Foods i can tolerate

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Aug 10, 2013
so I am newly diagnosed and when I asked my gi about food restrictions she simply said " eat what you can tolerate" so if it passes through my system and comes out whole does that mean I cannot tolerate it???
If you're in the middle of a flare (your disease is active, you're having diarrhea, cramps, losing blood etc.) then you might not be able to tolerate any but the most bland of foods. Outside of a flare, I think if your food comes out whole it means you can't properly digest it and should avoid it. Hope this was helpful. What medications were you prescribed?
What food is it that came out whole? If you didn't have any pain from it than it may not digest well but you can still eat it. With foods like those chewing a lot is key to help break it down for the body.
Doctors usually say something like that because they are not usually taught preventative medicine (in the US) and are more likely to give you a pill for your symptoms than treat the actual cause of your disease. What she meant to say was, eat foods that don't upset you, or cause flare-ups. Kinda obvious right? It's actually a little more complicated than that. Of course you should avoid problem foods, but there are a lot of dietary restrictions that are universal throughout patients of IBD and other inflammatory diseases. You can save yourself from years of pain and heavy medication if you do the research on proper diet and apply it in your life. I would personally recommend the book "The New Eating Right For A Bad Gut" by James Scala.
Eating food you can tolerate means eating food that doesn't upset your tummy.
This varies across people with CD.
I don't eat fruit as it upsets my tummy. So does milk.
Everything else - no problem - so I eat it.
Other people - they eat something - it makes them sick.
Just work out the foods that work for you.
There is no definitive diet as each person is different.
Samboi- you should try peeling your fruit. Apples, nectarines, mangoes, apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, papayas, peaches, pears, plums, etc. can all be enjoyed as long as you remove the skin. Oranges and grapefruit can be eaten as long as you remove the tough membranes. However, fruit such as raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries should always be avoided because the small seeds can't be digested. Also stay away from grapes and cherries unless you are willing to peel them. When it comes to fruit, just remember: no skin and no seeds. This shouldn't stop you from eating fruit because it is packed with nutrients and important for your diet.
Samboi I do well peeling the fruit but know you have a stoma and it may be different. What about juicing?
I use a juicer. Absolutely an invaluable tool for me. Mine separates the fiber and pulp out one side and juice out the other. I've had to stop eating at work so the juice gets me through my day. I highly recommend it. Just try it before you splurge on the expensive machine!
I eat 6+ large serves of veggies per day to make up for the lack of fruit.
The doc said this was ok.
Thanks for your suggestions though.
The Stoma has been reversed - so I may try some tropical fruits that I love - like pineapple.
But generally - fruit upsets my tummy.
I eat 6+ large serves of veggies per day to make up for the lack of fruit.
The doc said this was ok.
Thanks for your suggestions though.
The Stoma has been reversed - so I may try some tropical fruits that I love - like pineapple.
But generally - fruit upsets my tummy.

I'm surprised to hear you can tolerate veggies. Do you have any special prep? I can't have veggies unless I juice them or really cook the heck out of them.
I love my veggies.
I usually have grilled zucchini and red capsicum, boiled peas or beans, steamed broccoli sometimes snow peas, baked potato + sweet potato + butternut + carrot.
That's with every meal.
I do variations on these - like mashed potato or pumpkin.
Sometimes I'll have steamed squash.
Now the Stoma has gone - corn on the cob will be back.
Sometimes boiled carrots with honey and sesame seeds.

I've had a recent trip to China and they had lovely veggies - so I'm going to try and introduce some Chinese veggie recipes. There is one with garlic and eggplant that I'm excited about.

I have s small portion of meat with each meal.

Once a week I also usually make pasta with a few veggies like onion, zuch, caps etc.
And I usually have one meal a week with salad and chips.
But most meals are mostly veggies.
I love vegetables its just very hard to incorporate them. I'm surprised you tolerate them with such ease given the fiber and gas producing properties of some you listed.
I'll be interested to see how I go post Stoma reversal.
The CRS did a little resection whilst he was in there - so I'm intrigued about what I will now be able to tolerate and not tolerate.
I am actually dying to go to the movies and munch on some popcorn - but that's a long way off yet.

But generally speaking - for me - the veggies are great.
Fruit - not so great.

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