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Nov 9, 2009
Dunno if ye remember my post was saying that one of my co workers suffers from crohns and is never sick whereas me on the other hand die and miss loads of work and have to watch what I eat.

Now yesterday for lunch she ate:

A white roll with ham, coleslaw, sweetcorn and taytos mixed in - and a can of coke and she was no where near the loo all afternoon so seriously if I ate that I would DIE.....
Are you SURE she has crohns??? Even if you are in remission that smacks of playing roulette with your bowels????

It just doesn't ring true to me... I once had a "friend" who was always one better with illness, you know? If I had a headache he had a brain tumour, that kind of thing...

I hate to be a bitch, but your work colleague really reminds me of my porkie pie friend...
Are you SURE she has crohns??? Even if you are in remission that smacks of playing roulette with your bowels????

It just doesn't ring true to me... I once had a "friend" who was always one better with illness, you know? If I had a headache he had a brain tumour, that kind of thing...

I hate to be a bitch, but your work colleague really reminds me of my porkie pie friend...
Hey lishyloo,

Thanks for the reply - your after making me feel a whole heap better now LOL. Aparantly she has this since a young girl and well able to deal with it. I am only newly diagnosed. She has never had surgery, takes no meds and never misses a day. My prob is urgency when in a flare etc. And her job involves travelling and she says she can hold it till a toilet. She has curry, chips n rice twice a wk but when I saw this concoction of a ***** yesterday esp taytos and coleslaw - that was it for me. Now she is v thin but is fine. Dont get it like to be hon. i asker her one day where is your crohns - everywhere she said and is in constant pain. Mine is in small bowel and part large so surely she would be 100 times worse than me!

Dunno - taut it was a bit much now to be hon and I was watching to see if toilet trip and none and then drove home 30 miles so dunno!!
She could have constipation rather than D, maybe worth considering. I can usually eat curry, chilli etc with little side effects but then again im not claiming to have crohns throughout my entire system as your work buddy does :eek2:

Hope she isnt lying to you as thats just very lame.
Binxybop - defo no constipation as she said it D she has. Cant figure it out at all. I reckon she thinks herself she has it. Now aparantly she has probs with gluten and dairy too so she had the roll and coleslaw would be dairy and taytos were not gf free. Think she is taking the p1ss to be honest. We are in the same place and I have an app for the IBD clinic next wk where she lives 5miles from adn she never knew it existed so seriously now no meds, no doc visits, no missing days and eating crap - am beginning to have my doubts!!
Wow, if I ate that, I would be in alot of pain, cole slaw and corn...cant even picture it. There are some on the forum who are in "remission" and they eat what they want, problem is sooner or later they are going to pay.. Trust me I have had this disease 30 years and I ain't perfect either lol.

Everyone is different and this woman proves my point. I wish we could all eat what we want.

How long have you known this co worker and how long has she had it? Any resections?
Jettalady, she has it since she was a child, she is now 23. She is working here 2 years but I am only closely working with her for the past few months. I have been sick for 4 years and only got diagnosed with crohns in Oct so was asking her questions as kinda taut she would tell me all the diff meds, treatment etc and she just hasn't a clue etc. She has had no surgeries etc and says she has it all over when I asked what part it was in. I only have mild crohns and I could be out for a wk or two at a time due to high temp, anemiac, diahorrea etc and then fine but she has yet to miss a day. I was out for 6 weeks before x mas due to trying pentasa which caused gastritis but I had to keep it up for 6 weeks. I was on about this a few weeks ago and the end result was some people are better able to deal with it but seriously that *****!! Unreal in my eyes. If I ate that within 30 mins I would suffer teribbly from that! Dunno, am just venting really as it looks like I do be dossing work when apparantly she has it a lot worse than me if you know what I mean. Sorry for the ramble..
I am sure you mentioned it before, and I apologize for that but are you only one Pentasa? You should maybe look into the biologics, and I know it isnt fair.
Crohns can effect a person from the mouth to the anus. Perhaps she does not have bowel problems with her Crohns??
I've had periods where I could eat cole slaw and corn... I say COULD, as I try to be careful what I eat in any case.
Anyway, been eating porridge for the last three weeks... I'd love to go out for a curry for my birthday in a few days time, but it ain't gonna happen... oops, turning into a vent...
Tanx for the repies guys.

Farm you are right maybe its not her bowel - i'm just jealous that she if flying and Im not!! lol.

Jettalady - sry dont understand what u mean?
You know what confuses me? If as she says, she is in constant pain... Why is she eating food like that and not on any maintenance? The more generous spirited part of me thinks ok, maybe she is soldiering on in a misguided fashion, maybe in denial abt the extent of her disease, in which case maybe you can help her to access the treatment she needs? Hell, if she is in constant pain and not treating it she is risking so much!!

Unfortunately, I have met a few oddballs in the past who view illness as a competitive sport, and so the less generous part of me tends to lean towards the opinion that she is being a tad loose with the truth, in which case she is being extremely unfair and inconsiderate of you and your condition.

Maybe I am just a jaded and mustrusting person?

