Flexible sigmoidoscopy question

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Feb 6, 2012
I'm scheduled for a flexible sigmoidoscopy tomorrow. How painful is it, like before and after? I don't think I'm getting sedatives/medicine because the financial assistance doesn't cover it.

I'm scared it will hurt or I'll be nauseated.

Thank you.
A flexi doesn't go too far up.
It's a bit uncomfortable but it shouldn't be painful. Usually people are slightly sedated but still awake. The main ouch but is the tube going in after that it can just be un comfy when they put air in to get a better look.
Afterwards there's just like wind pain from the air but ice that is gone its all fine :)
Good luck!
Do people have it without sedation/pain meds?

They said I won't even have twilight sedation. I was thinking of taking Phenergan or Atarax before hand. Maybe that will help.
Whenever I have had it they give a light sedation - not as deep as twilight. Just a very light one and some pain relief. But I was awake.
You'll be okay. Please try not to worry.
The more relaxed you are the more comfortable you will be. The Drs never want to I inflict pain and a flexi is not supposed to be painful.
Please do not worry.
Thank you. I'll try not to worry. I can't tolerate pain very well. Maybe I can listen to my mp3 player during the procedure. Music helps me relax.
I've had one flex sig and was given no sedation at all. Was slightly uncomfortable, but not too bad. The entire procedure should only take a few minutes from start to finish.
I had my scope. When I got there, I basically freaked out. I actually started crying because I was scared. I felt stupid. The nurse said that other patients react similar to that. The nurse was able to give me benadryl and versed. I guess that was covered by the financial assistance.

They said I have proctitis and fecal impaction. That's all I know for now.
Ah you were so brave! Well done, you must be so relieved it is all over. I cried before mine too, it's very normal. XXXX