My funniest time was when I was traveling abroad with my sister to celebrate my graduation from law school six years ago. I had been diagnosed two years earlier with UC, but I was in a manageable "remission" from Remicade. So we decided to proceed with our plans and backpack around Ireland and England.
This story is made funnier to me as this incident took place in London, and I always think of the British having "stiff upper lips". Like in some way their Crohn's issues are far more dignified than us Americans, lol.
So my sister and I are seeing all the sights in London. I was doing OK but towards the end of our stay I began to start to have symptoms again. I thought because they were minor, I would be fine and probably just flare back in the US.
We decided to go to Parliament and we were in such awe, listening to the debates below. I began to get uncomfortable, and then it switched in one instant to absolute immediate urgency and doubling over, a feeling we all know too well. I race out trying to find a bathroom, but do not make it. My sister, well aware of my emergency poop face, runs after me. She finds a bathroom, and since we were backpacking, I had a change of clothes. So, we take the soiled clothes, which smelled SO BAD, and put them in a bag. I had a small travel size bottle of baby powder, which I empty in this bag to make the smell less offensive. I left, shamed that I had crapped my pants in London's great Parliament.
Later that night, we are in our hostel watching the news and a newscaster comes on and says Parliament had to be evacuated ealier that day because a suspicious white substance had been found in the building. My sister looked at me and I was in utter shock that it may have been my poo and powder mixture that caused that evacuation! Later we heard it was something in an envelope, but my sister and I still laugh and wonder if it was me!
I felt so un-British, lol!