Growth Problems Help Me!

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Mar 29, 2011
Im 16, turning 17 soon and i've been on remicade now for 4 months.. I was diagnosed at 9 and have been on prednison and just about any other drug for chrohns. I seem to have a mild case the remicade is working beutifully but im still not growing!

Im not sure about puberty I have hair on my pits and pubic region but I have a really small penis and tiny wrists. I'm 5'5 125 pounds and I've been around here for about a year... I smoke alot of marijuana and since being on the remicade have olny been eating healhy foods, alot of milk and vitamen supliments.

Has anybody else had the same problem as me? can anybody give me advice or anything? this problem has kept me depressed and un-social... PLEASE HELP
Hiya Habitual,

First off, welcome to the forum, I'm glad you found us. As I mentioned in my PM to you, we JUST started a teen forum here so you may want to introduce yourself there to get the ball rolling :) What a great way to start to break that unsocial aspect, huh?

You've certainly been through a lot, my heart goes out to you buddy. It sounds like you have indeed started puberty and speaking for myself, I kept growing in various areas until around the age of 21 but everyone is different. It's certainly possible that the drugs you've been on have affected your body in that regard.

Oh, the joys of being concerned about penis size and height, huh? Our society seems to have tried to do everything it can to tell us we have to be a certain height and have a certain size penis otherwise we're inadequate. Well, let me tell you something brother, it's all a load of BS. You are NOT your height and you are NOT your penis size. Anyone who judges you for either of those is just projecting their own insecurities onto you. While I understand it's not easy, my advice would be to look within yourself and connect to something much deeper and stronger than such shallow things as height and penis size. Connect to who you really are. If you're able to do that, then I promise you, you will attract people into your life who love you for who you are and could care less if you're four feet tall or seven feet tall or have a 1 inch penis or an elephant trunk because they too will understand that none of that matters in the grand scheme of things.

Keep your head up, look people in the eyes, and find your inner joy and strength brother. And as always, we're here for you!
I do understand all of that, but things are said a lot eaisier then done its a problem then always weighs on me, and has continually frusterated me. There has to do something I can do to grow and mature... my voice has yet to crack i've yet to have a wet dream and im a very premature ejaculater :$... its hard for me to say or even type this to anybody....

I just want a solution being 17 years old and having these problems is far from easy :(
I imagine it IS really frustrating and yes, what I said is certainly easier said that done and will be an ongoing process for you. As for a solution, have you spoken with your doctor regarding your concerns?

Regarding your premature ejaculation, well, welcome to being a teenager :) I went through the same thing and I know how much it sucks. That's something you learn to control over time. And don't worry about not having a wet dream, not everyone does. Heck, I haven't had one in probably 15 years now. And believe me, you're not missing out on anything except a mess :D
ahaha I just want to be a normal teenager and be able to socialize and do what everybody else can do... other then seeing a doctor are there any other suggestions on how I can grow?

Should I stop smoking pot?
ahaha I just want to be a normal teenager and be able to socialize and do what everybody else can do... other then seeing a doctor are there any other suggestions on how I can grow?
That's not something I can help you with, your doctor will know FAR more than me regarding that.

BUT, what's stopping you from socializing other than your own insecurities? I guarantee you if you were 6 feet tall and had a giant penis that you'd be insecure about something else. The issue here is dealing with your insecurities in a healthy manner. If you're having trouble doing that, I would ask for help from a counselor. Speaking from experience, the sooner you learn to deal with body image issues and other insecurities, the sooner you can start to enjoy life.

