Fistula horseshoe

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Jan 26, 2012
I have had chrohns for 24 years now 47. I feel ok now after sigmod colon removed ever few years I get a kick in the ass and it comes backm to haunt me. Now I have a fistula in my butt. It hurts like hell abscessed twiced,drain. Waiting for seton surgery which freaks me out. Live on Tylenol, frustrated as hell, no eating now liquid diet hoping it will help. How can I get ride of this. I am mortgaged to the tits, single and scared of getting so sick I can't work. I can't discuss with people becase they don't understand chrohns and the pain we suffer from. I read more nightmares on seton surgery then anything. Has anyone fully recovered from fistula does liquid diet and sits bath really help. Please can somebody give me good news I hate doctors drugs and surgery. Off work now on ei but I am going crazy. I have 6 weeks to get my health and pain under control so that I am available to work. Have any of you been on a liquid diet without being hospitalized. Total bowel rest to shrink fistula any of you done this.
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Wem, hello and welcome. I am so glad you found us but sorry it's because you are suffering :-( I hope you don't mind but I moved your post to create a new thread for you, cos your introduction might get overlooked in the sticky guide.
Hello and welcome buddy I'm in exactly the same boat only I've a wife and 3 kids, been off now from sept and was doing well after surgeries and now a fistula has went and wiped me out this is one nasty bastard of a disease.
Wem, I know exactly how you feel. I am only 25 but in the last year i has a seton surgery. It is now almost a full year since the surgery and i am feeling sooooo much better. I occasionally have a little pain hear and there. and there is a scar but no where near as bad as the original skin deformation that the fistula created. I had suffered with the fistual since i was 17. was not very responsible with my health over the years tho. i would go see a dr, they would prescribe me meds then i wouldnt go back for a year or so. then i lost insurance cuz my dad passed. so it has been quite a roller coaster. But every time i saw a dr about it, they always wanted to treat with meds. but they didnt work for me. not until i got a stable job and insurance was i able to get the surgery. it was a little painfull to move and sit for about 3 weeks after but its SOOOO worth it. you will be much better off. the seton is not as scary as it seem. hope you well. dont stress cuz u know what that does to us. lol
I feel your pain, I have an abscess down there and I am terrified it is going to turn in to me having surgery. I just had my gall bladder removed and they drained the abscess. I'm on antibiotics but there is still infection coming out and the antibiotics end in a day and a half. I hope thing get better for you! I'm sure you will do fine! Keep us updated and try to take it easy as much as you can. It's hard working through the pain. I just returne to work this week because I have absolutely no money and a little girl to take care of. It's so stressful to have this pain and worry about bills and no one there understands. I am lucky, my work tries to understand. I just hope this goes away without another surgery..
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have had my fistulas or abcessess on and off since about 2001. I have heard mixed results on the surgeries to fix them. What medications are you currently taking? I have just been put on Flagyl and Cipro, so I let you know in a few weeks if there is any improvement

For relief I take a lot of hot baths and use a heating pad regularly. The heat seems to help and keeps things moving. The worst is when your fistula starts to heal from the outside and there is no where for the stuff to drain.

Keep your head up, hopefully they will find something soon to help us all. Will your GI give you any pain pills? During a pain full event hydrocodeine helps me get to sleep at night which seems to be the time I feel the pain the worst.