Habba Syndrome?

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May 16, 2007
Have any of you ever heard of Habba Syndrome? My mom saw a TV program about it and told me about it - I read some stuff online, but am curious if anyone on here has any other info. From what I've read, it is a disorder of the gallbladder that causes pain and D. The reason my mom told me about it and why I am asking you guys about it is that, while I have been diagnosed with Crohn's, the process of my diagnosis was far from clear-cut (my colonoscopies have been "inconclusive," but blood and stool samples come back with characteristics that indicate Crohn's and the only meds that have ever helped me at all are Crohn's meds, so GI says it's Crohn's). I go to the GI again in 3 weeks, so I am going to discuss this with him and most likely get (even more!) tests to check it out. Anybody know anything about this stuff?
No, but a guy I knew once and gamed with kept asking me a bunch of questions about Crohn's because he thought he might have it. He was finding that tea helped him feel better and whatnot and some of the same things that makes a Crohn's patient feel better by cutting out kinda made him feel better too. Eventually he went to get tests like I kept telling him to do and they did eventually figure out it was a bad gallbladder causing him his problems. They took it out and he was fine after that. If your tests have been pretty inconclusive I'd definitely look into it or mention it to the doctor, though I've noticed that doctors suffer from pride and don't like to be told that they could be wrong by their patients. ;)
It's not listed in my physician's desk reference at all . . . that makes me wonder the validity of it. Was it a TV show offering a cure?

Looked it up on the net . . . a syndrome named after a doctor and only checked out in "independent" studies. I'd call it irritable bowel syndrome. I'm a bit skeptical about this.
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Yeah - I am kind of unsure about it myself, but the doctor is associated with a good hospital near where my sister lives, and it's based on an article published in a major Gastro journal. He says it is a syndrome often mis-diagnosed as IBS. I'm just going to see what my doc says about it (and I always take things with a bit of skepticism anyway). It wasn't a show advertising anything, though (that would be an immediate red flag!) - I believe it was "Mystery Diagnosis" on Discovery Health Network. I dunno...just figure I might as well at least look into it. I'll keep ya posted!
Hey karly... Well, it was published in the american journal of gastroenterology some years ago... and from the little that I've garnered on the 'net', Dr Saad Habba has some pretty impressive credentials. apparently, gall bladder malfunctions, causing a person to experience diarrhea after eating (sounds very reminiscent of what I went thru)... and that traditional therapies for UC/CD, or even IBS, don't have any affect.
I think it may also be referred to as 'bile salt diarhea'.. Since I had my gall bladder removed, yet continued to get worse, I initially wasnt' going to explore this. But, I've seen reports of people who've had their g/b removed, but continued to have issues for several years afterwards ANYWAY... so i'm asking my GI about it on the next visit.
Hi Kev

I saw your note about Habba Syndrome and I saw the same show on TV. I've been researching it today and I believe it is what I have. I printed a lot of the info and am going to take it to my Dr. appt. in 2 wks. I can't believe after more than l0 yrs. I think I have finally found out why I have been almost homebound for so many yrs. I live on Rx Immodium and most of the time that doesn't even help. I thought all these yrs. I had IBS but now after reading a lot about Habba Syndrome and seeing the show on the Discovery Health Channel I'm almost positive I have the Habba.

Best Regards
BTW Kev,

I forgot to mention that I also had my gallbladder removed quite some time ago.

