Good food ideas !

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Oct 25, 2013
I'm 15 years old with crohns, and I'm having problems gaining weight! I drink 2-3 ensure drinks a day to get extra calories but that's not always enough.. What are good snack ideas that are high in calories but not high in salt or fat??
I would say 1st of all, what weight are you. Why do you want more weight, and why cant you put the weight on?

At 15 you do not want to be doing any hardcore exercising to gain muscle mass (it will stunt your growth by taking much needed nutrients away)

Also what do you typically eat in a day. I can understand why you wouldn't want any snacks high in salt of fat (trans fat are a big no no) but remember you need both to function, salt especially if you have D

Personally I would talk to a nutritionist to see what would be best for what you want.
It doesn't matter how much you eat if you are not absorbing it.
Maybe a diet that restricts foods that aggravate (or even cause) the disease.

Most diets that i have seen people claiming good results for share a few basic similarities:-

No Cereal grains with a high gluten content
Limited or no Cereal grains without gluten, but are dense and high glycemic index, and contain other anti-nutrients (rice seems to be the safest)
No Sugar and fructose (limited use of natural sweeteners)
No Foods with nutrients / fibre removed – grains, sugars, refined carbohydrates
No Vegetable seed oils, chemically extracted, high in omega 6 and damaged / oxidised fat
No Added synthetic chemicals, flavours, antioxidants, sweeteners, colours, preservatives

The diets that work (SCD, Paleo, GAPS -in my humble experience) are usually very low carb (they exclude all foods high in carbs -grains and tubers) but there is recent evidence that rice and tubers are well tolerated and do not shorten remission

This diet doesn't limit carbs, It is a well balanced diet and a good starting point -

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