Frustrated, confused, and worried (rant)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 16, 2015
Alright, I have no idea whether I actually have crohn's or not; to be honest I haven't been dealing with this nearly as long as it seems a lot of people here have. It started out with extreme fatigue that lead into stomach pain that lead into chest pain that lead into more stomach pain that lead into diarrhea etc. etc. etc.

What I'm going through now is
Feeling feverish most of the time, but it seems to come in waves.
stomach pressure/pain with nausea sometimes and uncomfortable swallowing sometimes as well
Muscles and joint pains that come and go
Getting red rashes on the back of my hands
Persistent diarrhea
The effect of my already known food sensitivities has been like tripled

There's more, but I'm not going to go into it all.

Anyway, when I went to my doctor the first thing he said was that it sounds like it could be Crohn's. They did a blood and stool sample both of which came back negative on everything they tested for. He sent me to a GI to do a colonoscopy/upper endoscopy which I was on board for, but when I talked to the GI I was having a "good" day where my symptoms were semi tame and she told me she did not get the "Crohn's feel from me" and kept saying that she had a "gut instinct" that I didn't have CD. To be honest it felt like she was looking at me like I wasn't sick at all, and I could get how she could get that impression because after a long time of being sick I've gotten a little too good at hiding it. She also got the wrong impression off of a few things that I said I was going through, but whatever. She put me on omeprazole for a month and told me to get a fiber supplement, so I did, and my symptoms did improve, but they did not in the slightest feel like they were getting better. I called back a couple times, went in again, and she pretty much just said, "I think you have IBS and idk what's going on with your other symptoms" and sent me out the door.

So fast forward to now, I talked to my doctor again a week ago and he's still convinced that my symptoms are stemming from my stomach, but is treating it less urgently than before. I got some low dose amitriptylin and I've been feeling even more stuffed up since I started taking it. So I'm going in again in a few days and hopefully not get the "well dude let's try some pills and see what happens" game again.

To be honest I'm getting through the day to day semi okay and wouldn't mind the long process it takes to get a diagnosis if it weren't for my parents. I'm 22 and I live with my parents still because I've been sick since I got out of High School, it was because of something less debilitating, though. My parents don't trust or believe in doctors. Moreso my mom than my dad. My dad keeps telling me "you're making this out to be worse than it is" and "if I didn't hear you laughing in your room all the time maybe I'd actually believe you're sick." My mom keeps telling me I'm wasting time with doctors, and that I can't possibly be sick enough to not work, and that probiotics are what's going to get me healthy again. Both of them are hanging the debt this is causing them over my head, which is just adding to my stress. On top of that my father keeps telling me I have until the end of the year to get this figured out because that's when the insurance resets. So not only am I not getting support, I'm also being given a time limit, which is driving me crazy with how these doctors are giving me the run around. The end of the year is right around the corner, what am I supposed to do after that? I really would like to be able to get a job and take care of the expenses myself, but I just can't. Unless it was a job where I didn't have to talk to anyone, stress was minimal, I was able to work from home(I don't even have the strength to drive 10 miles to the nearest city), and doesn't require much focus I probably would get fired in a week. I've explained to them why I can't millions of times but it feels like they forget every time a new medical bill shows up, which, I mean it's understandable. I can understand the frustration of having to support a kid(well, adult now) who just seems to have neverending problems and how stressful managing all the new debt can be, but the fact that it feels like they just don't even care just drives me crazy. My dad told me, "well if they don't find anything you're just going to have to live with it." This sentence blew my mind, because just the fact that he is able to say that says that means he has absolutely no idea what I'm going through. When he gets stomachaches after eating a heavy meal he tells me about it like it's something comparable to the disturbed sensations I go through on a daily basis. He also tells me, "what are you going to do if your mom and I get in a car crash and die?" What am I supposed to say to that? Who actually says that to their sick son? It just feels like he's in complete denial that anything is actually wrong with me no matter what I say. It was like this before I found out I had food allergies, too. He kept telling me how sick I was was because of my, "poor sleeping habits" and because I play videogames all day, when in reality I did those things because I was sick all the time.

