Gallbladder - Have you had yours out?

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Have you had your gallbladder out and did you regret it?

  • I have not had my gallbladder removed

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • I have had my gallbladder out - gallstones - do not regret it

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • I have had my gallbladder out - gallstones - do regret it

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • I have had my gallbladder out - not gallstones - do not regret it

    Votes: 10 31.3%
  • I have had my gallbladder out - not gallstones - do regret it

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Other (please comment)

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters
Jun 4, 2014
Just wondering if you have had your gallbladder out, and if you regret it?

My GI has suggested I have mine out, although I don't have stones and tests are negative.

What are your experiences?
I had mine out. Laparoscopic surgery. They never were able to figure out why it was acting up. About 6 months later, I had a resection, the old fashioned way. It hurt less than the lapro surgery.
I have been hearing more and more of this. Gotumtum, why is your doctor suggesting it should be out?

I had mine taken out exactly 6 weeks after I started 6mp. I started Vancomycin, 6mp and Remi all in the same day. Two week later, I started vomiting so severly for almost 4 weeks. It was so severe I was hospitalized because I was on Pred so long, that the vomiting was breaking the bones in my back. After 4 weeks, they did exploratory surgery - REMOVED MY APPENDIX, AND GALLBLADDER, as they were quite sick and they said the Pred was keeping it in check. Prior to this I have never, ever had any issues at all with either organ. I have always been a clean eater, and never overweight. Tooth infection, Antibiotics, Prednisone - and there you go. To be completely honest, I have four PICC lines that caused me more problem. To this day, I notice nothing different with having them removed, and I never get any pain anywhere from not having it. HOWEVER, I believe they are vital to our being. Also, after the surgery, the stopped giving me the 6MP, saying it could have been the cause of the vomiting.
Yes had mine out last year. World of difference! While it did not cure all of my problems I definitely feel better with it out.
Yes had mine out last year. World of difference! While it did not cure all of my problems I definitely feel better with it out.

Wonerful for you. What difference did it make for you. If I was not so out of it, and didn't have the teeny tiny scars, I wouldn't think I had surgery at all!

I am curious.
Had mine out 12 years ago with the long 8-inch incision. I felt SO much better after surgery and the pain was minimal compared to other laparoscopic surgeries I have had. For some unexplained reason, my diarrhea was actually less after surgery, though I still got the trots with high fat foods and spicy foods that many people experience after having their gallbladder removed.
Having mine out tomorrow - HIDA scan was ok but with the CCK injection it recreated a lot of the pain at a 5 out of 10. Did not enjoy the test.

I'm really afraid, I know there are little risks - especially with the Robotic Procedure but any surgery has its risks.

Praying this gets rid of the pain/nausea or most of it!!:rof:
Hmmm...Ali29. Just noticed you have migraines too. When I got my gallbladder/appendix out, my vomiting stopped and so did my migraines. Have never had another one.

I had had back surgery on my L3 6 weeks before this surgery, and I am just saying, it was such a no brainer for me. Best thoughts to you!
Had the gall bladder removed while they were performing the resection. It was failing anyway. Having both at the same time really hurt, recovery in hospital for 12 days then another seven weeks at home.
After a few minor gallbladder attacks, yet a clean ultrasound, I got a HIDA scan. It showed 6% injection fraction, and I had mine removed in April of this year. A month later, I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hepatitis. My gallbladder was highly diseased, from chronic inflammation. GI/Hepatologist feel that the combo of crohn's/AIH killed it
I don't regret it for a second. I had it done laparoscopically (and had a liver biopsy taken as well) and was back to work in three days. No issues from it.
Wow - thanks for the responses everyone - really interesting:)

The Gi has recommended that I have mine out - or at least talk to a surgeon about it. He has not explained all the reasons as we have only communicated by email lately and he is on leave at the moment, however after googling imagine the following are part of the reason:

This pretty much started after my little one was born - I understand that pregnancy, and hormones are a risk factor.
My Grandma and Auntie have had theirs out - although I assume with stones, I understand that this is a risk factor too.
Although my HIDA scan with CCK was negative, I had pain (maybe 5/10) and nausea during the test, but that night I had 10/10 pain.
Since having my little one I have had bouts of vomiting, nausea, pain and diarreha. - Long story short, the dr's figured out that antibiotics sorted the problem, and have had lots of them on my diagnosis journey. - I was on doxycycline which is an anti-inflammatory too, and they were not sure which action was sorting the problem.

I have never been able to eat much fatty food or spicy food either.
Wonerful for you. What difference did it make for you. If I was not so out of it, and didn't have the teeny tiny scars, I wouldn't think I had surgery at all!

I am curious.

@maggiesfour- I had constant nausea and abdominal pain. Could hardly eat anything. Long courses of Prednisone only helped curtail those symptoms once off everything came back. Had pain on physical exam of gallbladder. A short course of Humira did not resolve these issues ( trying to decide if symptoms were all Crohns related). Hida scan showed absolutely no function and chronic inflammation. I felt immediate relief post surgery.
WOWOW to all of this. I am so sorry, you went through that Lodgelady. I was told that the red kept the inflammation manageable, but when they went in and explored, they needed to take that and the appendix out. No one in my family has ever had any issues with gall bladder or appendix. And I am the healthiest one the in the family!! After it was all said and done, I was told it was the 6MP that was making me sick, so they stopped that immediately.

To this day I am still confused. I am just back to eating good clean food - I love how it needs to be said - clean now - ugh - its regular non processed food.

We are all so so different. Thank goodness we have this place to come to and talk to one another and exchange thoughts and feeling about it all.

To all of you, I am grateful. Ever so grateful, and well, just in time, 'tis the season. However, for me, its just a coincidence. Ciao!

