A few weeks before my colonoscopy I was in the emergency room with the most severe pain I've ever felt, at first which I thought was a ruptured ovary but turned out to be an intestinal blockage. I also had a slight fever and felt really ill for about a week.
An intestinal blockage would be a combination of the condition of your intestine (scar tissue, narrowing, twisting) and the consistency of your stool..
It is quite possible that going gluten free could have a dramatic effect on consistency, it certainly did for me, and other foods that have replaced it, whether new or just more of ones you were familiar with) may have added to this.
Do you know how much scaring you have? Has consistency changed noticeably?
I've been told time and time again by doctors, family and friends to go gluten free and when I did it triggered this flare up which was the worst I've ever had in my life. Not only that, but a month or so into being gluten free (coming from a diet filled with tons of gluten) I felt no difference in anything except my feet werent in pain anymore. In fact it made my gut worse.
foot pain abatement sounds like a good thing, but I can see how you are underwhelmed by the results so far.
Going gluten free will shake everything up (bacteria composition and location, and intestinal permeability), so expect some trials and tribulations…..
If you have done a month then it should be settling down (unless something else that you are eating (GF stuff, other grains, ?, is causing issues (see last note about paleo AI))
Fibre is not always a good thing, so don't rush to get more in until you notice an improvement, keep to well cooked easy to digest foods
How can this be if according to everyone the source of all my problems is gluten "intolerance"? I don't know what's causing my body to develop so many autoimmune diseases so rapidly at such a young age, but at the same time how can I stay on this diet if after a month things only kept getting worse?
The theories on gluten are pretty solid, but it won't be a perfect match for everybody.
I would look at it like this (really clunky and clumsy) analogy (and treat it as a useful theory to be tested rather than a law to be obeyed) – if I wear a pair of shoes that doesn't fit (gluten) then I might get a blister (UC), sore joints(some other AI disease) or a postural problem (something else).
Just removing the shoes may not be enough, the blister will rub on any shoes now, the posture may have become a habit, and the joint may have suffered mechanical damage and never fully recover.
The blister might need rest, dressings, creams or even antibiotics. Posture might need physio or orthotics (or Alexander technique).
Giving up gluten might be a great step, but you probably need to address disbiosis and leaky gut……
which leads on to….
I am 22 years old and was recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis after having a colonoscopy done last week. This is my 3rd autoimmune disease, the other two being Hashimoto's and narcolepsy.
You might want to read up on a diet called "the paleo autoimmune protocol" –
Not saying you should try it, just that you could read up on a very plausible theory on the causes and development of diseases and then see if it makes any sense to your view of things and then think about whether you are well enough and in the proper space to try it and see if it helps…..
(one of the harder bits is going gluten free, and if you're already there then the rest of the diet would be challenging but it is only a month then foods are reintroduced.
I got the book through my library, and probably wouldn't buy it unless I really wanted to geek out on the science, as all the diet aspects are pretty well covered on the internet
It has been around long enough for you to check out peoples stories
both for and against online
The Autoimmune Protocol
There are other diets that relate to GF diet that might be of interest, and reading up on the theories relating to disease doesn't hurt, If it sounds wrong then move on.........
Perfect health diet - Bowel Disorders, Part I: About Gut Disease (part one of four)