It just terrifies me that I might not have any options at the end of the year. That I might have to go through a year of no progress while my mom will probably take me to chiropractors, holistic medical practitioners, and anything else her friends tell her about; all the while yelling at me to get a job every couple of weeks. I don't have suicidal thoughts right now, but if this continues to get worse and I'm left in this purgatory of, "too sick to live, too healthy to die" I have absolutely no idea what I might do to myself. I'm aware this sounds dramatic; I'm fresh off of an argument so I'm a little emotional. It's already hard enough to just be going through this everyday and now all I can think about is money and all I feel is guilt. Really I just, I just don't know what to do anymore. I probably shouldn't have posted this. I probably just sound like I'm complaining, but it feels really good to get it all out somewhere.
Hi, welcome to the forum. I wish I had some answers for you. The situation with your parents sounds horrible! The stress of that surely isn't helping you at all.

The only thing I can think to tell you is, find a new GI doctor right away, one who takes you seriously and doesn't brush you off as having IBS based on how you look - seriously, that's ridiculous. If you can find a new GI doc who is more understanding, see if you can get them to schedule some tests ASAP before your deadline at the end of the year - it sounds like you haven't yet had a colonoscopy or upper endoscopy? Those are good ones to start with, and make sure they take lots of biopsies during the scopes. If you can squeeze it in, I'd also recommend an MRE (MRI-enterography - an MRI of the intestines, with contrast) and/or a pill cam. The benefit of the upper and lower scopes is that they can take biopsies, but they can only see the very beginning & very end of the small intestine. MRE and pill cam can visualize the entirety of the small intestine (although they cannot take biopsies, that's the trade-off).

What specific bloodwork and stool tests have you had done? Have they checked your fecal calprotectin (measurement of inflammation in the digestive tract)? What about vitamin levels in your bloodwork, have they checked anything like B12, iron, folate, ferritin, D3? (Those vitamins are often low in IBD.) Since you have a month and a half, I say go crazy and get everything tested that you can while you can. Good luck, I hope you can get some answers and soon!
I have sincere empathy for what you are going through as I have 4 days since my diagnosis and 9 years searching for one. The second best piece of advice I can give you is to start keeping a journal. Keep track of your symptoms every day no matter how severe or benign. Keep a chart of your temperature. That way when you see the next specialist and you are having a good day you don't have to feel put on the spot to summarize your symptoms verbally. The best advice I can give you is do not lose hope.

I agree with Cat - time to see a new GI doc. Never forget we pay doctors - not the other way around. So if a doctor stops looking for answers before they've found the right one - fire them!
My family doc said he recently read an article, that it takes on average, 5 years from first symptoms to diagnosis. Took me 2.5 years from when my symptoms started to finally get my diagnosis. It really sucks, especially when no one takes you seriously, and treat you like all you want is drugs. Keep pushing, change docs if necessary. It comes down to you knowing your own body and knowing something is wrong. I am sorry you are suffering, I can empathize
Thanks for the support, guys. Reading your comments made me feel better.

The problem I'm having with being aggressive is just how rapidly I go in and out of good days and bad days. Like, a couple days ago the pressure on my stomach was super bad, the diarrhea was worse, and I felt feverish the whole time, but now today I'm doing fairly decent and my stools look somewhat formed again. He told me it'd take a couple weeks for me to notice anything on what I'm taking right now, but it's treatment for IBS and I don't really have much faith in it. Now that I'm feeling mostly better, though, I don't even know what I'm going to tell him when I go in tomorrow because I'm not even sure of myself anymore. Like, what if it is just really bad IBS and I get impatient go in there and second guess him like that? That's how it was on the omeprazole, too, my condition was mildly better but it never felt good enough for me to say I could live a mostly functional life with it. Unfortunately just kind of feeling better was enough for the GI to write off the possibility of Crohn's entirely and show me the door.

