Geez this is a Peculiar Disease!

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Regular Joe

Senior Member
Sep 2, 2009
Wanna hear something funny?

The doc went in today ready to cut and repair the "precancerous nodule", and guess what? Nodule? What nodule?

Apparently one of those Crohn's Disease "Houdini" tricks. No nodule...gone away...on holiday or something.

Funny thing was, I was totally awake, buzzed on demorrhal, but I was clear enough to have a conversation. I said what do you mean its not there?

He points to the TV and says look! I'm at 40 millimeters right where it's supposed to be and nothing! Then he twirls the scope or something, of course that felt weird, but he wanted to show me the whole area and nearby areas. And there wasn't anything.

He looked a little bit more then he said "There's a scar there."

Oh really?

I know your GI made mince meat with as many biopsies as he did on the thing. The only thing I can think of is he took it all out with all of his biopsies, But look here...

Then he shows me one of those standard "stalk" type polyps. He goes in there, circles the tool around it, the thing swells up then snip, which again felt pretty weird, but not painful.

So this was a rather odd time today at the Cleveland Clinic for me. The nurse who maintained the sedatives was a girl I went to high school with - we sat together at lunch. We're also "friends" on I said to myself "Oh boy this is definitely weird." Of course she had to sneak a peak at my butt. She lifts up the blanket...

"Oooops. Wrong arm. I thought the IV was in this arm."

Yeah right, lately there's always some woman looking at my butt every day!

So we're all carrying on this conversation, the doctor, the nurse, and me, while the other two assistants kinda felt slighted. The doc asked the nurse "Did you guys like each other?".

This is all going on with the colonoscope up my @ss, and we're watching the monitor as we chat. "Have you seen Al?" I asked about another classmate. "Oh, he got divorced."

OK it gets even weirder. Of course my girlfriend is waiting and comes in and the doc is going on about how I'll need to have a colonoscopy every year because of the type of "colitis" I have. I just blew him off and thought he got the terms mixed up. Then he said "colitis" again and how much more likely cancer of the colon is. It can develop even in a "cancer prevention program" where they're keeping a close eye on it.

I stop him this time. "Colitis? I have Crohn's Disease."

"Yes it is Crohn's Disease. It's a type of colitis. Crohn's Colitis."

My girlfriend, stunned once again, says "I have Crohn's Colitis, too!"

The doctor, without skipping a beat tells her "You'll need a yearly colonoscopy too. What? Are you guys brother and sister?"

We looked at each other and shook our heads no, both of us too stunned to speak.

"What? Did you meet on a Crohn's internet site?"

I just said "I think I must have caught it from her."

And we all had a laugh. We told him about our family members with the disease. And he shook his head. He went on about "environmental factors", then said "who knows?" I think my girlfriend is still in disbelief - she kept a copy of the report.

Seriously, I mean what are the chances of two people meeting and becoming "an item", then both us ending up with the same type of Crohn's disease? Those are really slim odds. It's like what are the odds a person will get killed by a falling coconut? This might be just me, but it seems there is a peculiar twist of "destiny" at work here.

I'm thinking because I still felt drugged, that I totally misunderstood things. But I swore I remembered the whole procedure and our conversations. Then I looked at the report.

"Screening for personal history of polyps (V12.72) with a history of Crohn's colitis."

Well I guess I don't have Crohn's ileitis after all. I mean my GI just said I have "Crohn's Disease" over the phone and after the last colonoscopy - not which variety. Which makes me think that maybe the "nodule" wasn't even a nodule in the first place. Since it left behind scarring, and I've been taking the Entocort, and I now find out my official diagnosis (on paper) is "Crohn's colitis", it was probably disease inflammation. That would explain a whole lot about why the flare symptoms were as bad as they were.

I guess I'll need to phone my GI when he gets back. "Looks like somebody's got some 'splainin' to do!"

All in all, it was a peculiar day at the clinic with a very peculiar disease...see what I mean...this disease has a mind of its own!

In a peculiar way, everything came out, well, "normal"...with nothing to apparently worry about. Normal except for the "Incredible Houdini, the disappearing Crohn's Nodule", I suppose? And then having the same diagnosis as my girlfreind.

I'm still a "crohnnie" - probably the only thing that didn't change from 6 weeks ago.

I can hear my primary care doctor in his non-commital way:

"Well you have some kind of Crohn's Disease going on somewhere in there."
Haha Joe, you had me and my wife rofl:). Don't sit under any coconut trees!! Glad you're back.
What a ride Joe!!! This should be a soap opera, as the scope turns lol. Well at least you know what you do have. So you have to stay here and keep driving us all nuts! ;).