Now, see, there's another similaritie... The difference is, when I ask my doc, I'll say something like " Hey doc.. that bile salts diarrhea.. me habba yes, or me habba no?"
I've definitely got a bile digestion problem which I'm bout sure is where much of my diarrhea and gas comes from, but it's more to do with my lack of terminal ileum, which is where bile is reabsorbed into the body by the by. So, I frequently have very acidic diarrhea, which burns and also bothers my bowels. Usually I have to take a lot of antacid to keep my acid stomach in check or it gets out of control and messes up my bowels for a few days.
Well, no medico here, but I understand that the pancreas plays an important role in the balancing act of the stomach... introducing the right enzymes and marshaling the production of acid. Along with the esophgeal (sp?) valve (not the right terminology, but the 'real' name escapes me).. Anyway, my crude understanding of the mechanics involved is that this valve triggers the acid jets to start pumping, and the 'balance' of what they excrete is influenced by the pancreas... but I may be totally wrong here.. It could all be an 'acid' flashback of another type. I do note that my stomach acid gets out of whack if my 'system' is slow or sluggish, and gets quite nasty if I then eat a regular sized meal vs smaller one (that valve at play).. And my 'home' remedy (ginger ale) is not as effective as it used to be.. Just another case of my body being out of whack in some matters.

Hi all,
I posted a while ago saying I was going to ask my GI about Habba Syndrome, and I went yesterday and asked him. He said he really doesn't think that is what's going on, as (1) Habba Syndrome doesn't include a lot of the symptoms I have and (2) Crohn's does include all the symptoms I have. Also, he said the meds I am on now (Pentasa and Entocort) wouldn't be doing anything for me at all (they are keeping me relatively stable...knock on wood!) if it were Habba Syndrome. So, he's sticking with his Crohn's diagnosis. I tend to agree, and, at this point after years of tests and the runaround, I am inclined to just accept it and work on figuring out how I can be as healthy and productive as possible now that I've got a diagnosis. Just thought I'd let you all know. Thanks!
Hi Karly,

I'm new here, but not new to the "Habba Syndrome." I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and Diverticulitis in January. The Doc put me on Colazal for three months and only after three months of a kazillion pills it was tamed down for almost two months and then came back full force. I saw that program on the "Habba Syndrome" and I asked my GI over the phone about it. Well, he researched it and prescribed a cholesterol lowering powder and it worked, OVERNIGHT!!!!
Nowhere does it say you can't have more than one IBD at the same time. Boy did I hit the jackpot. lol
If you still can't control your diahrrea I would call the doc again. Explain to him, just because you are diagnosed with Crohns does not mean you cannot have Habba too. That's what I learned from my GI. He's my hero! A great GI Doc.
Good luck to you and I hope the word gets out about this Habba Syndrome. I fully believe it is a true disorder because the medication I took worked! It's a fairly new discovery. I researched it and saw that back in 2000 was when they announced or gave it a name.
Good luck and Never give up!
This is very common with a resection of the terminal ilium because we are not able to reabsorb the bile salts and it causes the big yellow D. And magically we take cholestyramine to regulate us.

- Ken
Hi Ken,

That is what I take for the big yellow D. But I have not had any surgery. I was told my gallbladder is the culprit. I'm pretty sure it will have to be removed. This is the most confusing of all diseases. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Yeah, g/b can cause this too.. Oddly enuff, g/b surgery can cause it, for years after. I understand that it takes the body sometimes 2 or more yrs to adjust post op, least I was told to allow for this AFTER my g/b surgery. Meds can bridge this gap, or one can modify their diet till the body aclimates... sounds almost like a self defeating plan.
Interesting Kev.. After my surgery I went back to the Doc and we go through the usual how are things going and I mention I have a wicked cause of the big yellow D and he says yup, that's normal. He mentioned that it takes some people take a month or so to adjust, nothing about that it could be a tad longer, of course it's been like 3 years and still nothing different. :( Oh well.

- Ken
Well, pre g/b surgery, one of the surgeons sat down with me and explained the risks and benefits. Obvious benefit was g/b gone, and no more cysts. downside was that in some folks, it took years for the 'D' to go away, whereas in an even smaller 'group'
it never went away. He couldn't explain why, or tell me what category I'd fall into pre
surgery. I've stuck to my diet, so I haven't tempted fate to see where I am post op.
Hello all,

I am currently doing some research on Habba Syndrome. I actually went to see Dr. Habba himself last week, and he wants to take me on as a patient and get to the bottom of what I've been dealing with for the past 3 years.

