was just diagnosed with that appox 3 weeks ago. Went to ER in extreme pain. Can you tell me how that has progressed or have you been able to manage it? I have never felt pain like that in my eye ever. Really scared me and panicked when it felt like I was losing my vision. I was so surprised when the drs told me it's common with crohns.
I've been able to manage it and was diagnosed with iritis by my eye doctor. He found it during my first appt with him and my eyes were a bit red. Yup, it does sound like it's quite possible for those with IBD to be diagnosed with this.

I put in eye drops once in the morning and once before bed. What seems to work best for me is the gel drops. I use the store brand rather than the brand name ones since they're cheaper. Biggest thing for me is when my eyes are dry, they start hurting a bit. Times like these, you may need to use the drops more often.
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I have skipped my period several times with rapid weight loss related to Crohn's. I did at the end of last summer. I'm sure it's not healthy but I looked at the silverling. Without that period I did not have to deal with my usual monthly miniflare with hard menstrual cramps, blood, and diarrhea. Just diarrhea. Which is enough.