Hi - I'm new here. I was dx with Crohns in July of 2010. That was after a two year battle with doctors to figure things out. I had a gall bladder attack prior to the dx of crohns. I've been on Lialda for about a year. Had another gall bladder attack over Labor Day 2011. Gall bladder taken by laproscopic surgery last week. It was bad and glad they could get it out. But the surgeon did mention there was an abnormality on colon at one place. (no kidding!). My question is I am still experiencing a lot of gassiness, bloating and general discomfort and aversion to food after a week after surgery. Lots of diarrhea after I went off of the vicodin which totally plugged me up. Has onyone out there had a flare up after gall bladder surgery? I'm not sure I remember what feeling normal feels like??