Go through with scopes? Possible diagnosis?

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Apr 7, 2016
Hi! I just joined and have a question and wanted to share my story. I'm sorry it's so long. Not sure where to turn for advice. I tell people my story and they ask if I should give my son raisins. Haha it's so beyond that but I know people are just trying to be helpful.

My son is scheduled for endoscopy next Wed and I'm wondering if it's necessary or maybe if his symptoms sound familiar to you?

My son, G, has had GI issues starting shortly after he was born. He is 17 months old now. He was not interested in nursing and he seemed constipated and gassy even though he was breastfed. Around 8 weeks he developed mucousy stool with intermittent blood. I cut out most allergens from my diet and he still did not get better. His pediatrician had no idea and it wasn't until he was 4.5 months old that we saw a GI due to the pediatrician's ignorance. His lactoferrin and occult blood tests were always positive during this time. I had to nurse my son when he fell asleep or else he wouldn't eat. I suspected some sort of allergy even though I cut everything out. GI said put him on Alimentum, I did and things were fine for a month and a half. We moved and new ped said we could try to go back to a regular formula so we did about a month and a half later after starting Alimentum which I so regret now. When we switched, things seemed fine for a month or so. Some weird things would happen but otherwise ok. Then, my son started with random cramps and got constipated. It took me a while to realize what was going on since he was trying new foods, etc and I would blame that. Never saw blood/mucus though.

He didn't seem constipated because he would poop 2-4 times a day but sometimes they were firmer than others. That's why it took so long for me to realize. He would wake up at night for hours. We tried everything to keep him unconstipated but he would always have pellets mixed with soft stool. We switched back to Alimentum only for one week when he was around a year old with no food and we were going to introduce one food at a time to see what bothered him. During that whole week of Alimentum only, he was upset and in pain, gassy still. Up all night. His poop didn't seem that constipated then. Still pooping multiple times a day. We started up foods one at a time and we were referred to a GI. It was hard to tell if any foods bothered him since he never really got better.

After some trial and error, we got him on Mirilax. Even the GI didn't think he would be constipated since he went so often. After finding the right dose, my son seemed more settled and was sleeping better. Still pooping a lot and usually the first poop of the morning is still pellet like but otherwise ok. In the evening, sometimes he would have D.

My son is sensitive to foods and things with skins bother him and other foods give him D. Even on mirilax, I can't give him a lot of foods or he will get constipated. I waited for quite awhile after mirilax to try dairy again. He seemed okay with the little bit of dairy I give him. Through this time, G would still have some issues of unsettledness at night some gas and possible crampiness but night wakings were not as bad and overall he was doing so much better. Per his GI, he's on a pretty generous dose of Mirilax and still has a tendency to be constipated. The GI has ran several tests on G with nothing ever being positive including another Lactoferrin.

When he was about 15 months old, I started to see mucus and blood again in his stool. His Ped GI asked me to go wheat, dairy and sesame free as those caused very minor blips on an allergy panel. The GIs words were "we're clutching at straws." Throughout his 15th month, I would see mucous in some diapers. The third week into the special diet, I started to see blood again and now mucus with each diaper. I switched G back to his old diet which does include a little dairy and wheat thinking the dairy and wheat replacements were even worse. He is still drinking Alimentum.

Fast forward to today, 17 months old , I still see blood, streaks, not puddles or anything. He has mucus in every diaper. Sometimes clinging to normalish poop. Sometimes, he's just pooping yellowish sickening smelling mucus poop. I've played with his diet, even adjusted his mirilax and haven't seen much improvement. G is pale, tired and extremely unsettled at night. I hear him rolling around throughout the night and for naps. He is having cramps and is extra gassy and sometimes has a hard time drinking a bottle because his belly hurts. He is still having a mix of constipation and diarrhea. I have always been fairly careful with his diet and he eats pretty much the same stuff so I'm not sure why the mucus and blood is back. Side note: my son reacts very badly to probiotics. Even non dairy kind.

The GI ordered another lactoferrin test. FC is not covered by my insurance. The lab made a mistake and did it qualitative instead of quantitative. It was positive but we don't know a value. GI said we could run another test and if the LF wasn't that high we would not do scopes or we could just go straight to endoscopy. I jumped at the scopes and to have an opportunity to help my son and maybe get a diagnosis or at least rule stuff out after all this time.

