I have had chrohns for 24 years now 47. I feel ok now after sigmod colon removed ever few years I get a kick in the ass and it comes backm to haunt me. Now I have a fistula in my butt. It hurts like hell abscessed twiced,drain. Waiting for seton surgery which freaks me out. Live on Tylenol, frustrated as hell, no eating now liquid diet hoping it will help. How can I get ride of this. I am mortgaged to the tits, single and scared of getting so sick I can't work. I can't discuss with people becase they don't understand chrohns and the pain we suffer from. I read more nightmares on seton surgery then anything. Has anyone fully recovered from fistula does liquid diet and sits bath really help. Please can somebody give me good news I hate doctors drugs and surgery. Off work now on ei but I am going crazy. I have 6 weeks to get my health and pain under control so that I am available to work. Have any of you been on a liquid diet without being hospitalized. Total bowel rest to shrink fistula any of you done this.
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