GI Doc Refuses to Refill My 6MP

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Feb 28, 2012
So this is a rather long story, but basically after missing a couple of regular blood tests for my 6MP my doctor has refused to re-fill it sending me into a major flare after being in remission for 3 years. I should explain this is a relatively new GI who never liked 6MP and always pushed for me to go on biologics, even though after trying Humira just once I was hospitalized with meningitis. I have been taking the 6MP since I was first diagnosed in 2009, with regular blood tests, and there has never been any hint of a problem. Last fall I feel into a bit of depression and had an argument over my insurance paying for my blood work so I ended up missing a couple blood tests. I eventually went in and got the tests and they came back fine, but my GI says she cannot "trust" me to take it responsibly. Which honestly, pisses me the hell off. After spending years with undiagnosed symptoms and having to doggedly call doctors over and over to make them pay attention, my health is not something I am ever irresponsible with. Long story short, I am up a creek, no meds to make me feel better, and now no doctor, because you can bet I fired her after this. I am just so livid right now I could scream.

* Oh and I should add, she brought me in for a colonoscopy a few weeks ago and they didn't find anything definitive (it took them two tries to get a diagnosis on my first biopsies), so she also said, "well I am not sure you are even flaring". Whew, I'm done.
Get a new GI doc and give him a bad rating on those physician rating sites and especially if he is on yelp or the medical group he belongs to is on Yelp. Believe it or not, people read that stuff and it will hurt their income which is the only thing a bad doctor such as this one would care about. I can understand him not prescribing 6mp until you got a test, but for him to cut you off because you missed a few is psychotic. i'd report him to the medical board as well. That's messed up.
I have definitely already gone on Healthgrades and given her a bad review and I have found a new potential GI that I just need to call and set up an appointment with. I just can't believe she would be so callous with my health. And it's possible she is paranoid about getting sued. She led me to believe she had a client die on this medication, but that doesn't change the fact that I am perfectly fine on it and need it badly.
Yeah, I had a doctor cut my Mom off from her blood pressure meds because I couldn't get her to her appointments often enough - she was bedridden!! It's infuriating.
I have had my doctor refuse my azo. This was his less than gentle way of getting me to come see him. It worked!
I would understand if that were the case, but in the last month I have seen her in the office twice, gotten all requisite blood tests AND had both upper and lower scopes done. She seems to have some strange set of standards for patients having to "prove" themselves worthy.
Well naters, Ya getting a new GI is a good idea. Until then you could go to the e.r and explain the situation. They should help.