But now I'm questioning this, what if they don't find anything and I'm subjecting my son to these tests. My GI hasn't found anything of too much significance with G so far, test wise, so I'm wondering if this will be the end of the rope for dealing with my son if nothing is found. I struggle with this because I don't really want anything bad to be found but I would like to help my son with whatever is wrong with him.

Based on his story, would you do the endoscopy and would you expect anything to be found? I know 17 months is pretty young to have anything IBD related. Does this sound like more allergy problems? I didn't think so because for a week we didn't feed him anything but formula and were slow to introduce foods but who knows. Do you have any suggestions on what could be wrong with him? If you even made it this far. Lol

Thank you! :heart:
So few things and questions
One week of formula only isn't enough to heal the Gi tract from being irritated
The formula even Alimentum is not free of the top 8 allergens
So if your kiddo is allergic to milk protiens then he would need elecare or
neocate both are elemental formulas made of amino acids and free of the top eight allergens

Not wanting to nurse typically means a child associates pain with eating .
When you say you avoided foods from your diet
How strict were you ?
Eat anything with may contains or made in a facility ?
Did you eat out ?
Did you call companies to determine if the foods were processed on the same lines?
What did you eliminate ?
Has your child seen an allergist ?
Had allergy testing ( IgE)?
How is his weight and growth ?

A lot of formula feed babies are constipated period
Even some breastfed babies
Ds had lots of Gi trouble from birth on
Didn't see a Ped Gi till age 6
He stopped growing and gaining by age 7 when he was dx ...

When he was placed on diet free of wheat milk and sesame
Again did you read labels for May contains or made in the same facility as
Did you call companies ?
Did you go to whole unprocessed foods as replacement /homemade or was it pre packed breads crackers etc that were just gluten free ??
How long was he on the diet ?
A month or two vs a week ?

Btdt many times chasing food triggers and true food allergies ( anaphylaxis type for tree nut fish and sesame )

Is your child having a full upper and lower endoscopy or just a flex sigmoidoscopy ?
Flex sig are common in younger kids but generally only view a tiny part of the Gi tract

Other things that a scope ( upper and lower )
Can tell if your child has eosinophilic disorders which are very common in kids who test positive to multiple foods but associate eating with pain

Scopes can give lots of answers and not just crohns

I would proceed with upper and lower scopes. There are so many different kinds of GI issues and it seems like the GI's are shooting in the dark at this point. Scopes will rule in or out a few different things and then you will have solid information and be able to proceed.

The road to diagnosis is long and winding. I feel terrible for your son an for you as he is so young it must be absolutely heartbreaking.

Is your GI a pediatric GI who specializes is IBD? Are you at a larger, teaching hospital.

With a child so young, you really want to be at a larger center that has lots of experience.

Good luck with scopes! I hope they get a nice clear view of everything and that the scopes provides some good information. Make sure they get biopsies for Celiac also!
Thank you both so much for your responses, advice and support. I think we should do them so I will update after Wed., just in case someone finds themselves in the same predicament as me.

Crohnsinct, We see a Peds GI practice but it is not at a large teaching, hospital. The endoscopy will be at a children's hospital that they are affiliated with. Not sure if that matters. Sometimes Drs., have made me feel like it's all in my head but this GI dr. so far is supportive. I will feel foolish if they don't find anything but of course I don't want anything to be wrong iykwim.

Penguin, I will try to answer your questions below. I've also checked out the other link you sent already. Thank you!

I have always been strict when doing elimination diets. At least I thought I had been. I'm pretty good at reading labels. It never bothered me if it said "may come in contact with etc." Maybe it should have? I never called any companies to check about lines. My son was on his wheat free, dairy free, sesame free diet for three weeks before I stopped. Three weeks was all the GI s recommended unless symptoms improved but in fact, they got worse. I did give him wheat free noodles made out of brown rice and fake cheeses made out of pea protein I think. My son can't have a lot of starch because of constipation so no bread, pancakes etc. anyways. He does eat a wheat free, gluten free cereal every morning. It is not marketed as wheat free but I don't see any wheat ingredients. It is marketed as gluten free.

When I was nursing, I cut out dairy even before bloody, mucousy d started. Then soy. Followed by wheat, eggs, nuts and fish. I'm pretty sure I wasn't perfect though.