This being said, my family isn't convinced of his legitimacy. They are concerned that I am going to be getting a colonoscopy, etc from a wacko doc and that I will die. What I'm looking for is some confirmation or reference or something that this is a legit doc.

I found him to be very personable and understanding, and from what I have found on the web, only positive things can be said about him. I just am looking for a more professional opinion to give my parents some peace of mind. Judging from the symptoms of the syndrome, I would not be surprised in the least if this is actually what I have.

Has anyone's doc been receptive to the syndrome? Or do they know anything about Dr. Habba himself?

No first hand experience with Dr Habba. you are probably the first person on here to meet with him. Bile salts diahrea is a real entity, I discussed it with my GI. The only info I have on Dr Habba is what I garnered from the web pre discussing it with my Dr

From the info on the web, Dr Habba seems to have some serious credentials. And he was published in the GI journal. I don't know the criteria involved in getting a paper published within that publication, but I would 'ASSUME' that it denotes, at very least, someone who is not afraid to put their work out there for peer review. I would 'ASSUME' that anyone of questionable merits would avoid such a review. Its' just an assumption, and i'm not a trained professional (medically speaking), but it does seem logical. As for the risks involved in a scope procedure, there are some. Biggest is a potential bad reaction to the anesthetic.. thats EXTREMELY rare. Also a chance of bleeding from any biopsies they perform during the procedure. I think that pretty much covers the ones that come to mind. I've had lots of these done, pretty much everyone on here has had them, they are pretty common to any IBD.
for the most part, the scope itself is painless, the worst part of it is the pre prep. I think (again ASSUME) that pretty much any intern or resident could perform one w/o supervision or risk.. After all, the GI tract is actually considered to be outside the body (only medicos can fathom the rationale behind that.. but they do). so its pretty safe to have a GI perform a scope... and the more experienced, the better.

Hope that alleviates your fears, your parents fears too. I'm a parent, and if any of my sons needed a scope (God willing, it never happens) then I wouldn't hesitate to have it performed by my GI, or a GI with the credentials of Dr Habba. Okay?
Thanks Kev

Yeah, I've had a colonoscopy before. I think my parents were just concerned because I wasn't referred to Dr. Habba by a physician and because they haven't known anyone personally who has met him.

I did do a little research on his credentials. The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland is hardly something to scoff at. I will definitely share my findings with my parents, and hopefully they will have some more faith.
Thanks Cara! I will. Dr. Habba has ordered me a whole bunch of tests, the first of which was yesterday - the wonderfully fun upper GI x-ray with small bowel. Not the most pleasant experience, but hopefully it will rule out ulcers or whatever. The radiologist was pretty rude and scoffed at "Habib Syndrome" but he's probably just some self-involved NYC jerk.

Anyhoo...I'll let you know if there are any updates. :)
Habba Syn

Hi, Took forever to figure out how to register, message etc. Have been suffering from cd for months, before that felt it was IBS. My sister told me yeaterday about Habba. That's exactly what I have. My GP had given me Cholestamin and have been taking it for about 3 months. I don't take it all the time, as I don't fee great on it and always think, maybe I'm better. Ha Ha Another morning in the bathroom tells me I'm not. I also have MS which makes things even more fun as I can't rush to the bathroom. Anyway, the cholestramine, as far as I can tell is definately the only answer. I do feel bloated and my tongue and nasal tissures are irritated. I guess that's nothing comapred to severe CD. I don't however understand the Gall Bladder Thing. Does it matter if you have one? I do. What happens if I hae it taken out? Is that a cure? From what I've read it doesn't seem to matter.
I have never written anything on line or been part of a group. HOpe I've done this correct. thanks.
Hi Ann. Welcome to the forum. As a member, your thoughts on Habba Syndrome are welcome. And I'd like to invite you to post a little something about yourself when you feel like it under the 'My Story' section, sort of an introductory section for new members. I am wondering if your sister is a doctor? She diagnosed you? I'm old, and easily confused. As for the Gall bladder, geeesh, I hope its not really needed, as I had mine out 2 years ago. It just stores bile, after removal the bile is piped into the GI system directly. If there is too much, or your GI system is compromised by IBD, it may result in Bile Salts Diarrhea, or 'Habba Syndrome'. If not, then removal of the Gall Bladder may put your system back in normal order. A surgeon would be able to tell you all the ins N outs, all the risks & benefits, OK?
Really new at this

Hi Kev

thanks for your reply. It took me a while to find it. I'm a bit of a computer idiot. At first I was having a pity party that nobody responded. Ha Ha. No, my sister is not a doc. I have always thought she could have should have been. She just has that natural understanding.
When my doc. prescribed the cholest... she didn't explain a thing....maybe because she didn't know much more than "try this". I guess i'm interested is people feel something sets off this problem.
Thank you Kev for the info on gall bladder.

Kev. this is ann again. Where is "my Story" I can't find a thing . It takes me forever to find new messages etc. If you can, please tell me the quick links to todays messages etc. My daughter is in univ., she would be such a help to a computer idiot. . I live in New Brunswick by the way and am 47.
signing out for the day.
Hey Ann.. Actually, it's 'your story' and it would be the first section you should see on the forum homepage. My goof. my story = your story.. just a brain fart on my part. As for keeping up, just click on the 'New Posts' in the blue bar, and that will list for you all of the new posts or new threads created since the last time you logged in, OK

And one last thing.. Hi neighbour.. What part of NB do you call home?
A quick update - I am preparing for my tests for this coming tuesday. I've got an ultrasound scheduled, along with a HIDA scan with CCK, an EGD, and an endoscopy. A week after that is the colonoscopy.

The only part I'm not too thrilled about is the endoscopy. The thought of a tube down my throat isn't a great one.

Anyhoo, I'll let you all know how it went, and what Dr. Habba thinks at the conclusion. TTFN - Geeko
Habba Syndrome- Poster Girl


I am new to this forum but found this thread and wanted to share my story. My Name is Laura R. I was the case on the Mystery diagnosis show about Habba Syndrome. I was diagnosed about 1.5 years ago by Dr. Habba after suffering for 3years with Chronic Diarrhea. Dr Habba is the real thing. When I met him I told him if he helped me I would be the Poster Child for Habba Syndrome jokingly. Well 6 months after my treatment started he asked me if I would be willing to share my story with the show's producers. The idea of being on the show was terrifying- after all- as many of you know sharing the stories of pain, incontenance, etc.. is not really something you wake up in the morning wanting to do. I decided to do it because I thought if it helped on other person it was worth it. It is nice to hear that many of you have seen the show or heard of it and are now being diagnosed. If any one has any particular questions I am happy to share my experience. What I am now learning about Habba syndrome, the medical establishment and the politics of having a disease named after you is that this is a new diagnosis. Because Dr. Habba is alive and well and can actually get credit and ackowledgeement for his findings he is also at the mercy of those who think life is all about keeping points. Any Dr. who refuses to check out his diagnostic, try finding out if it is possible you can be helped with his treatment, or denies you the right to explore the option is not the right Dr. GO find a new one. I was misdiagnosed, not diagnosed and ignored by my other Dr's. I now won't take no as an answer and will as a consumer of medical expertise seek Dr's who seek possibilities and do not shut them down. I hope Dr. Habba becomes rich, famous and reaches as many people as possible. I for one am happy he cares about helping people who suffer.
Thank you Laura, for your courage!

My name is Marty.

Up until ten years ago I was healthy as a horse...

Then after seeing a urologist for a minor prostate infection while in Boston on business, I was put on one round of Cipro. No problem right?.... Wrong! Everything changed overnight....My system went crazy and I had the worst diarrhea (multple times a day) from that day on through today.

My life immediately changed.

I could not do my job, and have diarrhea like this.... My career had involved traveling Coast to Coast and International flights constantly five days+ a week, and I was good at what I did. After less than 3 months of having incredibly terrible diarrhea in a x-country Boeing 'jon' I finally had to give it up, and find something that I could try and do from home.

After 8 gastroenterologist's and (7 years of testing) I was finally diagnosed as a Celiac disease patient.

So I immediately entered into a 100 % gluten free diet. (Totally gluten free), every meal prepared at home, with no possible chance of accidental cross contamination. All the specialist said I should respond sooner or later.

It's now been three+ years, and I have had no response (none...) to the gluten free diet in any way. (In fact, it's getting worse every month or two)... And my wife says I have literally 'turned into a hermit'.

This afternoon I visited my parents, and they told me they had seen the DHC special on 'Habba'. I immediately came home and began researching it in depth.

After a couple of hours of research I ended up on this site a few minutes ago.

I have got to tell you that 'everything' I have learned about 'Habba', everything...points directly to the symptoms I have.

'Right down the line from the poor response to antispasmodics, to the lack of severe abdominal pain during the diarrhea, to improvement of symptoms when fasting'.


I have to say that this 'just makes me kind of dizzy' when reading about Habba ....as it is, as though someone described my symptoms word for word.

Tommorrow morning I am going to call my Gastroenterologist (Who now is a good friend we have seen each other so often), and ask her to set up a conference call with Dr. Habba as soon as he can work one in. I want to see if there would be any harm in going ahead and beginning a low dose titrating trial of cholestyramine as soon as possible.

From everything I've read, it looks as though this would be no problem, and it would not take very long to see if we have any improvement.
I do know I have Celiac disease from the antigen blood tests, and Celiac being a genetic disorder needs a trigger... (like Cipro to start it),...but this certainly would explain the fact that my body is 'just not reponding to treatment', as well as the fact that this diarrhea does not fit the usual Celiac pattern.

The bottom line though is this:

I joined this conversation to add this post to say, "whether or not this ends up working out for me or not,.. the important thing is that: "Laura, by you going on this DSC television show... and talking about your problem: you have probably changed many peoples lives in an incredibly important WAY that none of them will ever forget!"

"As you well know, all of us out here who are suffering from the horrible consequences of severe multiple bouts of diarrhea everyday are truly not having a great quality of life experience,...."

"But,... even if your efforts in bringing this to the public eye only helps a handfull of people, You will certainly have changed those peoples lives in a way most 'healthy' people could never, ever understand. (& be blessed by God for doing so.)"

"Thank you Laura,...you may (quite possibly) have just changed my life".



My Gastroenterologist office is closed until after the Thanksgiving holidays, so I will not be able to do anything until then...... ( Was horribly sick for 5 to 6 hours from eating 2 or 3 bites of turkey............) I wish I never had to eat anything, (ever)....... 'I literally dread eating'.

...... (question) for those of you taking cholestyramine.

Can any of you tell me what the side effects are to taking this (in the low dose form used for treating the Habba syndrome?).. I would assume there are some...(Have you found them to be mild, severe, in what way? etc.)

(I just wonder what side effects I will be experiencing when I begin the medication....)

Also, for any of you who have taken it long term, do these side effects lessen over time,... or are there any tips you might offer for lessing side effects,... such as taking it at night verses day, etc?

Finally, I'd like to ask one more favor from anyone who reads this..."I'd like to ask you to please"...'take the time to say a prayer that this constant, all day terrible diarrhea that I have, actually does respond to the treatment for Habba syndrome'! And I will keep you all in my prayers as well.

I have often heard the saying "What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger", but as you all know, sometimes it...just... seems hard to believe, as it feels as this is killing me.

