This is the first time i have ever joined a support group.. I have had crohn's now for 11yrs. In that time i have had 3 bowel resections & have been on/off steriods for 10yrs.. In that time i had also had surgery to remove my thyroid gland & also got diagnosed with epilepsy.. Im have'n a really rough time with it at the moment, after seeing my dr today my weight has dropped down to 7stone 3 because my crohn's is so active. So now iv been put on a high calorie diet & a high dose of steriods AGAIN! I have also been told that i have thinning of the bones due to my crohns.. Even after all these things i surprised my drs by getting pregnant, going full term & having natural birth.. I now have a beautiful little boy who is 3yrs old & his name is amari & its him that keeps me going & never wanting to give up....:hug: