Gynaecological problems and an Op: TMI

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 12, 2012

I'm currently squatting in the Undiagnosed Club, but I've come over here to talk about a few gynaecological difficulties. In essence, I've been in a great deal of pain around the entrance to the vagina, so that sex has been impossible, along with anything else.

I ended up having an operation under general anaesthetic at the beginning of July, and the results were not what I expected. Essentially, the surgeon found that my vaginal wall was actually stuck together! She removed the adhesion, and also an area of severe inflammation, but said that she didn't know what it was and that she might refer it to a dermatologist. She has not sent a follow-up letter, just a secondary appointment, and I assume if it were just an ordinary infection I would have received antibiotics by now.

Seems a bit weird, I know, but considering the time frame I am wondering if this could be connected to my vomiting/diarrhoea problems.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Any ideas, please?

I wonder if your inflamed area was biopsied? I recall my gynae mentioning a pt of hers (unidentified, no privacy breach, discussing CD) who had recurrent perineal lesions/ulceration that was eventually diagnosed as Crohn's. I've experienced urethritis as part of my CD presentation. It's a strange disease (IMHO!).. Areas that seem totally unrelated sometimes become involved!

Yes, everything was biopsied, including some polyps. But she found no cysts or ovary problems, so that potential cause is now out the window. I'm still hoping the whole thing could be something minor, but it might also be another little sign that there is something else going on across my body.

Urethritis sounds completely miserable, I'm sorry to hear that you've had it. I have psoriasis as well, so I know about diseases that completely move the goalposts! It was on my arms and trunk, now it's on my right foot. Crazy.

Thanks for your reply,
