Funny or Insensitive?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 11, 2012
Found this online today and knew I had to share it with the forum.
Can't decide if I think it's funny or making light of the fact that serious stomach issues are nothing to joke about.


What do you think?
In my opinion we are cursed with a miserable disease that makes its own unpredictable plans for us in a lot of ways. So any chance for me to laugh about it and joke about it helps me. But again some people may be more sensitive.
Well, you know what? I think Polyphagia would sort of count as a horrible stomach ailment. They should be careful what they wish for...

It's funny. I wouldnt read too much into it, nor do I think the person who wrote it really thinks that way.

For me funny depends on how I'm feeling-if Crohn's is quiet I can laugh about it. When people have said I'm lucky losing 15 pounds in two weeks with c.diff-not so funny. I'm with rygon-I wouldn't read too much into it :)
I used to think if was funny, but now when I see people doing crazy things to their bodies to look better I am annoyed. They had a thing on 20/20 last week in people getting feeding tubes to lose weight quick.

That pissed me off. After 17 years if this I have become cranky. I just wish people would look at the big picture and how good they really have it. I would gladly trade 15 lbs in weight for a healthy immune system.
CrohnsHobo makes a great point-the longer you've endured with Crohn's, the less funny this kind of thing is. I've had it 21 years and find my sense of humor has worn thin, too-especially when people comment you are lucky to have a disease that makes you "skinny"-grrrr.
Could not agree more with you! You are right. I saw that 20/20 as well. I was appauled at these women getting feeding tubes in order to lose weight!! Ummm, seriously, GO ON A DIET!!! I thouht is was sick. I mean there are so many people out there who are so sick and cannot eat and cannot gain weight and some have to have feeding tubes. They would trade anything to be healthy again.

One of my friends has severe gastroparesis, she cannot eat more than a couple spoonfuls of rice in any given day. She is very underweight and sick. My heart goes out to her. She would give anything to be able to eat without being in severe pain. I can totally see where people kind of find it hard to see the humor is some jokes, epecially when you are really sick and would give anything to be well again...... a lot of People do take their good health for granted. Me, I cherish every day that I feel half way decent as I know those days are precious to me....

I used to think if was funny, but now when I see people doing crazy things to their bodies to look better I am annoyed. They had a thing on 20/20 last week in people getting feeding tubes to lose weight quick.

That pissed me off. After 17 years if this I have become cranky. I just wish people would look at the big picture and how good they really have it. I would gladly trade 15 lbs in weight for a healthy immune system.
Quite often I have customers tell me that they wish they were as skinny or as small as me. There have been times that I've been brave enough to tell them "no you don't". Most times I just do my best to ignor the comment.
I'll usually say something like, "Really, you want to have the stomach flu or food poisoning every day of your life?" I know that's not really the same as Crohn's obv but it's about as close as most people can get to it.

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