"Frankenfish" Salmon on Shelves by 2014 :(

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Aug 28, 2012
Besides the terrible fact that this genetically engineered fish even exists, according to this article it appears to have risk of colon cancer. And even worse, there will be no GMO labeling to help you tell the difference at your local grocery store.

**I realize this is also a petition, but I felt the information was important to share seeing how fish is an important part of many of our diets**


Tell the FDA: NO Frankenfish!
Please sign the petition to the FDA at the bottom of this page.

The first genetically engineered salmon - dubbed "frankenfish" - could be in grocery stores and restaurants as early as 2014. The FDA is expected to approve AquaBounty Technologies' GE salmon after a 60-day public comment period. If approved, it will be the first approved food from a transgenic animal application to enter the U.S. food supply.
Consumer and environmental activists oppose genetically engineered "frankenfish" for many reasons, including the potential danger it poses to human health, to the environment and to the U.S. fishing economy. Michael Hansen, PhD, senior scientist with the Consumers Union, the advocacy and policy arm of Consumer Reports, called the FDA's Environmental Assessment (EA) of GE salmon "flawed and inadequate."
Please sign the petition (at the bottom of the page) if you agree that the FDA should reject should AquaBounty's genetically engineered salmon, at least until it completes further, more reliable safety testing.
What is frankenfish?
AquaBounty Technologies, a Massachusetts-based biotech company, created the "AquAdvantage" salmon by injecting a fragment of DNA from an ocean pout fish, which is a type of eel, along with a growth hormone gene from the Chinook Pacific salmon, into a fertilised Atlantic salmon egg. The result? A salmon that produces growth hormone year round, instead of only during warm weather. This allows the fish to reach market weight in just 18 months, instead of the usual three years.
What are the risks?
Environmentalists will have a hard time calling this lab creation "green". These gigantic salmon could easily escape captivity and quickly displace natural salmon populations. Disgusting.
It's OK to be afraid, but do realize this is the future and this will happen at one point.

Perhaps if human beings had tried to change their ways and be more conservative of their consumption this would not be necessary, but int he next 50 years, GMO will be standard.

It's OK to fight and keep the engineering companies honest, but if your goal is to stop GMO altogether, you're in for a sad surprise.

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