I would truly appreciate any of your prayers,

First week in JAN. 2008

OK, I have recieved a script for QUESTRAN from my Gastroenterologist, (Dr. Cynthia Rudert MD / Celiac Specialist) but she told me that I would be foolish to take it because she said this medication will absolutely cause major bone lose over a fairly short time. She said that since I love to hangglide and downhill ski that taking this medication would definately put an end to these activities that I ('use to love to do.')
This really scared me, so after getting the script filled, I have put off taking it, because I really do not want to lose the things that I love so much!!!!
But the last week have been so absolutely miserable and devastating,....I had the flu and they put me on very strong antibiotics...(results were diarrhea every 20 minutes, with heavy bleeding as well)... So... Tonight I took the first dose of Questran.
If there is anyone out there who can verify her claim that this medication causes massive bone lose, PLEASE let me know.................
For some reason I cannot access page two of this discussion, my laptop just will not go to the page two.

However, I could really, REALLY use some advice.

My email is :
[email protected] and I am just about totally exhausted trying to find some sort of way to stop the diarrhea.

I do not know yet if the Questran I took will work, but if it does ..... (The loss of bone density, if this is true,) would just as well kill me, because it would destroy the things I love to do.

If the Questran does not work,... I am about at the end of my options, as this diarrhea is definately killing me.

If there is ANYONE out there who could give me any advice I would gladdly appreciate it, as I do not know where to turn.


Please remember I can not access page two of this discussion.
My email is: [email protected]
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Does anyone know of a doctor in Richmond, Va who is informed about this syndrome?
Habba Syndrome

I am an acupuncturist. As an alternative medicine practitioner, I wanted to give you information that helps many of my patients. Even though diarrhea seems to be the common thread here... it can still be broken down into even more specific symptoms. I will break these down by chinese/english terms and give suggestions to formulas that you can purchase online or at a local herb store that carries chinese formulas. It would be best to seek out an acupuncturist in your area but if one is not available you can follow the information below to diagnose and treat your symtoms.

Diarrhea – Xie Xie[/SIZE]
Increased frequency of bowel movements with a consistency of soft stools, soft stools with undigested food, watery stools. Patient may also have abdominal pain with borbyrigmus(noisey stomach).


Dysentry is diarrhea with PUS and BLOOD and severe abdominal pain. Cholera is diarrhea accompanied with VOMITTING and severe abdominal pain.

If it is due to Cold Dampness – Acute (cold/damp invades sp & st)

The Diarrhea is watery, and thin. Other symptoms will be:
Abdominal pain with borborygmus, fullness in abdomen, poor appetite

Treatment: aromatic herbs to transform dampness, expel cold and relieve diarrhea
If the Tongue has a white coat (exterior invasion) and your pulse is - floating (exterior invasion) use this formula:
Ext. wind cold – Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San

If the Tongue has a white greasy (int. cold damp) and your pulse is - soft (int. cold damp) use this formula:
Int. cold damp – Ping Wei San

Damp Heat – Acute
Diarrhea: yellow, stinky

Unfinished feeling after passing stool with burning in anus, fever, thirst, dysphoria, scanty-dark urine
T - red body, yellow greasy coat P - slippery/soft, rapid

Formula Ge Gen Qin Lian Tang

Poor/Irregular Diet – Acute
Diarrhea: rotten egg smell

Food stagnates in stomach and intestines, starts with borbrigimus and abdominal pain, no appetite, pain ameliorated by passing of stool, belching

T - thick greasy coating P - slippery

Formula Bao He Wan

Spleen Qi Deficiency - Chronic
Diarrhea: undigested food in soft stools

Patient always has soft stools, poor appetite, bloating after meals, patient has sensitive stomach to certain foods (ie. Greasy / spicy) dull yellow complexion, fatigue

T - pale, white coat P - weak

Formula Shen Ling Bai Zhu San

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang – with prolapse of anus

Tong Xie Yao Fang – with abdominal pain and explosive diarrhea

Kidney Deficiency – Chronic
Diarrhea: early morning diarrhea

Abdominal pain with borbrygima, ameliorated by passing of stool, general kidney yang deficiency symptoms

