Going back to work tomorrow after 8 months off

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Jun 24, 2010
So, as the title says I'm back to work tomorrow. I am a teacher and it is the start of the new school year so what could be better... :D
I have planned a phased return with my school to ease me in and I was looking forward to going back.
My GP was reluctant to sign me back to work as I am tapering off pred and we obviously are unsure how I will be but I wanted to start school with everyone else!
So last night I received an email from my line manager about playground duties. I was rather shocked by this as she is suggesting that I do 3 duties whilst I am in the Reception class (sorry this might make little sense to those that aren't teachers!) which is the same as what the Reception teachers do. Trouble is I am only in Reception 2 days a week not 5 like the others and one of the duties is when I'm on PPA time (non contact time when you can do planning and prep etc and is by law 10% of your teaching time). No one else in school has a plaground duty during PPA time. Then the other 3 days I will be in Nursery (where I was originally based) which will also include outside time.
This has really stressed me out as I don't want to have to deal with this on going back to work. It is going to be tough enough tomorrow without added stress. I have spoken to family, friends and my union rep about it and have written an email in reply and am waiting for the response.
Last night I couldn't sleep and today my bowels have been playing up. I have been countless times and my bms are quite loose. Stress is not good for my bowels.
I have just been now and there was fresh blood in the toilet and again when I wiped. I have never had blood before except a small amount v, v rarely when I wipe I think from an old hemorrhoid. What does it mean to have fresh blood? Is it just because I'm going so often. Now I'm worried about this too especially as on Thursday I have my Barium meal procedure and I've got to take fleet tomorrow night to clean me out.

Sorry for the rant but I know many of you will understand and be able to support me and maybe answer my questions.


Oh, that sucks that they're already piling the stress on you, Sam. I hope you are able to work out something better and less stressful. I'm not a teacher so I don't really understand how this kind of thing works, but I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best. I said this when I responded to your PM already, but again I just want to wish you good luck on Thursday and I hope they find something this time!
Good luck! I always get nervous when I go back to work from an "episode", but...it is, what it is....So, work it slow, letting them know what their expectations should be...Peace, and good luck! Sue
Thanks everyone!
I keep repeating the mantra "I must not feel guilty for being ill" trying to get it stuck in my head. Being a teacher you always feel so guilty for not being at work as you know someone else will have to do your job...
I'm sure I will get it sorted one way or another. Just wish I didn't have to deal with this as well as going back to work :(
Can anyone advise about the blood in the toilet and on the toilet paper? Bit worried as it's never happened before
Hiya Sam

from what I know, bright red blood = hemmie
darker red, browny red = old blood inside further up
what colour was it?
It was bright red. It seemed to come out after my bm and seemed to be a few teaspoons of it. Then more on toilet paper. Never ever had that. Even when I was at my worst with the d. More worried as I'll be taking the laxatives tomorrow night and don't want to make it any worse.
Hi Sam,
Want to send a big hug and lots of wishes for a good first week back to work. Good for you for looking into your rights about the added duties and for taking charge of your well being as you jump back into teaching. I hope you have FUN and enjoy the transition and that the stressors can be reduced as you work with your union etc. Regarding the blood, can you call your GI? Just to keep her or him up to date.
I am not a teacher but work in the kitchen at the school. Just started back last monday after being off for surgery since May. My boss is taking it easy with me but I noticed she is starting to nit pick stupid stuff, stuff she allows others to do but not me. It is really quite stressful and has increased my D. My doctor doesn't want me working at all so I am trying to get SSDI. Then I can transfer over to a substitute and only work when I am feeling well. We don't have a union so I have to do what I have to do. I only had the bright red blood one time after I had eaten some coconut. But it only happened that once and the next time I went it was gone but that was back when I was having regular BM's which I don't anymore.
Blood huh? Doesn't always mean hemorrhoids. That's how I was first diagnosed. There were sores around my ileum that were bleeding which caused bright red blood in the toilet and on the paper. For me, if I see blood like that in the toilet, I go to the ER right away because that's not normal for me. If its not normal for you then you could either go to the ER or wait for your procedure and hopefully they might see something but chances are you'll probably need a scope done after that. I really hope that you are ok and that its just hemorrhoids.
Thanks Kelly and Rebecca.
Dusty - I am sorry that you are having a difficult time at work. I know exactly what you mean with regard to stress and d! I hope things get sorted for you
Crabby - thanks for your advice. I think I'll try and get in touch with my GP tomorrow afternoon just to check.
Today went really well at school. Everyone was very kind and it felt good to be back!
Though I had a meeting with my head teacher. He could not understand what any of the problems were!!! He even said "I know you can't help being ill but you have been off for 8 months and you do need to be flexible" That made me more and more cross the more I thought about it. Hey ho. He has agreed that I can just go back to work 4 days a week and have the Wednesday off. So I am really pleased about that :) I think it will help to make sure I don't get too fatigued etc
Right.. Off to take some Fleet now. Oh the joys ;)
It was bright red. It seemed to come out after my bm and seemed to be a few teaspoons of it. Then more on toilet paper. Never ever had that. Even when I was at my worst with the d. More worried as I'll be taking the laxatives tomorrow night and don't want to make it any worse.

