Gas with crohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 18, 2011
I'am new at this site but I have a question for anyone who has an
anwser, Does any one have gas so bad? Don't know what to do about
it. I have been on remicade now cimzia and it is the same with both.
Also have been getting bladder infections with the cimiza.

Hi Alice,

Welcome to the forum!

I know for me personally that eating certain foods will impact gas production. If you are finding that that no matter what you eat causes the gas problem then it might just be a side effect of the medication.

Make sure you make your medical practitioner aware of the bladder infections with the Cimiza.
Gas-X pills may need to become your new BFF :) I have them with me at all times--I have a stash at work, some in my purse, lots at home, etc. I buy the knockoff Target brand, seem to work as well as the brand name ones.

I also had issues with UTI's (I am on Humira) really bad a couple years ago, they just kept recurring no matter what I did. I saw a urologist, had a cystoscopy, and then went on trimethoprim (antibiotic) for long-term and haven't had a problem since. I tapered off the antibiotic earlier this year, first went to every other day, then every three days, then off altogether. So far so good!

I have tended to have certain areas that get infected all in a row--first I had strep over and over, had my tonsils out, then was fine. Then got pneumonia twice, then never again. Then I had an issue with MRSA skin rash, now that's gone. Then it was my bladder. Wondering what is next!? :)

Good luck!

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