I have read that only a very small percentage of children get Crohns if one parent has it, and it may increase the chances if both parents have IBD.
My uneducated opinion (I am a mother who did a lot of research on line and talked to a few doctors) is just do your best to keep your children healthy as all of us mothers try to do.
One theory is that a bad bacteria can take over a digestive system and wreak havoc in a person with IBD. It seems probiotics can help with that too. Do some research on them (probioitics) and see what is the best way to use them and which ones combined, keep the flora in the digestive system balanced. Even good bacteria can cause some problems if there are too many of one kind. Currently we are using Acidophillus, and it is helping to keep her symptoms at bay. However, she had to take 8 months of Remicade to get to this point and also uses cortifoam. I still believe the probiotics can play an important role in maintaining remission and possibly preventing IBD symptoms.
I wish you and your children the very best:ghug: