Cane sugar
is refined sugar,
It is called sucrose
Cane Sugar is composed of 50% glucose, 50% fructose
HFCS,(or corn sugar) is (from memory) is composed of 55%fructose, 45% glucose
Sucrose is a disaccharide[2] (a carbohydrate composed of two monosacarides[1] - see below)
Many sugars can be hard to digest and cause both a blowout of harmful bacteria and painful symptoms (gas ,bloating, cramps)
Fructose should be limited and only taken with the fibre that it comes with (the whole fruit).
The FODMAPS[3] diet is a good way to identify what sugars you have problems with. All likely problem foods are restricted and reintroduced to see if they are problematic,
Many diets that work for crohns severely limit all sugars except for glucose, and limit fructose to just fruit[4]
monosaccarides - the most basic types of sugar and the common base units for all carbohydrates
glucose can be directly used by the body, other monosaccharides need to be converted by digestive processed into glucose
disaccharide - two monosaccharides joined to form a 'complex' carbohydrate.
An enzyme is required to split the bond
-Sucrose (sugar) - requires sucrase to digest
-Lactose (milk) - requires lactase to digest
-Maltase (malt sugar) - requires maltase
polysaccharides - more than two monosaccharides joined to form a 'complex' carbohydrate
An enzyme is required to split the bond
- Oligosaccharides
- Polysaccharides
- Maltase (malt sugar) - requires maltase
[3] goods podcast explaining the fodmaps diet
Dr. Siebecker Explains the Art and Science of the FODMAP Diet
[4] SCD, GAPS, Paleo
"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison".
SCD, GAPS, & Paleo - What Do These Mean?
Comparison of 3 Healing Diets