So did he suggest any meds? What is next? :hang:
haha. it's surreal the conversations that go on while there's a multitude of instruments inserted in various places!

glad to hear there was nothing particularly nasty in there Joe. i think there is confusion about being told we have Crohn's Colitis - i know i've had Crohn's Disease since umm about 400 years ago, but i've also heard and seen written on my notes that my diagnosis is Crohn's Colitis. when i joined here, i mentioned it, and one of our members explained that it's merely Crohn's Disease causing inflammation in the Colon. itis=inflammation. simples :)
Thanks for your story, Joe! Amusing ;) Glad your nodule disappeared! Hopefully you won't have to worry about precancerous type things for a while (or ever!). I always wonder if I have weird conversations. I should ask next time, haha.

I, too, had "signs of colitis" in the upper portion of my colon (large intestine), but I KNOW my Crohn's is also affecting my ileum because several scans picked up fistulas and strictures there. I know it's possible to have more than one area affected. I was confused about the word "colitis" as well and looked it up wondering if I had UC instead of Crohn's, and it was just as Ding explained. A simple term for inflammation in the colon, but still Crohn's.
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I've come to realize that Demerol probably is not the drug of choice for procedures.

The stand-in doctor didn't suggest any additional meds, and I guess I won't know what's next until I get back with the GI. If the nodule was active disease or inflammation, and now it's gone, then the Entocort is working. I still have about a month and a half to go until that runs out.

About the "colitis" side of things, the stand-in doctor spoke in reference to my (my girlfriend too) lower bowel, and not the ileum or the "ileitis", even though he went right up to the ileum and took a picture, and you could see it was still looking nasty and splotchy. He said many people have their lower bowel totally (voluntarily) removed with "your type of Crohn's disease" because of lower bowel flareups along with perpetual precancerous polyps springing up between colonoscopies. If the lower bowel is gone - no more worries about colon cancer. This was the first I heard about my lower bowel invovlement.

Ya know, you'd think that after a Crohn's diagnosis, you'd have some answers and a direction for treatment therapy. But nooooo. Not with Crohn's disease! Now you see it now you don't! It's Crohn' wait it's UC. Its IBD. It's something ummmm?
Wow Joe, I'm crackin up!
You two are destined to be together!
So glad nothing sinister there, mysterious yes, but nowt scary!
You're a bloody Medical Marvel mate!
I was so out of it for my Colonoscopy they could have been playing Darts on my Ass, and I would not have known the difference.

Your experience was far more colorful than mine, or at least the little I remember of it.

It is odd that you both have Crohn's.

Joe, that's too funny! There's an old saying that goes something like, the longer that people are together, the more they start to look alike. Guess that's true for you and your girlfriend, but in your case your colons started to look alike! :D
I was so out of it for my Colonoscopy they could have been playing Darts on my Ass, and I would not have known the difference.

ROFLMAO!! Judging by the marks on my butt, I think the nurses DO play darts!!

And yes, I am one of those people that my doc takes pitty on and totally drugs me out. I do wake up pretty fast, though...fairly alert after.

And yes, everytime they shove that camera up there, things appear and disappear... lol... I thought it was just me!!

But it is very peculiar that two people in a committed relationship come up with the same diagnosis.... maybe it was "lurking" inside you, Joe, and extreme subconscious thingy that drew you to her in the first place....

Who knows how the mind and body At least you have found each other now. :)
great story Joe! funny as heck and that has to be the best possible way to deal with this stuff :D

btw really glad to hear that things are good on the displasia front. A couple of people here are dealing with that and it seems to be a rather nasty second wind associated with Crohns.
HAHA... that was funny, I was kind of wondering if you were all juiced up writing it. HEHE...
the coconut thing made me crack up.... I was in Hawai'i for a month and believe it or not - falling coconuts is quite a problem!!! Resorts hire coconut pickers to pick them so they dont fall down on thier guests heads and they end up suing. All the malls and schools and tourist places do the same. I suppose if you live somewhere that isnt tropical -the likelihood of being killed by a falling coconut is remote. :)
I am sooo glad your surgery went well!! SO..DID you guys like each other in high school???? just goes to show that you and your girlfriend are meant to be together :)

I just want to say how HAPPY I am that the precancerous lesion -- no longer exists! Nice!
Sorry the trip in was for naught, but finding nothing and getting a more clear DX is better than finding that nasty old nodule!
Thanks for sharing your story - it made me laugh - We do have an interesting time while things are up our butt. I have never been fully out for mine and have always had strange chats while looking at my inner self on the big screen. You are a good story teller

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