Had enough of this life..

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 24, 2014
Hi, my name is Joseph,,,Ive have been very sick just about since I was born, but, as I hit 7 I began to have pains in my belly, so, my mom would take my to my Dr. to find the reason, but, the Dr. didn't see/feel anything unusual on my belly, so this went on until about 11-12 where the pains became much more frequent, to everyday with the pain coming and going and my spine [literaly] start to hurt when I sit or stand for too long, I would get these, Shooting pain from the middle of my back[spine] down to my tail-bone, so, the Dr. sent my for x-rays, and ofcourse , they came back showing Nothing, [Now, we know why my spine began to hurt back so early in my life,,,,I have Ostyo-arthrius in it,, but didn't find it until I was in the U.S.Navy...]]].. So, from 12-16, I would get all these pains though-out my bones[ hands, legs, knees, back and my neck] where all beginning to slowly hurt, but I was also a very Hyper-active kid, so, to be real honest with yous, I didn't let the pain bother my if could stand it,, after I start to take these gross test[ drink barium/and the other entrence,,,those suck as a little teenager, little, I was very skinny my whole life, right from birth.. My dad told me that when I was born I came straight out, beause my body was "Built like a TUBE" skinny little long kid..I could Never gain weight, I would we like a pig everyday all day[ like average hyper kid] but I could never gain, I would only gain about 5-10lb.s a year, when I was growing-up, the Dr. didn't like that he was always saying something , on why arnt you gaining any weight, are you trying to stay thin,, No, way, I hated being so skinny all the time, the only thing good about it was I was able to be real good at sports and running I was 2nd in school for the fastest runner,, I really didn't let being sick keep me from doing anything,, only because at this point I was scared of this daily pain in my belly and body and now I have Blood dripping out of my butt, a fast drip, I never was so scared as I was , when I started to bleed , now I'm only about 14-15, I didn't want any test done to me, and I thought I was dieing, I was just so terrified,,so I couldn't allow anyone to see my sick, I felt I had to hide this...More later have to go..
Hi and welcome.

I get where you're coming from. I did all those tests about the same age. Sending you my support.
Hi there and welcome to the community. I'm so sorry to hear of all your struggles :(

What is your current treatment regimen?