T - pale, white coat P - deep, thin
Formula Si Shen Wan
Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang

Water Retention in Intestines – Chronic
Diarrhea: watery, frothy diarrhea

Dysfunction of in testiness, water retained, always has borborygmi, emaciation, bloated abdomen, scanty urine, thirsty

T – pale, swollen, teeth marks P - soft, slippery
Formula Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang

Blood Stasis – Chronic (chronic illness = blood stasis)Fixed stabbing pain in abdomen, unfinished feeling after bowel movement, dry mouth, no desire to drink

T - purple spots P - wiry, uneven

Formula Xiao Fu Zhu Yu Tang

This is a lot of information, so please try to research this information online to distinguish more detailed information as to the next steps are you should take. I sincerely hope this information will help some of you looking for answers that are fed up with misdiagnosis and side effects of western medicine.
December 6, 2007

Diagnosis: Habba Syndrome, from Dr. Habba himself.

3 years of suffering over.

Please do yourself and people you know with similar issues a favor and bring Dr. Habba's paper to your doctor. If it helps one person, it is not in vain.

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I'm a medical student in Philly. I saw the same program, and thought it was crohns from the start, and was surprised to hear it was a condition I've never heard of. I looked up habba in my PDA, just like the PDR, nothing. I'm curious why if this condition affects so many as Dr. Habba claims it has not gained much recognition since the paper was published 7yrs ago. I am also curious why the condition would persist after a cholesysectomy.

I saw the Mystery Diagnosis show on Christmas eve. While my wife and I are Jewish, I considered it a wonderful Christmas gift to see the show and admire you and your courage. My wife has been suffering with symptoms like yours since she was 13 - some 40 years. Her diagnosis back then and to this day is Crohns DIsease. And although her actual Chrons inflammation is in remission, her symptoms oersist. I met her 27 yers ago and have been there with her through more consults, treatments, procedures and exams than I can describe here. For others reading this, I have pulled all the available research online and believe this is what has been causing her symptoms - we are going to see her Dr. ASAP or Habba himself if necessary. If her symptoms turns out to be the result of Habba, Ibelieve we will hve both a joyous and sad reaction - sad that the majority of her life has been affected to the degree it has by these symptoms (not to mention the difficulty of seeing someone I love in so much discomfort) and joyous for the obvious reasons. Thank you so much for your courage - I wil post the results of her findings when we find out.
Laura and all other sufferers--

I posted about the powder somewhere on this forum but just found this thread.
I'm still trying to find out how to get email alerts when others post on this thread.

I can't thank you enough Laura..............you have helped me by sharing your story. My Internists of 25 years has see me go through all this and sent me to many GI's and all the tests done...colon and endoscopes etc............nada. IDS.

Then went gluten free 2 1/2 years ago and was great for 6 months, then had to give up soy, dairy, casein, tapioca, nuts.........then went off nightshades and now Low Oxalate foods...........right,.........not allot of foods left and still the darn "d'.

Then took article to Internist and I think this Habba is what it is. Took the powder he ordered and it helped for 1 week and then didn't. So much nausea I couldn't eat. GI and internist ordered Prilosec for the nausea and said that it was b/c of excess stomach acid but I didn't have reflux.

So now I'm back on powder at nite and prilosec in the am and am feeling somewhat encouraged. I do have my gb by the way and do not have the pain people described for gb disease.

Ok that's my story.
Thinking I might start to increase the powder with lunch as to get 2 doses in a day. Seems most start on the 2 doses to start anyway.
hope people will still keep this thread alive and I hope to hear from those who are seeing Habba and what you find out.

Judy Garden Lover
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garden lover

My email is :
[email protected] and I am just about totally exhausted trying to find some sort of way to stop the diarrhea.

