First colonoscopy on Wednesday the 10th. What should I expect?

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May 23, 2015
I really know nothing about it. They think I have some sort of IBD and are looking for it.
Today I'm on the clear liquid diet. Is yellow gatorade okay? I can't remember if they said that or not and I have a 12 pack that I'd love to sip on all day. That really the only clear liquid I have in the house, so I might go out and buy some Popsicles and jello to mix it up.
How does the drink taste? I got suprep and am worried I won't be able to keep it down.
Also, what can I expect morning of? They told me to be there for 1030 and after that I know nothing. Will I have to be completely undressed? How do they put you to sleep? Is an IV or a gas?
They said I would be there for two hours, but how long does the actual procedure take?
See, I know nothing.
I think I'm going to YouTube it
Thanks for Any help :)
i wouldn,t drink anything coloured just in case, you don,t want to do the prep again.the preps are generally vile but it helps if its really don,t need to be naked you just wear one those stylish gowns.i didn,t go for the sleep option just painkillers through an iv i don,t have much of a squeamish bone the procedure is usually quick 10/15 minutes the preps the worst part and then you can lie there and wach your scope getting done,good luck
Generally you need to stay away from red, purple, or blue drinks/Jell-O. The prep I had tasted horrible...yes super cold is better. They do have you change into a gown. My colonoscopy I was put out with an IV. I remember feeling twinges pain, but nothing major and then waking up in the recovery room. I got my results right after...good thing my husband was there because I was so out of it there is no way I would have remembered what the Dr was saying. The prep by far was worse than the procedure.
The prep is definitely the worst! I have never done suprep before, so don't know specifics! Yellow gatorade should be okay. You could always call and ask if you are concerned. There are some prep tips at the top of this forum that you might want to check out.

They will change you into a gown, usually put an IV in. For drugs! Yay, drugs! The procedure will be uncomfortable, and even painful if your bowel is inflamed. They have never put me out for any of mine, but I know some places do. I like to watch to be able to see the state of my bowel and to ask questions.

The doctor usually does discuss the results with you right after the procedure and you will need someone to take you home because of the sedation.
Oh. My. God.
I think I'm dying.
I'm peeing out of my butt every other minute and not replacing it with anything. They told me not to drink anything four hours before and I think I'm dehydrated now. I can't stand up and spent some time dry heaving this morning and I keep breaking out into to tears because it just hurts everywhere and I couldn't sleep at all last night. This had better be worth it.
I know the feeling. Just do what you can and think about what you want to eat/drink afterwards, I find that helps. I actually found that once I had pooed everything out my intestines felt happier, guess it was cause there was no food left causing any trouble. So yeah, stay strong, it will be over soon! Good luck and let us know how it goes!