Biologics have the best track with fistulizing CD. Under treated or uncontrolled CD is often much scarier.
My son had severe disease at dx and was placed on remicade. There was some fear of the medication but after his first dose he had a 180 degree turnaround, no symptoms!
We had to adjust his dose, shorten his schedule and add methotrrxate. Even though he wasn't having symptoms there was an area that persisted with inflammation. Almost 2 years after dx he required surgery for that area.
He was switched to another biologic and continued with the methotrexate yet his CD is still active and now is throughout his small bowel and large bowel.
His disease isn't fistulizing so far although he has had some stricturing(why surgery was required).
My fear of meds is far outweighed by the fear of his disease continuing to do further permanent damage that requires more surgeries.
For most, remicade works quickly and efficiently. It keeps the bowel healthy which lessens the risk of irrevocable damage that can start a young patient on the surgery path. We have many parents here who have kids who have been on biologics for several years and have achieved remission quickly. It truly is a miracle drug for many.
When you look at the risks that come with these meds you have to realize it is very small.
As far as risks, another member my little penguin says it best in the following quote (the risk she is talking about is HSCTL which newer studies have shown is higher with thiopurines, 6mp and humira)
Let's look at the numbers
Risk of death for kids under 14
1 in 250 by car
1 in 1000 by drowning
Any person on the street without taking any meds or not having Ibd
Of T cell lymphoma 2 in 10000
If you take both humira/Mtx together 6 in 10000
Tylenol which is given to infants causes liver damage or death by SJS ( steven Johnson syndrome ) same risk for antibiotics -amoxicillin any one
So we take risks just for quality of life every day and those risks are higher than the ones with these meds. It's just those risks aren't brought to our attention like these are.
I'm sure other parents will be along shortly. I hope that whatever decision you reach brings an out a long remission for your child quickly, hugs!