Got results of MRE!

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
Ok, so I went to the hospital to get my MRE results. This is what it said:

Pre- and postcontrast infusion,multiplanar multisequence imaging of the abdomin pelvis was performed as per the MR enterography protocol. 1mg. of glucagon was administered intravenously.

There are 2 T2 liver lesions. Neither are well characterized on postinfusion sequences. 1 cm T2 hyperintense lesion in the lateral segment of the left hepatic lobe lesion shows some peripheral globular enchancement and is likely an hemangioma . 1.2 cm lesion in the inferior right hepatic lobe was not well characterized postinfusion sequences. The spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, biliary tree, adrenals, aorta, retroperitoneum, kidneys, and marrow spaces are unremarkable.

Exam of the pelvis demonstrates a small amount of free fluid. There are cysts in both ovaries. On the left measuring 1.7cm and 1.6cm on the right. There are also folliciles. There are some cervical nabothian cysts. Negative for adenopathy and inflammatory chnages.

Small bowel is unremarkable. Negative for wall thickening, mural hyperenchancement, engorgement of the vasa recta, and fistula formation. There is a large amount of stool in the colon.

IMPRESSION: Two T2 liver lesions. The more proximal is likely hemangioma. The more inferior is not well evaluated on postinfusion sequences, it is likely an additional hemangioma.

Normal appearing small bowel. There is a large amount of stool in the colon suggesting constipation.

Adnexal cysts and some cervial nabothian cysts. Small amount of free fluid in the cul-de-sac.

Now with the MRE are they able to see the entire small bowel including the terminal ileum? I also thought they would be able to see my stomach, but I guess not or they would have mentioned it. What do you all make of this report? I am a bit concerned about the fluid in the pelvic region. I will have to ask my doc about it when I go Saturday. I am sure they could not really see the large bowel( other than it was full of crap!). Probably since I did not go that morning. Would MRE of picked up inflammation in the small bowel if there was any??
Ok, so I went to the hospital to get my MRE results. This is what it said:

Pre- and postcontrast infusion,multiplanar multisequence imaging of the abdomin pelvis was performed as per the MR enterography protocol. 1mg. of glucagon was administered intravenously.

There are 2 T2 liver lesions. Neither are well characterized on postinfusion sequences. 1 cm T2 hyperintense lesion in the lateral segment of the left hepatic lobe lesion shows some peripheral globular enchancement and is likely an hemangioma . 1.2 cm lesion in the inferior right hepatic lobe was not well characterized postinfusion sequences. The spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, biliary tree, adrenals, aorta, retroperitoneum, kidneys, and marrow spaces are unremarkable.

Exam of the pelvis demonstrates a small amount of free fluid. There are cysts in both ovaries. On the left measuring 1.7cm and 1.6cm on the right. There are also folliciles. There are some cervical nabothian cysts. Negative for adenopathy and inflammatory chnages.

Small bowel is unremarkable. Negative for wall thickening, mural hyperenchancement, engorgement of the vasa recta, and fistula formation. There is a large amount of stool in the colon.

IMPRESSION: Two T2 liver lesions. The more proximal is likely hemangioma. The more inferior is not well evaluated on postinfusion sequences, it is likely an additional hemangioma.

Normal appearing small bowel. There is a large amount of stool in the colon suggesting constipation.

Adnexal cysts and some cervial nabothian cysts. Small amount of free fluid in the cul-de-sac.

Now with the MRE are they able to see the entire small bowel including the terminal ileum? I also thought they would be able to see my stomach, but I guess not or they would have mentioned it. What do you all make of this report? I am a bit concerned about the fluid in the pelvic region. I will have to ask my doc about it when I go Saturday. I am sure they could not really see the large bowel( other than it was full of crap!). Probably since I did not go that morning. Would MRE of picked up inflammation in the small bowel if there was any??

I am a bit concerned about the fluid in the pelvic region.

I suggest you take the results if your not pleased with them with a grain of salt. I dont know alot about this MRE results but somone will prob post more on it.

What I do with results or things that get me nervous? I calm down and sit in the back of a quite room and close my eyes for a few hours to heal. The mind is very connected with the intestines.
MREs show all of small bowel including terminal ileum. My crohns is in/started there and shown up in both MREs and my CT enterography. The positive thing is that hemangioma are non cancerous, and do not lead to cancer. The free fluid could be tied to a ruptured cyst, rather then an abscess most likely, since there is no note of active crohns or inflammation at the time. Your doctor should be able to tell you more, but it doesn't seem all that bad in the grand scheme of things
Thanks for the replies.


Could they even see the large bowel with the MRE?? I mean all they noted was that my large bowel was full of stool. Can they see inflammation on an MRE even? Not sure if they would be able to see an abscess or not. I have not been dx yet. I am awaiting a fecal calprotectin test. I should have those results by Saturday.

I worry because right away they usually tie fluid in the pelvic area with ovarian issues. when you say abscess, would they have seen an abscess if there was one there? They were not really looking at the large bowel, but I will say that all that stuff that I drank to highlint my intestines must have made it's way all the way down because right after the test I had to fly to the toilet( gave me major diarhea). I guess I will have to see what the gastro says next week when I see him. I see my regular doctor Saturday so maybe she will have an idea.

Thanks for the replies...
I agree with nikimazur. A small amount of free fluid in the pelvis (for women) is generally from a ruptured ovarian cyst and hemangiomas generally don't require treatment. Sounds like everything went well at least and they saw what they needed to see. Sigh of relief that all of your current troubles from the test at least were not in vain!
Very difficult to comprehend results such as that. Especially when all this is new and different. Adjustments take some consideration. It sounds as though many more tests need to be done for definitive answers to questions. God willing, your symptoms are related to more delicate issues which can be treated easily and effectively. Like stated above, take deep breaths, relax and take each day as it comes. I'll pray for healing and diagnosis so the anxiety of "waiting game" doesn't get you too riled up. Good luck, welcome to the forum and stay involved! You'll find tremendous support here.
Thanks for the replies.

Yes, it is complicated to read these results as I do not fully understand it. Hopefully when I see my doctor tomorrow she can shed some light on it. Thanks again for all the support....

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