Fissure vs bleeding from inside?

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Nov 12, 2011
How can we tell the difference between blood from a fissure and blood coming from inside?

No pain w BM, no itching or burning. He says it feels moist or like he's leaking from his bum. Normal BM's twice a day.

Today he was at tennis and had to leave for a BM. He came back and said there was blood on the toilet paper but not in the bowl. He continued playing tennis but complained of stomach cramps when he was running around. We left and about 20 min later when we got home, he went to the bathroom to wipe again and the tp was a very light pink.

I'm thinking fissure (but he won't let me look)... any thoughts?

Remicade is due November 14.
We haven’t dealt with anal fissures at our end so can’t speak from that side of experience.

However, with the patients I have nursed I have never had one with anal fissure that doesn’t complain of pain when using their bowels and some have severe pain. :( Based on that I would say it isn’t a fissure but I may well be wrong.

No itching, pain or tenderness I would have a tendency to say no to haemorrhoids but it is possible to have haemorrhoids with no other symptoms aside from bleeding. If this is the case he may have an internal haemorrhoid??

I hope you soon find the cause and it is nothing of concern Mehita. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
It does sound like a fissure. My daughter has had one or two and she describes exactly what you said - light pink blood on TP, as they get worse it becomes red and she sometimes sees some in the toilet bowl. She also complained of pain with BMs.

She certainly would never let me look but did let her GI look!
For DS it wasn't a fissure but he has prolapse/proctitis so blood in the tp is just that flaring up .

Hope it resolves soon
I asked again. He won't let me look. I asked if he'd let his dr look and got a no there too. He's at that age. He has agreed to poop reports for the next week though. Pick your battles, right? *sigh*

On a positive note, if he can hold off until next Saturday, he will have stayed out of the hospital for an entire year. November 1st is also his one year Remicade anniversary and he's been doing spectacular on it. Not even a stomach ache (until the cramping today). We also just passed diagnosis day last week. It's been six crazy years!
My son has a fissure that would open when he was flaring. He would complain that it would sting. And hurt a lot when wiping or having a BM.
My son has an always suffered from constipation, and before diagnosis developed an anal fissure and resulting skin tag. I would sometimes notice a little wet spot on his undies when doing laundry, which was a bit of weeping from the fissure. He would have a lot of pain when having a BM, and there would be blood when he wiped. We now make every attempt to keep his stools soft, and he no longer has bleeding or weeping, but it still does cause some pain. A swipe of zinc oxide cream helps.
Would your son be willing to do a bit of a self exam to see if he can see a skin tag? He might also have an uncomfortable feeling, as though there is something there. My son says it often feels like his undies have crept up on him! If it is a fissure, keeping the stools soft wil help it to heal.
Blip. I'm calling it a blip. No blood since the episode on Sunday, so we're just going to move on.

Based on what you guys all said, I think internal hemorrhoid makes the most sense. Thanks for all the input!
We have lots of blips with DS .
Now we wait for 3-4 days worth since two days is his std blip .
Than nothing for months .
Glad it resolved .

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