I do not know yet if the Questran I took will work, but if it does ..... (The loss of bone density, if this is true,) would just as well kill me, because it would destroy the things I love to do.

If the Questran does not work,... I am about at the end of my options, as this diarrhea is definately killing me.

If there is ANYONE out there who could give me any advice I would gladdly appreciate it, as I do not know where to turn.

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Hi Marty
I havne't seen anyone posting on this thread for awhile and was hoping that they would.
i did a google search for you on this powder and bone loss and found only one site from CNN and it wasn't really stating this as a danger...........so i'm not sure.
i was doing te 'c' powder that is the generic of yours.

all i know is this drug has saved my life and my sanity. My dr knows i bone issues and he would have researched it as that's what he does. so.................i saw you took one dose. did it help.
we can email if you'd rather.
i don't get alerts for posts on this site.
Newbie here, just diagnosed with Habba Syndrome too

sueberry said:
Hi Karly,

I'm new here, but not new to the "Habba Syndrome." I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and Diverticulitis in January. The Doc put me on Colazal for three months and only after three months of a kazillion pills it was tamed down for almost two months and then came back full force. I saw that program on the "Habba Syndrome" and I asked my GI over the phone about it. Well, he researched it and prescribed a cholesterol lowering powder and it worked, OVERNIGHT!!!!
Nowhere does it say you can't have more than one IBD at the same time. Boy did I hit the jackpot. lol
If you still can't control your diahrrea I would call the doc again. Explain to him, just because you are diagnosed with Crohns does not mean you cannot have Habba too. That's what I learned from my GI. He's my hero! A great GI Doc.
Good luck to you and I hope the word gets out about this Habba Syndrome. I fully believe it is a true disorder because the medication I took worked! It's a fairly new discovery. I researched it and saw that back in 2000 was when they announced or gave it a name.
Good luck and Never give up!

Hi All - I am a newbie here, and newly dianosed with Habba Syndrome, after 30 plus years of suffering, keeping "provisions" (TP, underwear and the like) in the glovebox of my car, and taking drugs that were supposed to relax my cranky gut but relaxed all me instead. I talked to my doctor, told her I had had my gallbladder out when I was 15 but had intestinal problems before that....that I had really ever had a pain-free day since my teens - and that bathroom mapping was the norm for me now. She put a box of Cholestyramine packets into my hands and after the first packet what a difference. She explained that people like me make really acid bile and it is constantly dumping in the GI tract - and it causes massive inflammation in the bowel as it progresses, which causes the diarrhea and other problems. I am so glad there are other people I can reach out to and at least read that it isn't as isolated problem as I thought. What I know right now is that my life is SO much better and I feel like I am crawling out of a hole back toward a normal life - how wonderful it feels.

May Dr. Habba be blessed!!
happy people are posting on this again.

Hi and welcome newbies.
I was 'd' free for 49 days after trying the powder.
It worked like magic in 2 days. During the last week i was on it.........i had noticed i was getting headaches, and retaining fluid esp in the ankles and lymphademe leg so went off it for a week and was still w/o 'd' and then it came back so trying it every other nite night now.

Any one else get headaches, water retention and sore muscles and joint aching?
i'm also gf, cf, df, soy and have celiac disease.
acunanny said:
Spleen Qi Deficiency - Chronic
Diarrhea: undigested food in soft stools

Patient always has soft stools, poor appetite, bloating after meals, patient has sensitive stomach to certain foods (ie. Greasy / spicy) dull yellow complexion, fatigue

T - pale, white coat P - weak

Formula Shen Ling Bai Zhu San

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang – with prolapse of anus

Tong Xie Yao Fang – with abdominal pain and explosive diarrhea

Hi everybody, past several days I have been really sick. I’m not sure what this could be, and I have managed to get an appointment tomorrow with my doctor. I really can’t stand it anymore. I have diarrhea and fever. Could this be connected with Spleen QI Deficiency or spleen enlargment? Do I have spleen problems?
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