Guts on fire

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Jun 17, 2010
Do you guys think I may have an infection of some sort? This doesn't feel like a Crohn's flare, but my gut is having problems.

Off and on for almost two weeks, I will have burning - like my colon is on fire. It isn't in my stomach like heart burn, but it feel sort of like that. Then a couple of days ago I had some large volume stools that were not formed, but not exactly diarrhea, either. They were very soft. And they burned coming out!! Very strange. Now the burning is a little less, but I am still really sore.

I have been on antibiotics for sinus problems and strep(darn those silly sinuses!). I am not even sure how many rounds I have been on the last couple of months - at least 4 rounds since October. I am fearing taht I may have let myself get C. diff, but I don't remember what that feels like. I had it once when I first got diagnosed because I was on IV antibiotics in the hospital. They about killed me!! LOL!! Anyway - does it sound like a C diff to you guys? Very smelly and smell gas (but that happens a lot anyway. What can I say, I got CD).
Sorry you haven't gotten any responses Sunflower. I personally just don't know but am bumping your thread in case someone else has some insight.

It's okay. It is a hard question. I know I need to go to the doctor, but I don't want to ;)

Thanks for the hug! The burning is better, but I am swollen, so I know things aren't happy in there. Just not sure if I need to call the gastro or if the GP would be good enough. Probably need to call the gastro - which is an hour trip. Ugh.
I'm sorry, I don't have any advice for you about what you are experiencing right now. :(

I would definitely call the Gastro. Sucks that it will be an hour drive, but I think this is more of a job for him!

Hope you feel better soon!
Hi Sunflower,

I have not had c.diff before but I did used to get quite sever burning feeling in my tum during a flare so it might be that? sorry I can't be more help.

Let us know how you get on at the docs x

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