Hair loss and anesthesia

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Mar 9, 2011
hair loss and anesthesia

I know there are quite a few threads on hair loss and medication on here, but I can't seem to find any on hair loss after surgery.
I had a 4 hour abdominal surgery on this past Friday and ever since then, my hair is so frizzy and falling out in handfuls! I have had very healthy, yet thin, hair before. I do shed normally quite a bit, but this is vastly different, and I will admit, I am not happy! :(

Any one else experience this ?
Like illness isn't enough stress on us, we have to lose our hair as well ?!!?

I guess I will start taking some Biotin right away and see if it puts a stop to it quickly...:angry-banghead:
yes definitely, I had an operation (tubes tied) about 5 years and shortly after that lots of hair started falling out - I told my hubby that I hoped he liked women in hats 'cause I was losing so much hair. The good news, it took about a year, but it all grew back (much to my relief :)
Tracy, ME TOO!!!! It STINKS!!! Then add in the Pentasa. Now I have frog fuzz instead of hair it seems! Look how thin in my avatar!

It had better come back or so help me I'm gonna lasso a Dr and shave em bald by Gawd!
Count me in! I had surgery in May, and I remember how appalled i was when washing my hair for the first time. I had experienced hair fallout with Imuran, but this was in a league of its own. And then just last night, I was playing with my hair and as I put my fingers through my hair, a bunch of hair came through. I repeated this over and over again with the same results---fistfuls of hair. I'm lucky I have thick hair, but it's getting a bit rat-tailish at this point.

I'm hoping that this hair fallout trend that I'm on quits pretty quick!



P.S Tracy, I hope you're recovering well after your surgery---I hadn't realized you were having surgery. Wishing you lots of wellness and a quick recovery (and lots of hair!!).
a lady who use to work at my work lost all her hair due to the anesthesia now wears a wig also has no eyebows
a lady who use to work at my work lost all her hair due to the anesthesia now wears a wig also has no eyebows

Holy cow ! That poor, poor woman! That must be awful !
Is it showing any signs of growing back? Or is it permanent?
I can't imagine...
Holy cow ! That poor, poor woman! That must be awful !
Is it showing any signs of growing back? Or is it permanent?
I can't imagine...

Im not sure to be honest, at first i thought she had cancer but someone told me its from the anesthesia.
Blooming heck that poor woman no eyebrows either! Jeez! I had hairloss after mine it's just starting to slowly grow bk. I lost loads I blame the anastetic, treatment and extreme stress that I was under. Hope it won't happen again after this second surgery:-:)-( x