Goodbye colon!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 21, 2010
Total colectomy next Tuesday with hopes for J-pouch. Just wanted to say thanks to this forum for helping me get mentally prepared for this. I feel like I am miles ahead going into this than I would be without you guys.

Thanks for being here!!!!


edit/update: Surgery postponed for another week--January 17
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Karen! Best of luck with the op! Keep us updated please.

Fingers crossed this will be your cure! Oh I sure hope so!
Sending you loads and loads of love and luck for a very successful surgery and a fab and speedy recovery!...:goodluck:

Dusty. xxx
I hope all goes well with you. My next surgery will be a colonectomy too. I don't know if I spelled it right. But they are going to take my whole colon out. I haven't decided when I want to do this yet. I keep putting it off.... please keep us updated on your recovery. I wish you the best

All the best with this op. Good luck on your journey. I will have my fingers crossed it goes swimmingly and that you recovery is steady and quick!

Gav :)
Good luck, Karen! I'm sure your surgery will be absolutely successful, and hope you make a quick recovery. Looking forward to hearing from you about how it all goes...

Wishing you great health,

I hope everything goes well! You sound so amazingly calm and strong, I'm sure you'll get through it with no troubles.
My son's aunt is contemplating this surgery. If you wouldn't mind keeping us posted on how the surgery goes for you I'd be most appreciative. She asks my opinion, but I don't know anything about this. Also my son has crohn's while she has UC. She goes next month to talk to her doctor about having the surgery. She's 36 yrs old, but was diagnosed with UC when she was 20. She's never been in total remission and she's tiring of the whole thing and although she was against having her colon removed initially, at Christmas she was sounding like she was onboard to 'get on with it', as she put it.
Well, surgery pushed back a week. New surgery date of January 17.
I just want this over with at this point.
Oh dear! That just popped your bubble! I can feel it over here! (empath) The shits! Why did they do that!!!???
Well, there must be a good reason, and lets hope it is because it wouldve turned out worse for you on that date.

You will think I'm being silly...but let me tell you a secret. I was due for my emergency op 21st Dec 2010. Been starved for days by then. I didnt want it that day. It was the equinox, there was all sorts going on, a lunar eclipse, you name it! I said 'self...this ISNT a good time for surgery'. Well, it didnt happen that day, it happend the following evening, which actually was better. Theres always a reason. Anyway, god rest her, the girl who got in on my spot...didnt make it thru surgery.
Toothy (thats your nickname in my head...sorry), wow am I EVER glad it worked out too!!!

Theres always a good reason for things though isnt there? There must be a good reason for yours to be delayed. I'd like to think someone was watching out for me upstairs.
best of luck!

i had emergency j-pouch formation and in the end had 3 ops to get it sorted with temp bag. now all reversed.

keep us all posted.
Anyway, god rest her, the girl who got in on my spot...didnt make it thru surgery.

Holy cow, that sends shivers down ya spine! brrrrrrrrrrr.

I sure hope that things work out for you this time Fairy.:hug: Waiting is the pits! :voodoo:

Dusty. :heart:
Wishes and Prayers!!!

:hug: Hello! Just sending you lots of healing wishes and hope and strength and all that! Go slow when you get home from the hospital. Hope your nurses are awesome to you--and we are all thinking of you in hopes of a speedy and uneventful recovery!:ycool: Dana
Hi Karen - Good luck on the 17th! The waiting is the hardest part!

Are you having the colon removed and the j-pouch created in the same surgery? Or will it be two steps? It's a big deal, either way. I had mine done in two steps because my colon ruptured.

It was almost ten years ago, but feel free to ask any questions - I'll see if I can remember any details!!

- Amy
The plan is for a 2-step surgery, but due to prior abdominal surgeries and a belly full of adhesions (small bowel stuck to itself) J-pouch may not be possible at all. Won't know until surgery.

I will probably wear you out with questions once this all gets rolling. Thanks!
Karen, ya'll ready??? I'd like to see a big TOOTHY grin from you after you're all healed up and ready to take on the world!
I'm certainly working on it. I've been wearing a bag since yesterday so I can start getting used to it. The ostomy nurse gave me different kinds to try so I can see if I have an allergic reaction to the adhesive.
Most definetely!! Thats why most of us like two pieces so we can change after showering! I HATE a wet bag.
Ugh, i hate the wet bag, as well. I blowdry mine on the very low setting which helps. I love 'bag free' showers on change feels very luxurious to get the stomatillo all cleaned up and letting the surrounding skin breathe for a bit.

You're getting close to the day...yay!

It's so close to your surgery date - so just checking in to wish you good luck for the big day. I hope it all goes well and the results are liberating.
Thanks! I'm certainly learning a lot from your ongoing experience, Samboi. I'm planning my last real meal for this evening before starting the bowel prep tomorrow. This is really going to suck, but I'm hopeful for the future. :)
Toothy....the prep is nasty, as you know. The first few days are the worst, but, this is the beginning of a better life. A REAL LIFE.

Hugging you and wishing you all the very best!
Two weeks in the hospital, one midline incision from breast bone to pubic bone, new heart rate issues, two bouts of dehydration, and 14 pounds lighter.....BUT SOOOOO WORTH IT!! It was a complicated surgery, but all in all everything went well and the extremely skilled surgeon was able to create the J-pouch after all.

I've already adapted to Sideshow Bob. (My ostomy looks like a clown nose and makes some of the most obnoxious squeels and fart noises at the worst times!) I'm pretty weak and had to take some extra time off from work, yet doing very well and feeling soooooo much better than before surgery.

Again---thank you all so much for being here and sharing your experiences. I would have been so freaked out with each new thing that popped up while I was in the hospital if I hadn't already heard about the expected complications and how to handle them. You guys are the best!
Glad to hear it went well and they were able to give the J-pouch! Take it easy..
Great to hear from you Toothy!!! I'm sorry you've had a few glitches, but I guess that kinda goes with the territory.

I hope every single day improves for you!!!
So glad to hear that you are feeling better and that they could give you the pouch (love the name btw:)) I hope you continue to do well :hug: