First humira shot

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Fingers, toes and everything else crossed that this is Lucy's wonder drug! :goodluck:

Dusty. xxx
Hope it helps quickly!
Just a suggestion- my daughter liked to watch tv while I was injecting her (and a couple years later, while she was injecting herself).
We did ice and all but she said it didn't help with the pain. She did like to watch tv though since she said it helped distract her.
Buzzy only stops the pinch of the needle from any shot
It does not stop the wasp like sting of the humira medicine when it goes into the skin unfortunately nothing stops that .
Ryan had his first Humira shots yesterday. We used the Buzzy and while it didn't take away all the pain, he did say it lessened it some. On the first leg, he had the Buzzy, but didn't turn it on until they started the shot...that failed big time). On the other leg, we turned the Buzzy on for a minute before the shot...that one lessened the pain, but didn't take it away completely. I will keep experimenting with it. At least it makes him feel better, even if it's mentally :)
Thanks for the replies and words of wisdom - I will try to get a buzzy ( don't know if I can get one over here) gosh she howled getting the shot ( this is the child who does bloods and cannula without emla or spray) - so it must have really hurt. The nurse will keep coming while I need her to which is good cause I can't see myself giving that shot eventhough I know I have to. The nurse stopped the shot half way through and restarted , I think this prolonged the pain - do you all give it quickly or stop until sting eases and start again
I didn't think I'd ever be able to do it and here I am a year later, still psych myself up for each one but they mostly go fine! We ice up for 15 min and let the syringe come to room temp during that time. The needle doesn't really hurt, the med burns as it goes in, so the syringe is a little better/slower than the epipen. Distraction, comfort, staying positive is about the only thing that helps. These kids are troopers!
How long does it actually take to inject the humira?

I know I've mentioned this before, on another thread, but it really helped Stephen when he was younger.

He once had to have fluid drained from his knee, from his reaction, it was very painful! :( I tried to talk him through it by asking him to count backwards in multiples of three. It forced him to 'think' about the numbers and, when he'd start to focus on the pain again, I'd prompt him with the next number. When he had to have another (painful) procedure done, he asked me to count the numbers with him again because it helped.

We've only used the pen so no control over the flow. I can't help but think stopping and starting would only prolong the pain though.
If you can't find a Buzzy or want to see if it would help first, it is basically a small ice pack attached to something that vibrates. You put it between the shot site and the spine/heart (so on the leg, you would put it above the shot site). The ice numbs the area and the vibration is supposed to distract the nervous system. Like MLP said, it isn't perfect, the medicine still stings pretty good.
Actually buzzy is suppose to sit on the shot site
For about a minute
Clean with alcohol
Then move above it.
Great for Iv's and blood draws.
to Tesscorm --they say you are supposed to count to 10 after you press the button --so max 10 seconds to inject.
And a GI doctor WITH Crohn's ON Humira told my son it's the medication itself that is painful, not the injection --so that's why so many of these tricks--ice, buzzy, whatever --don't work so well. The medication is 'thick', she said, and very uncomfortable. Still, we let it sit out for an hour before injecting which we were told might help and he ices the injection site for 10 minutes beforehand.
My son prefers to inject in alternating legs -- and then can't walk for a 1/2 hour after. That said, my husband injects his Humira in his belly, no icing the spot beforehand, and is completely fine afterwards!!
We used EMLA under a dressing patch to numb the area to helple Brendan got used to the shot. It helped both of us from being totally panicky. Congratulations on getting through the first shot
Hope the Humira helps! If you have alot of trouble trying to get a buzzy, you are welcome to have mine. I bought it for my daughter and the nurses wouldn't let her use it because it "wasn't the way they do it". It's sitting in a drawer doing nothing.
The syringe takes as long as I want, I try to apply slow, steady pressure, so not too fast, not too slow, probably about 30 seconds total. We hold for a count of 10 too, to help prevent back-leaking as I pull the needle out.