Funny moments

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Apr 9, 2012
This is me trying to be positive :)

I know for sure that we all "chronies" have been through a lot, but every now and then, something funny happens. Whether its in the ER, during an exam or during a consultation.

Funny stuff happens all the time, thought we could share the stories.

I will start :)

One time I went to my GI specialist for a follow-up visit, she asked how i was doing and stuff like that, I told her I still have on-off abdominal pain, so she told me to go behind the curtain. It was an early appointment and I was half awake. She asked if she can come in, I answered, yes. She pulled the curtain, and to her surprise, she saw me lying on the bed, facing the wall with my pants down!!
She tried not to laugh, but she couldn't, saying I just wanted to do an abdominal exam. We both laughed so hard we cried.

I mean isnt this what we are trained to do "behind the curtains"

This might not be the funniest story,,, but let's hear yours :)
Ha ha ha, I think Joan (Astra) has a similar story to yours.

My funniest moment was when I went for a cervical smear, just after being diagnosed through a colonoscopy. It was my first one so the nurse was being very kind, talking me through it. She showed me the little plastic thingy they use. I said 'That's nothing, you'll never guess where they put a camera last week!'

Even funnier was when I was telling the story in the staff room at work and my new boss (who wasn't there when I first became ill) walked in just in time to hear '... Where they shoved a camera last week,' the look on her face was priceless!
ha ha yes it is! With my bum in the air
Only Dr Bassi parked his bike in mine!
I couldn't look him in the eye after!
He asked, 'What's up, you're not your usual smiley self today!
Now everytime she wants to examin me, she says with smile on her face: "my name" remember this is just an abdominal exam, I don't want any surprises.

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I think you should surprise her!
Stick a rose in ya bum and whistle 'Paddy McGinty's Goat!'
Here's one from me. I dug it up from another thread around here somewhere. :)

After my very first colonoscopy, I remember waking in the recovery area and the nurse was "farting" me... Bear hugging my adbomen while I was on the gurney. "Pfrt, pfrt, pfrt-pfrt."

She noticed I was awakening and promptly started informing me that she was helping get the air out, to which I replied with some sort of subconscious caution we all probably have about the unwise choice flatulence can be. Anyway, she reminded me "there's nothing in there but air, "let'r'rip," she said, and continued to bear hug them out. "Pfrt, pfrt, pfrt-pfrt."

I would find this funny anyway, but for some reason, coming out of the anesthesia, this was the funniest thing on the planet. I giggled so loud and so long and apologized at my laughter as often as I could breathe. I had tears rolling down my cheeks, a red face, and started holding my stomach from laughing so hard.

Mrs Sawdust thought something terrible had happened when they brought her back and she saw my face and me holding my stomach. I was trying to explain things to her, when on the other side of the curtain in the next recovery area... "Pfrt, pfrt, pfrt-pfrt."
ha ha ha
now please imagine me sat on my bed with my laptop trying to pronounce 'pfrt-pfrt'
and my son shouting 'Mum, what the bloody hell are ya doing, i thought you were having a fit!'
ha ha ha
now please imagine me sat on my bed with my laptop trying to pronounce 'pfrt-pfrt'
and my son shouting 'Mum, what the bloody hell are ya doing, i thought you were having a fit!'

"It's hard to type a fart noise..." Great, Joan! If there's ever a T-shirt slogan or an epitaph on this forum, sure thing Astra will get it out of ya. :D
Lol, "prft"

That's totaly true sawdust, that's the most embarrassing part of having a colonoscopy,,, me and the guy behind the curtain next to me were like competing who's louder!
lol sawdust!
My new T shirt is 'Pred or Dead'
I have to learn how to post photos, I'm such a Luddite!
When I had my colonoscopy I didn't do much farting after. My scope guy seemed to have filled me with water, which all came gushing out instead. Thought I'd weed the bed! Luckily they had left a pad underneath me.
Same happened to me with the water situation. I had a scope a few weeks ago, and when I woke up they said to start passing gas. Considering this was my fourth scope in a year or so I knew that was coming, although I could tell there was more than gas there so I told them I thought I should go in the bathroom before I let anything out. Nurse basically said they suctioned all of the water out so no need to be concerned, and then proceeded to tell me to get on all fours, similar to a dog, and that it would help with the difficulty. I told her I thought it was a bad idea, but she said to just do it and let go. So, I did, and let me tell you without going too graphically into it, that was a nightmare situation. I was so glad to not have to clean that up and hopefully that nurse will be listening to her patients going forward.
I remember once after having a GI exam being awake enough to go out to a restaurant. Typically that is not the case, the knock out medication does me in for the rest of the day. Well, we go to eat, and apparently I hadn't pass all the gas that had been pumped into me. I'm afraid i frightened to the other guys in the restroom. I cleared the place out. Guess I gave them a dinning experience they will not forget!

I think the funniest experience I had though was at the dentist. Due to the poor gut health it seems I've had more than my fair share of dental problems. One time I was busy at work and not wanting to have a tooth that ached checked out. I kept putting it off. And that wasn't very bright as in the end I needed a root canal.

So I showed up with the painfully aching tooth for my root canal. I was waiting in the lounge when the nurse came in announcing my name. I was about to get up when the guy next to me jumped up quickly and went with the nurse. She took him to the back and so I figured he must have the same name as me. About 5 minutes later the same guy, this time looking overly disgusted and frightened hurried back into the lounge. The nurse was giggling.

As the nurse later explained to me, the other nervous guy was there for a simple tooth cleaning and they began to prepare him for a root canal.

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