He has had blood allergy testing (ige) but not a huge panel. Maybe 12 foods. I know some things he does have a reaction too that were not on the list. For example, peaches give him gross diarrhea. The results were good except wheat, milk and sesame had minor reactions so they were considered inconclusive. The dr., didn't really expect those to be a problem since the number wasn't that high. He hasn't been seen by an allergist but the GI said he would send him there if the elimination diet helped.

His weight/growth was good in early Feb for his 15 month appt. He had one month recently where he lost a couple oz and then had a good weight gain the next month and then only gained 2 oz the next month. So he's back and forth. He is starting to go down the growth chart but nothing shocking. His ped is not concerned yet because she says they start to lose baby fat etc. I'm curious to see what it is now. He does have fat on him but seems slim.

As far as I know, he's having a full upper and lower.

Thank you both again! I'm sorry you guys have struggled as well on your journey.
You are not crazy! A mother always knows! I was told for two years nothing was wrong with my oldest and whammo in ICU and dx'd with Crohns. With my younger daughter I was knocking on the GI's door for three years and told the same...yep! Crohn's.

Even if the tests come out fine there is still something going on and you are not crazy. This is just the process...rule it in or out and continue.

Hang in there. It could take a while.

Good luck with prep and the procedure and please do come back and let us know how it went.
Hi there. I'm sorry you are stuck in this nightmare and wanted to offer support.

Years before my son had his first full blown meltdown flare and was diagnosed with Crohn's he showed intermittent weird symptoms that looking back was clearly crohns related. We saw some Drs who pretty much were unconcerned bc IBD was not their thing. I attempted eliminations and diets and replacements and in hindsight didn't do them justice. Not sure if they would have helped but I would have approached them differently if I had known about this board.

You have been given some good advice. I'm hoping his scopes come soon and then answers and treatment.
Could be so many things, but scopes will give you a good starting point. We went back and forth to doctors for 9 years before getting a diagnosis, and we still only have a partial diagnosis. Stay strong and keep us posted.
G did wonderful with the scopes and the liquid diet and then nothing this morning. I was so proud with him being so little!
Unfortunately the Drs found ulcers thoughout his GI system (upper and lower) with inflammation and a couple erosion spots as well. Im so sad for my sweet boy. We are waiting on test results but dr did mention Crohns as well as a couple other ideas. He will let us know briefly by phone and then we are meeting with him next Wed.
We are closing on a house next week that's close to the top of our budget. Makes me want to reconsider due to money. I'm a stay at home mom and was planning on going back to work at some point. Makes me want to hold onto our nest egg. We are in a rental now. Does anyone know if there is a health clause in purchase agreements? Obviously I would wait to hear from the dr before going that route. So much going on!

I'm still processing this. I'm still hoping it's one of the other issues the dr mentioned because they are more treatable diseases (h. Pylori or extended time eating an allergy related food etc.)

I mix Gs Mirilax with 50% water and 50% pedialyte. Do you think the pedialyte would cause acid issues and ulcers etc.?
Hugs scope prep will not cause ulcers
Neither will pedialyte /miralax combo
Sorry for the possible dx
But it does get easier

As far as work and crohns I can say that it can be tricky
But FMLA permits you to work but take off time for care for your kiddo take them to the doctors etc

Once he gets into remission things are ok
I work full time and have since he started school
He was dx at age 7 and is 12 now

The Gi may have been talking about egids ( eosinophilic disorders )

Hope you get back results soon
I hope you have answers soon from the biopsies. Once you know what you're dealing with, at least you can start working towards improvement. He's so little. Poor guy. Blood in stool is never normal.
We went through the house question around our daughters diagnosis. Beautiful lake home, top of our budget, and blood, sweat and tears to build. We decided to sell and cut our mortgage in half.Both to be ready to cover illness related expenses but also to simplify the stress. I haven't returned to work and may not. We don't have a good support network of friends and family so I really needed to be available. I think you should postpone the decision if you can.It is hard to make that call without all the information. But if you have help you can trust then maybe you can work through it.
You have a lot to deal with.
You are juggling a lot of balls right now. I hope you get a clear diagnosis soon and treatment can begin. Good luck as you work through the details of the new home purchase. That alone can be stressful! If you can get an extension before making a decision, it maybe for the best. Keep us posted!

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