Good diet to try?

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May 4, 2014
Hi I'm looking for a good diet to try. I'm
18 and am diagnosed with IBS (as of now :cool: ) and I also suffer from chronic constipation and reflux (LPR). I was wondering if anybody had any dotes or food eliminations that really helped them. I'm always in so much pain. Please help. I'm starting college this year and want to make the best if it! :sign0085:
There is no one size fits all but certainly avoid acidic foods like coffee, chocolate, citrus, caffeine and that will help your reflux and likely also IBS. You may want to experiment and keep a log trying 2 weeks cutting out dairy, if that doesn't help bring it back into diet and cut out wheat and so on to see if you have allergies or sensitivities.

Id also buy a good digestive enzyme to take with your meals to help prevent gas, bloating, irregularity etc.
Daughter, who had diarrhea only was pretty much cured with the SCD. She's been in "remission" for 9 years, no drugs. Son, who suffered from only constipation (diarrhea didn't start until he'd been sick for 2 to 3 years) was not helped very much by the diet. Both were diagnosed with Crohn's, daughter in 04', son in 13'.
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Low Fodmap diet has gained lots of popularity mostly in IBS but fot IBD as well. 2 hospital nutrionnists actually suggested this diet to me. Its pretty easy to get the guideline on the web I believe.
good luck.

stomach reflux? some natural ways to try first : eat small meals throghout the day instead of big portions, avoid eating and drinking together, masticate as much as possible to facilitate digestion. (You want to minimize the load in your stomach.) Avoid leaning several hours after eating. The key is to go to bed with empty stomach. (even drinks as little as possible)
I second Hugh.

I have had the same experience as him. Nearly two years of no symptoms by sticking with the Paleo/SCD approach.

I am on a seafood diet.

I see food and I eat it!!

Sorry my little joke :ysmile:

I find that every single time I eat meat or dairy or wheat, then I get swelling, cramps, internal wind (hence the name smellymelly), pain and blood / mucus in my stools. So a gluten-free vegan diet works best for me. Just a pity I cannot stick to it long term.

I had chicken yesterday and I lost bowel control this morning and am bleeding from the bowel this afternoon. :poo:

But if I stick to gluten-free vegan then everything is sweet. Also Vegan is good for students, as it is cheap food.

But really you need to do eliminations for a set period and see what works best for you. Everyone is different where diet is concerned.
I have doing Paleo for about 7 months and started feeling crummy again. Thought I was having histamine issues from various high histamine foods etc. Went to a naturopath who determined I have a fruit intolerance. Don't have the right enzymes etc to digest them. Also, shouldn't eat grains and potatoes within 8 hours of each other. Of course was pounding fruits on the Paleo diet and cutting out all grains making myself sicker and sicker. Starting to feel better now by cutting the fruits and adding BACK some grains and adding supplements to correct my deficiencies. Will never add back wheat though. Just goes to show we all have a different chemical make up which has to be individualized to fit you. Hope you all find your perfect recipe for healing😊.
Sheesh. Every time I find a new thread things start clicking together.

A while back before I even suspected CD I experimented with paleo. Lost 40 lbs in 2 months and felt the best I ever have. No Bloating, gas, dierrhes, acid reflux, or anything remotely CD related. Now it clicks. paleo for me must be the way to go....
Different diets work for different people. My guess is some aren't as restrictive on some things vs others and isn't as hard to follow. For some diet doesn't work at all. For me? I was in remission for three years on the SCD. My guess also is depending on the severity of inflammation correlates to the types of things you can eat. For example, when I have little to no inflammation I can eat beef and steaks and salad as much as I want. When inflammed I can only eat chicken and bacon, certain cheeses, and salad is just out of the question.