Going to a Naturopath

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Dec 18, 2009
well, i decided enough with conventional medicine, and i'm going to see a naturopath next week. I actually got his name from DMS, so i'm really optomistic he'll be able to help me. My only real worry is that a lot of people i have talked to that have been to a naturopath have been given extremely restrictive diets, (no sugar or substitutes, gluten, eggs, milk, red meat) and i don't know how well i would be able to stick to something like that. Although, if it made me feel better i guess i would have no problems with it.

I have an 8 page questionairre to fill out, and it's making me feel REALLY unhealthy! LOL. I have to tick almost 50% of the stupid thing!

Anyways.....Just rambling i guess, i'm a little nervous! but, this guy is willing to prescribe LDN, so maybe that will be something i can give a try....
Ooh, thats interesting Pam! especially the LDN part - I can't get that here :(

I had to do one of those questionnaires too when I went to the naturopath and I ticked a LOT of the boxes too!

I am not sure if the stuff she's given me has helped or not. I am still completely exhausted all the time, but, apart from a wee spell over Christmas, my insides have been good and my inflammation has stayed down even with being down to practically finishing the steroids, so I would think it has been helpful. Unfortunately it is expensive!

I have been recommended a few diatery things from her as well, but haven;t managed all of them. I would say that any thing you do will help a little, even if you just cut out one major thing like wheat or sugar.

Good luck, look forward to hearing how it goes :)
This is from a movie, but I don't remember which one.

"I would piss on a spark plug if I thought it would help".

That pretty much sums it up for me.

thankfully it's a 'check everything' questionairre......From 0-3, so i don't feel as bad that each box is ticked. LOL. Hopefully he has some new ideas about what's goign on. :)
Good luck Tamesis, I hope he can give you some answers, just remember you don't have to buy everything he recommends.

If you have copies of any of your bloodwork I would highly recommend you take those with you (or just have them faxed directly to his office before your appointment). I found that he explained the blood work so well to us - more so than any other Dr. did, it really helped me understand what was going on with my son.
Thanks for the suggestion, i'm going to my GP so i will deffinately ask for a copy of the bloodwork....i've been wanting to see it anyways. I keep being told it's normal though.....argh.
Good luck with the naturopath, if you can;t adhere to the diet plan, try to adapt most of it, don't go from one extreme to the other, our bodies are too fragile to have major diet changes randomly.
interesting, some of the blood work that the Pediatrician told me were within normal range were enough out that the Naturopath had a different interpretation, or maybe I should say, when the Naturopath looked at the whole picture of the bloodwork he didn't agree with the Ped. does that make sense?
Good luck , hopefully you have a good naturalpath to help you, as I went to one and she was amazing... but yes the diet is strict, and I did follow until I majorily suffered again. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! Good luck.
D Bergy said:
This is from a movie, but I don't remember which one.

"I would piss on a spark plug if I thought it would help".

That pretty much sums it up for me.


At least they look at your body as a whole. That gets overlooked by most doctors imho.

I am a Horticulturist trained at an Agricultural Institution with some related University studies under my belt. I did my stint with organic herb growing and have some dandy Herbals on my book shelf. This has led me to have a non mainstream outlook on the meaning of nature and our present social preoccupation with it. I stay away from Holistic healers and Naturopaths as a result but as I said above. I think the person as whole is neglected by most regular doctors. There is nothing wrong with a holistic approach to health. Too bad the stigma of other surrounding cultural issues always gets attached to it.