Flare Vs. Remission

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Apr 7, 2011
I.ve only been dxed for a little less than a year now, and I wondered what you feel like when in a flare vs when in remission? Or in that kind of pesky inbetween stage. What symptoms do you have? Or in remission do you have any symptoms?
When I was flaring I could not hold any food down and would be up through out the night on the toilet..:) Could go to the toilet 15 a day..
I appear to be in remission at the moment and I go maybe 5 times throughout the day but not the night..
Remission good...flare bad...:)
I am currently in remission and 'for me' remission just means 0 symptoms, no pain, no D, enough energy to do anything I want, regular sleep pattern.

I think the word might mean something different from person to person though, there are people who call slight symptoms "in remission", it just doesn't mean that for me.
Ally, I think for me that a flare is when I start noticing blood in my stool, to me that shows there's inflammation going on. I may not have any other symptoms (i.e. 15+ trips to the toilet, D, mucus, tiredness, major stomach pains), and if this is the case, then it's a mild flare. When I'm in remission, I feel like I'm back to normal and can be me.
Remission is supposed to be no evidence of disease.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remission may refer to:
Remission (medicine), the state of absence of disease activity in patients with a chronic illness, with the possibility of return of disease activity

However, diseases like this change how our bodies are able to function, so sometimes "remission" is the absence of debilitating symptoms for some people. I was disase free for only a couple of years after being treated with Remicaid. I almost always have some pain and some fatigue. But, not always ulcers. So, by definition, no remission. But I let myself think it!
My first and only flare was in may. I thought i had a bug because everytime i ate within a hour i would be rushing to the loo. This went on about 10 times a day for two weeks with alot of blood coming out as well. I honestly thought it was a bug and piles. But when I saw mucus and dark clots i thought differently. It settled and was diagnosed in Aug. Im now on mesren and still feel a little inflamed in my rectum but only go once to the toilet every day and my stools are finally abit more firm. For years I had loose stools. I get wind but its not painful. Everyone is different.
Since I was diagnosed I.ve been pretty well, I only get horrible stomach cramps once a month or so but I continue to be fatigued about half the time. I never had any of the more horrible symptoms like blood in my stool or more than 10 BMs a day, my main symptom was the stomach pain. So that.s why I was wondering what people call "remission" here, because the way my GI talks it.s complete control of ALL symptoms and I.m okay with hurting every once in a while if it means 12 more pills to not hurt at all : )

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