I'm just getting antsy, I don't want to wait another week to see what happens I want to get aggressive and find something that works.

And Cat-a-Tonic, I think they did all of those tests. I know they at least measured the level of inflammation, because it coming up normal was a primary reason the GI closed the door on further testing. It confuses me, too. On days like these I really don't even know if I have it myself. I've always had food sensitivities, and it started after some dietary changes, but usually once I make the correction it fixes itself in a few days of eating an irritant free diet. I eliminated everything I could to see if there was a food still bothering me and nothing worked. It's the first time it has just been here to stay.
Hi seanriv

I send you empathy and sympathy because I have been in the same boat, and this forum was my liferaft when everyone had given up on me. Do not give up on yourself! And come and chat/vent away/ask questions/ whatever you need to perk yourself up.

You are in a nasty situation. I agree with Cat-a-Tonic that someone needs to look inside you with a colonscopy and ideally a pill-cam or at least an upper endoscopy with biopsies. Only then will you and the doctors know if you have inflammation. Yes or no, it is a win-win situation. In my case my I never had increased inflammatory markers even when I had fever and ulcers in my colon. They are a marker but not the definitive answer.

Please try and get this done. My instinct is also to recommend you to find another GI who will take this a bit more seriously. The impact your illness has on your life (college, family, your own well-being) should not be ignored.
I had to push to get an initial CT scan just to fast track an appointment with the GI (vs 3 months)....who didn't believe my symptoms vs the CT scan (little pain/diarrhea vs heavy inflammation on the ct scan)...

It's quite scary, actually. I hope you find good supported medical practitioners soon.
Hi seanriv. Hang in there and fight your corner. A scan was the only thing that discovered my crohns after years of this that n the other tests.
Best wishes to you n hope things get better quickly 💕
I'm going to the doctor tomorrow again after a pretty bad experience tonight. The pressure in my lower chest got a million times worse after being put in a stressful situation and it kind of floored me, literally; I was lying on the floor breathing really hard and it felt like I was losing circulation in my hands and jaw. It was really bad.

It feels like it's getting worse, but the thing is that it feels like people won't take me seriously until it worse. I feel a little guilty for thinking this way but I really probably shouldn't. I am suffering here, I haven't had a genuinely good day in months. So wanting help and support isn't bad, right? I guess I just hate inconveniencing people.

Anyway, I'm probably going to ask for a scan to make sure it isn't something even more serious and hopefully rush as many tests into this year as possible. If the doctor just pushes me away with another bottle of pills then for sure I'll get another opinion. I just really wish this wasn't all so hard, though. Although, I mean, I guess it could always be harder. :/
Oh that sounds a horrid experience you had. Yes defo get on to your docs n push like crazy to get a scan. Best of luck n hope things get dealt with quickly. Hugs 💕
Hi Seanriv

Someone made the joke about healthcare where I am: you have to walk into hospital with a spade sticking out of your head for them to take you seriously.

So I know what a struggle it can be to get help. Obviously DO NOT put a spade in your head but DO insist that you are examined properly and that you are worth it.

An anecdote: my inflammatory markers were all normal, but I did have ulcers through half of my large intestine (seen on colonoscopy).

The problem with having gastrointestinal problems is that yes, there are people with really severe illness, and yes, you will be compared to them (the doctors seems to be disappointed if you are not losing pints of blood and don't have high inflammatory markers and don't have other alarming symptoms).

But remember, even if it is "mild", if it is not treated then there are huge consequences of long term chronic illness. Like you say, you have not had a normal day in a long time, and the physical and mental stress of that is already an important factor. You need to make that point. You want to carry on with your life and not let your life be dictated by your illness.