Lishyloo x
You know what confuses me? If as she says, she is in constant pain... Why is she eating food like that and not on any maintenance? The more generous spirited part of me thinks ok, maybe she is soldiering on in a misguided fashion, maybe in denial abt the extent of her disease, in which case maybe you can help her to access the treatment she needs? Hell, if she is in constant pain and not treating it she is risking so much!!

Unfortunately, I have met a few oddballs in the past who view illness as a competitive sport, and so the less generous part of me tends to lean towards the opinion that she is being a tad loose with the truth, in which case she is being extremely unfair and inconsiderate of you and your condition.

Maybe I am just a jaded and mustrusting person?

Lishyloo x
Lishyloo - thats exactly what I think is that she is only loosly telling the truth. She says she is in constant pain yet she never takes a tablet of any sort. Now I know there are some people that way, but at the end of the day if u have crohns all over in pain and eating stuff like that and not having flares - I just dont get it. Now I know I am only new to this. The way it is for me is that i will die for 1 wk to 10 days, get over it and can pretty much eat normal again for a spell but if i ate that ***** I would have died. I often said to her after the curry, are u not gonna die after it adn she would be like, ya but I wanted it HOWEVER we are in a small office and she is not up and down to the loo for the remainig 3 hours of the work day plus she has an hour trip home.
If htat was me the hour trip alone would put me off it in case I had to go to the loo. I was having a flare 2 wks ago and was just general chatting and said but how do u cope with travelling as she was in s africa and goes to london. She says well there are toilets on the plane etc etc and if you have to go you have to. I was like then but what about driving - I am able to hold until I'm near a loo. Pardon the pun, I have often had to make that deliberating decision to stop my car at the side of a road to go which is so upsetting and she is escaping all of this. Sorry for the ramble, its just I dont get it to be honest. I'm after annoying myself over her again now LOL
You say she works close too you

no farts? Tummy grumbles? All my friends family hear mine from other side house lol

I think she bein a bitch an tryin too jus be in lime light of look at me look at me
no way would someone suffering risk any extra discomfort pain etc by eating anything an everything
well not that I know of
no Meds either. Sounds sus too me
Some people get the opposite affect of D and have some bad C instead. If she gets C then it's possible she needs all of that fiber to keep her in the clear. As long as she doesn't have a stricture the extra fiber for constipated Crohnnies is a good thing.

Saying that, she could very well be an attention seeking person.
I'm going to have to agree with Jeff. Sure, she could be an attention seeker, but we all have to remember that Crohns is a very tricky disease and I don't think it's necessarily fair to critique her symptoms.

Guess what? I'm not currently on any medications and ::gasp:: I have IBD! I've taken Pred, but other than that I am currently on b12, Turmeric and other supplements.

Ooh, you know what I ate for dinner twice this week and for lunch today? Corn! Yup. I lived to tell about it, too. I even had a coke with it to drink.

Instead of playing detective and trying to figure out why this girl isn't farting and stinking up a room (seriously?), let's remember that no two people have the same symptoms. I know I've said it before, but we have some posters here who pass blood daily and then some who never suspected IBD, went in for a routine colonoscopy and was told they were sick. It happens.

I suppose this hits closer to home with me because my symptoms aren't nearly as bad as they could be...and I thank my lucky stars for that quite often. I know I'll joke around with people (on the forum and IRL) about "not really having Crohns", but if someone seriously thought I was faking/exaggerating it, my feelings would genuinly be hurt.

With that said, if she's full of it and it's proven so, I'll gladly retract my statements, but until then I don't think it's fair to assume she's FOS simply for the reasons mentioned.

*Edit* I'm also going to agree with Lishy that she might be in denial how serious her disease is. Been there, done that and can definitely relate.
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Lately I've been eating everything from tacos to Burger King to homemade beef stew and haven't suffered a bit. Of course I'm taking Bentyl, Entocort, Pentasa, Nexium and Remi. Take me off all of that and I'd be in terrible pain.

If she is in remission and eating all that food well good luck to her. I'd be rolling on the floor crying for my mommy.

I also work with a person that always has something worse than everyone else. Actually two people. I like to say something just to get the 2 of them started so we can sit back and laugh at them.
I'm not sure about her either way. I'm new to this stuff of course, but I'm not in remission, on Asacol now only waiting for my Humira to come in, and I have Moderate Crohns in the terminal illieum. I don't have many symptoms of Crohns' at all. My husband who doesn't have Crohn's actually spends more time in the bathroom than I do. I go once a day and its solid, on a bad day I might go 3 tops. Only on occasion do I have any pain and its no worse than menstrual cramps. I eat pretty much whatever I want, I have tried to watch it some lately just to be safe, but last night I had a prime rib sandwich, fries and nachos with cheese, chili and sour cream. Yesterday I had Chinese, which at times can give me D, but it didn't this time around! The only sypmtoms I really have are being bloated, a crazy noisey stomach and malnutrition at the moment. So every case is definitely different, most people with moderate are far worse off than I am!

But at the same time the fact that she didn't know there was a GI doc right by her house throws me off. I think I know where all of them are around me, along with the ER's lol Never know whats gonna happen and its better to know those things!

So thats a tough decision on weather or not to believe her. It definitely sounds fishy, but I too don't have all the crazy Crohn's symptoms, so who knows!

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