Hiya Sam! Hope today went OK for you...

Regarding the fresh blood (or "frank blood" ... it is really red and looks like maybe a sore from your bottom is possibly bleeding at that very moment...)... I get this when I have had lots of BM's at a time. Sometimes it is from a small fissure that develops right at your anus, possibly.probably from wiping lots due to going to the bathroom lots...lol.

But the other thing that I have happen (I think this is more what you are talking about) is, kind of after you finish having a BM (like you say, after the stool comes out), it is almost like the blood drips out, or if you "push" a bit, it kind of squirts out a bit. Like Astra said, it might be from a hemmerhoid.

What my internalist said mine was from (as I had absolutely no signs of hemmerhoids or fissures) is that, because I have disease right in my rectum (not necessarily active all the time), the tissue has become a bit thinner there, and so blood vessels/vesicules are a little closer to the surface - where the stool would pass over them. If you are having lots of BMs, sometimes the skin on the inside of the intestine there, then, would get a little raw, or because it is a bit thinner from previous or active disease, it becomes a little irritated or may get little scratches from the stool, causing the little vessels/vesicules to bleed.

I am not sure if you understand what I am trying to babble about there (lol :redface: ) but basically what I was told is if it a little bit, not to worry too much about it, but try to keep to a really soft/low residue diet for a few days until the frequent BMs slow down and hopefully prevent further damage to the "skin" of the intestine, or even get it to heal.

If it starts to be too much (more than a few drops in the toilet more than a couple times a day), then I would definitely get it checked out.

Of course, all that being said, if you are concerned about ANYTHING going on in your body, you should get it checked out, cause I don't know for sure if this is what is going on.... but it kind of sounds like what I get from time to time... and yes, stress really bothers me too, so of course if you are stressing over seeing blood, then the frequent diarrhea gets worse...then the blood gets to be a bit more... etc. Like a big circle...lol.

Hopefully it is nothing... like I say, a little "scratch" maybe - but if you are like me and it is stressing you out, it might be a good idea to get it checked so you can get some peace of mind, more than anything, and concentrate on dealing with dipsh*ts at work, rather than your own sh*t.... LOL! ;)

(((((((( Sam ))))))))) Sending warm thoughts....
Thanks Silvermoon. Your message has both relieved me and made me chuckle. Top Marks to you!!!!
As it's only happened the once I'm not worrying too much but may just get it checked out to put my mind at ease.
I've had a low residue diet today as I'm having the barium, small bowel meal tomorrow. Have just taken the Fleet and am waiting for the effects ;)
Am hoping this doesn't make the bleeding any worse but I'll see how it goes
Good luck! Hope all goes well and try to stay calm..it is hard to start back to work after long periods, I did after the birth of my daughter...can you say chicken?? Bok bok, but I did pretty good and managed my life better. Keep us posted ok!
hello,I hope things work out for you at the school,you go through enough crap as it is.I hope the school will open there eyes soon.For the last 2 weeks I was getting blood in my stools,not alot but it was like lite red mucus on the bigger BM's, then it started getting like black streaks in the BM's.Had another colonoscopy and found out that now I have proctitis in my rectum,to go along with my crohn's .I start my meds for that today.I hope yours turns out ok.Best of luck,Jack.
Thanks for your kind words Pen and Jack
It has been good to get back to work. I did my first actual teaching yesterday just for the morning. Completly wiped me out both yesterday and today. Back tomorrow. Fingers crossed :)
Hiya Sam

glad you've had a good couple of days in school, so have I! feel like I've never been away!
Did I mention to you that my daughter has achieved a place at Leeds Uni?
she moves into halls on the 17th!
take it easy and fingers crossed for the rest of the term
I ha three mornings in school last week and was absolutely shattered after each one. I had to come home and have a nap after each one!! But it was fantastic to be back and working with the kids again :)
Next week I'm in 2 full days and 1/2 a day so hopefully I'll be ok with that.
Joan- you have a daughter whose university age???!!
Where is she living and what's she studying? Am sure she'll love Leeds. It's a great city and full of a diverse mix of people and bars!!
Hi Sam, I truly hope that you start to feel better and that they back off a bit so that you may not have to shoulder such stress, take good care and u will be in my thoughts. take care friend.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post Jerman. I know that you are going through a particularly hard time at the moment so I really appreciate your support.
I am trying to be strong and not stress too much. Not easy but I'm trying ;)
You are also in my thoughts. Take care of yourself
Hiya Sam

great that you've had a few good days back, I was absolutely shattered too last week! I'm only working til half one at the mo, and hit me pit when I get home!
ha ha ha thanks! how old do you think I am?
Jess is nearly 19 and I have a boy Jordan aged 16, he's just started 6th form.
Jess is staying at Boddington Halls of res and studying New Media Communications.
I'm sure she'll be ok, Leeds looks smashing, just like Liverpool really!
I'm more nervous than her!
Hey Sam,

Hope things are going ok at work for you. Has the bleeding settled down??

Thinking about you, :hug::hug::hug:

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