Hi everyone. I am Tina and I am new. March of 2023 I started with diarrhea many times a day. I had always been regular up until then. I was having trouble making it to the bathroom. My GI doctor did a colonoscopy and diagnosed me with lymphatic colitis. Many meds, stool samples, bloodwork etc and I didn’t get better. My fecal cal was high. So since I was getting worse ( cramps, body aches, many mucusy diarrhea moments daily) she did an endoscopy and flex sig. she then changes the dx to Ulcerative colitis but in her words , you are not hitting anything out of the ballpark diagnosis wise. I switched to a different specialist at a Crohn’s and Colitis center. He repeated the colonoscopy and said possible Crohn’s. But he insisted on doing more stool samples. He also came back and said I have C-diff. New samples showed normal calprotectin levels. He says I might have SIBO. I am so fed up! I am so crampy, average about 6 plus diarrhea movements a day, body aches but yet after a year plus don’t have a true dx. It’s been over a year! I wrote this while on the toilet ! Sorry, I just need to vent.