AND thinking of you Ali29 today. Prayers and good thoughts your way.
Surgery went well, severe pain afterwards - took lots of meds in my IV to bring it down. So praying for success.

Also, he said the gallbladder was yellow so it was diseased where none of the other tests could detect that so I'm thinking hopeful that we may have found some of the pain!! :rof:
Hey Ali29 - Hope that the surgery gives you some relief:) - Would you be able to give a bit more info as to how they arrived at gallbladder being the problem / symptoms, test results etc?

I find it really interesting that more people have had their gallbladder out but no stones - obviously the poll is not accurate at this number of people surveyed, but interesting.- as I understood that in the general population it is gallstones that are the most common gallbladder problem by a massive percentage?

I wonder if it is a case of removing it as part of the 'diagnosis'/exclusion process, or if IBD does seem to make them go bung?
Hi Gotumtum, I did the HIDA scan - no pain during the first 1 hour phase - DX Normal Hepatobiliary Scan with normal Gallbladder ejection fraction. Phase 2 recreation of the pain during the gallbladder ejection phase pain was at level 5-6 (half hour phase). I've had scans ultrascans, etc that had shown nothing but the fact that the pain was recreated it was a big red flag. All we know so far is the gallbladder was yellow which is not normal. We will get the results later i.e. if there were any gallstones. What that usually means is high cholesterol which I have never had. Gallstones - too much bilirubin, or doesn't empty correctly.

I'll be very interested in seeing if I have improvement quickly. :shifty:
I have a feeling that the IBD process makes the GB eventually go bad. No data to support this but I have read where many people get a Crohns diagnosis either before or after getting GB out. I had no stones.
Hmmm Thats really interesting thanks Ali - gives me some stuff to think about.

Can I cask why you had the gallbladder scans in the first place? - Was it nausea/pain (where?) vomiting? diarrheaha? Food issues?

Please let us know what the results are too?

Sorry for the interrogation - I am going through pretty much the same thing - and it is comforting to hear that you have made it through:) I live quite a distance from my GI and communication is limited.

Any tips?
I certainly don't have any problems sharing that is what we are all about anything we can learn and share is tremendous!!

I have nausea/pain/vomiting if I don't take the phenergan fast enough, diarrhea, and constant pain in my stomach and to the right side of the abdomen and sometimes radiates to the back. Everytime I ate or even before eating the nausea/pain would start - it was debilitating to the point I couldn't work or even think straight.

The GI couldn't figure out all of the layering of my disease and he and the pain doctor wanted a Surgeon to go in and look around. The surgeon first thought I had SMA (superior mesenteric artery syndrome) - 2 tests Fluoro Hourly Stat Charge CT & GI Upper Air Cont W - Small Bowel showed delayed passage through the EG junction possibly due to spasm - 5-7 second delay then contrast empties normally, patient supine there is delayed transit across the duodenum - with patient upright or decubitus position contract empties readily through the duodenum likely due to the SMA & patient's thin body habitus. The 3rd test CT Abdomen & Pelvis w/wo contrast showed I do not have SMA.

Final Test HIDA Scan - detailed in my thread above made the Surgeon decide to go in and remove the gallbladder (GI had previously found bile & fat malabsorbtion during upper endoscopy). The Surgeon even prayed over me before we went in for surgery and really calmed me down.

No real food triggers pretty much everything made me sick - but anything fatty/spicy/sugars always were bad. I was trying to eat a spoon full or two of peanut butter late everynight just to try and gain weight once I found out that one was a trigger dropped that food fast.

I don't have the results yet but will share once I have them. I feel so positive that he found the yellow gallbladder - 3 things it could be stones, bilirubin, or gallbladder doesn't empty properly. My GI had felt all along that there was a functional problem with digestion.

If you have any more questions, please let me know. The nausea/pain after eating has been a topic on the forum several times with no one finding any answers.

I would just keep pushing your GI - without these 4 tests - I would still be in the same boat. So Thankful!!

Good luck!
I have not had it out. We originally suspected gallbladder (high right side pain after eating) but HIDA said 70% function in May 2013. Still RUQ pain but doc isnt sure why
Pain, and vomiting, along with a fever triggered my doctor ordering a HIDA scan with CCK. My ejection fraction was at 6%. I was in agony during the scan.
I had mine out pre-diagnosis, hida scan of 30, and thought this was where my pain was coming from. Ended up being crohn's, but my gb was failing anyway and would have had to come out eventually.
I know this is a inactive thread but I thought I would add my two cents.

I do regret having mine out. I experienced stomach cramping from age 10. Doctor called it growing pains. By age 16 someone took me seriously. I had ultrasounds and an Upper GI scan done. Nothing definitive. When I got pregnant I had more pains. An ultrasound showed a mass in the lining. My pains weren't typical of gall bladder stones or disease. But after I had my son they sent me to see the surgeon. Even he doubted it. But scheduled the surgery and a pre-op stomach scope. The scope revealed white patches and lesions in my stomach but the samples came back ok so they took my gall bladder and EVERYTHING goes through me. Not just greasy foods. I get terrible runs. Pains. Nausea. I have had more ultrasounds and a colonoscopy done since. No concrete evidence and in the end I was just told I have Irritated bowels and take Immodium. Which I can take like skittles and some days there is no stopping the issue. Carrots did it to me one day. Another day was too much milk. Another I was eating a cookie and talking (I like to tear up my sweets and eat bits) and a few moments later I felt the terrible bubble gut sensation and have to GO. I miss my old life. Jobs that didn't have to revolve around a toilet. I regret my surgery. And several others are in the same boat as me, their IBD is due to gall bladder removal.