Foods during a flare

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Apr 30, 2013
I've been doing a lot of research recently, and frankly, it's making me more confused. :confused2: One source says one kind of food will work, and another source says that food is a no-no. What's the truth?
I found several that say that oatmeal, well-cooked, is a good idea, but others say that it is a gluten product and should be avoided. Also some advise almond butter rather than peanut butter, and some say hummus is a good idea.
Does anyone have experience with any of these foods during a flare, and have they helped or had a negative effect? I'm also curious about quinoa.
We're all different. I can't eat anything you mentioned. Gluten isn't an issue for me. Oatmeal gives me cramps. Any product made from nuts (such as almonds and peanuts) gives me tremendous pain. I haven't tried hummus. My point is that we all need to find the foods that work best for us. It takes a bit of trial and error. I do great with rice and rice products. I can eat any cereal made from rice and I can drink rice milk. Eggs work great for me. When it comes to butter, I use the spray mist and it doesn't seem to effect me. I can also eat turkey bacon.

I saw a nutritionist a few years back. She recommended a web site called There's a section on IBS Diet and Recipes. You also want to look at Soluble vs. Insoluble fiber. It's located in the diet and recipe section. Although we all have IBD and not IBS, the information is transferable. I hope this helps.
Thanks, RZman. The most frustrating part of IBD seems to be how each person can react so differently! I tried creamy natural peanut butter the other day and suffered burning pain for hours afterward. So now I'm afraid to try almond butter, although it's made from a nut and not a legume. I did try cream of rice the other day and that was okay, so many I will try some white rice. I have used the spray mist to cook eggs, but I've found I like to use coconut oil as well.
Thanks for the links!
More than any atricle on food, you need to listen to your own body and how it reacts. We all react differently to food. While some folks may very well fall in line with the typical do not eat list , others do fine with those foods. Remember most of hose are just suggestions or theories based on some research. There is no one size fits all when it comes to diet. I suggest an elimination diet and food journal for yourself in trying to figure out what works for you and what doesnt.

The elimination diet is a good starting point and wont hurt your gut as much hopefully while you figure things out. Sometimes it will take some time to get it right so dont get discouraged if you aren't seeing progress fast
The elimination diet and food journal are definitely where I'm starting. I've been on the elimination all this week and feeling better, but still having pain off and on and some bloating. I'm guessing I should wait until all symptoms subside before reintroducing any foods?
I'm not 100% but it sounds like you are not entirely certain what an elimination diet requires of you.

I would read up on this article which i think explains what you need to do well:

Also I noticed in previous posts that you mention you drink alcohol and it causes pain/diarrhea. That is a obvious sign that you should be avoiding it especially if you are flaring. You are doing your intestines more harm than good when drinking alcohol especially while flaring.

If while doing all of this you still experience pain, I highly recommend you get in contact with your doctor and discuss your treatment options in more detail.

Best of luck!
I definitely have stopped the alcohol. I am still waiting to hear from the doc as to when I can get in to see him - Currently he's booked until the end of May but I'm hoping he'll squeeze me in before that. I have been doing some research on the elimination diet, and thank you for more info on that. There are so many different websites with conflicting information.

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