First surgery

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Sep 27, 2012
So I was diagnosed in August with Crohns of the small intestine. Since then, I've developed an abscess near my cecum. After hospitalizations and tons of antibiotics, I'm not getting better. I was only on Entocort/Lialdo for a week and had to stop it because it was aggravating the abscess. My dr now thinks I will need surgery, but says it's possible that I won't have much problems after it because they will remove all the diseased portion along with the abscess. I'm extremely nervous. He said that I will most likely start Imuran after that. He also said that surgery may not help and it could just keep spreading and require more surgeries. I'm only 27, have 3 children, and a husband who is active duty military. I'm worried about this type of surgery and the time it will take to heal. Any advice?
I don't have any surgery experience (yet-will soon), but as far as advice, I would be making sure there will be friends/family to help with home life at first during recovery. Many people have had this kind of surgery and most, from what I see on this forum, say that they should have done it sooner and are happy with stretch of relief that can often result. Hope this helps.
Hi, I feel for you, I was 29 when I was diagnosed and my youngest was 18 months. It is so hard taking care of your children when you are so sick and in and out of hospitals. I am concerned that they aren't going to try Imuran first or maybe Remicade or Himira. I have had crohns 8 years and am just now getting ready to have my first surgery for strictures in the small bowel caused by scar tissue. It wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion. Does your Gastro dr specialize in Crohns & Colitis? After the first year I found a dr at a reaseach hospital specializing in IBD. He is of the opinion of doing surgery when all else has failed. I've been on Remicade for 7 years. It has made the biggest difference in my quality of life!! I wish you well in finding what works for you!:)
Thanks for the advice. Yes, my dr does and he really wants to avoid surgery as long as possible. I guess my abscess has walled itself off so it's not responding to the medications. He said I can't start steroids of Imuran because they will not allow the abscess to heal. He says that we will rescan in 3 weeks and decide about surgery then. In the meantime, I'm hoping this Augmentin works. It has increased my bathroom trips, though, which worries me. We will see. I just want to feel like I'm making some progress at getting better.

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