To show a doctor how much your illness is affecting your life, you could find a quality of life questionnaire that measures how much your daily life is affected by your illness. I have had a quick look, and you could try the SF-36 questionnaire under (look for quality of life questionnaire sf-36). There are other questionnaires, for example specifically for IBD patients.

Try and get a colonoscopy and a scan (I personally have no experience with CAT scans) as soon as possible. Like you say, get it all over and done with. That will give you peace of mind. It will give you answers, it will probably give you more questions.

You also talk about diet and food sensitivities. Can you talk to a dietician? I mean one who takes your issues seriously - that can be a challenge. They can help you make a plan to work out what foods you can eat and what foods you should avoid. I am thinking of the FODMAP diet but perhaps there are other methods too.

Hey, keep up the fight, believe in yourself! If there is someone who you can persuade to come to doctors etc with you then that also helps. Apparently doctors take a patient more seriously if they have someone with them who backs them up. Don't panic if there isnt anyone - I managed by myself, you can too!
Good news: the doctor took me seriously and is pushing for a EGD/Colonoscopy again. That's the good news; the bad news is that they're sending me to the same GI and his nurse might stop me at the gate again, but with him pushing for it it might not happen this time around. Dealing with this daily is getting almost unbearable but just feeling like progress is being made has me feeling hopeful. Now the only thing I'm really worried about is them not being able to fit it into the year. Maybe I could try a different GI clinic if they can't(won't) do it? Dunno. Also how do I make sure they take lots of biopsies? Do I just kind of ask him to go the extra mile for me? Or is it something that's expected regardless?

Someone made the joke about healthcare where I am: you have to walk into hospital with a spade sticking out of your head for them to take you seriously.

Man I gotta say it really does feel that way a lot of the time. I think it's always a tough call on their part, because there are people that exist who make a bigger deal out of their problems than they really are. I could just see it being a coin flip as to whether that's the case or there really is a more complicated issue going on.

But remember, even if it is "mild", if it is not treated then there are huge consequences of long term chronic illness. Like you say, you have not had a normal day in a long time, and the physical and mental stress of that is already an important factor. You need to make that point. You want to carry on with your life and not let your life be dictated by your illness.

Just reading that makes me feel more confident. I always question whether it really is severe enough to deserve invasive and/or extensive testing on good days, but you're right, after months of lying around not doing anything something has to change, and it won't unless I push for change.

You also talk about diet and food sensitivities. Can you talk to a dietician? I mean one who takes your issues seriously - that can be a challenge. They can help you make a plan to work out what foods you can eat and what foods you should avoid. I am thinking of the FODMAP diet but perhaps there are other methods too.

I've thought about this in the past, and it's probably a good idea. We also want to get more extensive food testing, I do still consider the possibility that I might be eating something that's just been irritating my stomach over the long term, but I mean even when I was ingesting multiple food allergies daily my symptoms didn't feel like they do now. It feels like something completely separate. Talking to a dietician and maybe learning about new foods I can fit into my diet for some variety is something I plan to do eventually.

Oh that sounds a horrid experience you had. Yes defo get on to your docs n push like crazy to get a scan. Best of luck n hope things get dealt with quickly. Hugs 💕

I dunno, now that the Colonoscopy/EGD is back on the horizon, should I still try for the scan? The doctor seemed pretty convinced my problems are stemming from my digestive system, and I can see why, but maybe I should check the whole body just to be safe? I only have a month left so maybe I should push for it. Dunno.
Hi all i can say is that it was only when i had a scan that mine showed up. All the test didnt realy give any answers . Of cousre the decision is up to you . Best of luck with which ever way you go . Hugs 💕
Did you ask your doctor if you can see a different GI? I don't see any benefit in going to a GI who you are not confident with. Especially as it can be a long-term relationship, you need to have a good feeling about it. Can you shop around to see who else you could go and see? A good GI would also discuss the merits of other tests and scans with you.

Keep us posted.