Should I stop smoking pot?
I haven't seen any scientific literature that shows marijuana usage stunts growth but plenty of conjecture. However, that you're suffering from depression concerns me a little as I feel marijuana can potentially have an adverse affect there. Of course, marijuana is also shown to help with IBD in some cases. If you're smoking "a lot" as you alluded to, I would certainly cut down. As for stopping altogether, that's a decision you should make after doing your own research, speaking with your family, and consulting your doctor.
I socialize just not in the way I would like espicially with girls! im always shy and nervous not sure why but crohns is starting to take to big a tole on my life and i'm not sure what to do anymore...
Hi Habitual,
If you are well enough, I would recommend sports. If I could do it all over again, I would sign up for karate class! Knowing how to defend yourself definately comes in handy - especially if you are smaller.
Start hitting the weights. maybe you can't do anything about your height, but you can put on muscle.
About the height issue, David has a good point, your family doc can prescribe growth hormones if that is a medical issue. (Same if penis size is really unusually small)
And lastly, running would be a great sport for your body size. That is a sport where light weight can help make you a champion.

Welcome to the forum!

edit - I almost forgot - Yes, stop smoking the pot! Will lead to nothing but trouble.
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I socialize just not in the way I would like espicially with girls! im always shy and nervous not sure why but crohns is starting to take to big a tole on my life and i'm not sure what to do anymore...
Again, welcome to being a teenager :) I was shy and nervous until, hmmm, I guess I was 24 or so before I mostly got over that. But even to this day I get shy or nervous on occasion. Keep putting yourself out there, take deep calming breaths, and know that everyone else is probably nervous as well :)
Hi Habitual - Not much advice to offer here but just wanted to say welcome. How are you in size relative to your mom and dad? Are they taller/bigger people? No idea if penis size is hereditary but how are you compared to your dad?

Make sure your nutrition levels are good and you are not low on any vitamins or minerals. I don't know about the smoking stunting your growth, but there sure is lots of stuff out there about smoking in general stunting growth. I would say if you don't need it to help with your symptoms, you probably want to lay off. Easier saiid than done, right? :)

Good luck - glad the remi is working for you!

- Amy
My moms even taller then me at 5'8 my dads 5'11 my zaidy is 6'1 and my brother who also just got diagnosed with chrones is 6'1.... im A LOT smaller then my dad in all aspects and I'm just not understanding why
Pred is a steroid and can mess with hormones. Talk with your doctor about your concerns. And I was awkward around women socially for a long time, and as far as the wet dreams go, I only rarely has them, and even then it didn't happen until I was around 20. They are annoying and your life will better if they never occur.
There is no longer a big problem my voice is changed i've grown 4 inchs and 30 pounds im working out and feel better then ever before, a balanced diet and a more active lifestyle really is helping me out, im 5'9 155 and still getting bigger, down there to ;) thanks everybody though.
My moms even taller then me at 5'8 my dads 5'11 my zaidy is 6'1 and my brother who also just got diagnosed with chrones is 6'1.... im A LOT smaller then my dad in all aspects and I'm just not understanding why

Our kids have a Bubbie and Zadie too :). Our oldest son is 15.5 and just recently made it to 5'3 and finally topped 100 lbs. The docs were able to xray his wrist and determine he is just delayed and hasn't had his growth spurts yet. They said he could continue to grow through college. Had there not been a delay they would have sent us to an endocrinologist to discuss growth hormones.

Hope this helps.

Eta, shoulda kept reading, glad to hear all is well!
Hello and welcome! Many of us suffer from delayed growth (I did), generally it means that you'll get there but just a bit later. Have faith that there really are many great matches for everyone. You have time.

1. If it EVER crosses your mind that one of them looks good for any reason TELL THEM IMMEDIATELY. Keep it polite (until you get to know them - then be appropriately smarmy as the case may demand)
2. Make friends with women. For some reason if a woman sees you talking / sitting with / standing next to any woman you will become tolerable to the entire gender.
3. Embrace whatever you are physically and mentally. When at all possible - have a sense of humour about it!

That is all I know. Except later in a long term serious relationship:

4. Wash dishes.
How much did your penis grow ? Because i was diagnosed with Crohn's since i was 17 and my penis hasn't grown ever since , and I just reached 19 years old .mine is 5.5 inches . And my gf says it's pretty small .

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