Hair loss

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 6, 2010
Every week it seems like I have another problem! Anyone experience hair loss? I've been losing large amounts of hair each night in the shower. Any advice?
Sorry Crohnie....I have experienced hair loss. The cause was never found for my loss. I think it was due to malnutrition pre and post-operatively. Some people here have had loss do to their meds. Also thyroid problems can cause hair loss.

My hair dresser recommended taking Biotin to help with regrowth. Have you reported this to your doctor?
Are you taking azathioprine? I know a side-effect from that is hair loss. I am currently on 150mg azathioprine and I lose hair like crazy!!
I lost a bit when I was on Asacol. Said to be a side effect, but then again, I'm at an age where hair loss happens anyways LOL.
I'm a baldie! Doc reckons it's either the meds (6mp & pred) or malnutrition. Was tough at first, it went thin and wispy, and then clumps would fall out, it didn't even have the decency to go evenly, it was just patchy - like I'd had a fight with a lawnmower!

Now instead of stressing over the most recent unfeminine bald spot, I have it shaved. It was tough at first, and I had to get some support from the guys on here when I got upset, but now I love it. I have some cool wigs and great hats for cold days, and if its nice out I get out there and flaunt my shiny dome!

Good luck, I was devastated at first. Now I just see it as me. And on the plus side I never have bad hair days!


OMG- I have recently been experiencing hair loss and I'm ten years into my Crohn's. I thought it was just some random new thing- I had no idea it could be related to my meds. About two weeks ago all my fingernails broke and chipped off in layers and I started losing clumps of hair- I thought it was just a phase.
I started new meds on the 8th Jan and have also noticed a bit of hair loss. I was wondering what sort of effect the steroids have on our teeth?If they can cause bone problems surely they can mess up your teeth too?
Samantha, if you are on Pred. yes they can cause problems with your teeth. You really need to take a lot of Calcium.
I had to have all mine pulled because they slowly rotted from the inside out due to Predinsone. They looked great on the outside but they became a mess inside. I didn't know about the Calcium so I wasn't taking it like I should have.
But I have to admit that things really settled down afterwards and I went without any problems for a long time. I apparently ended up with infection in my teeth and it was draining into my stomach causing a lot of problems.

If your on Entocort, I don't believe it will do this as it doesn't go through your system like the Pred. Probably won't hurt to take calcium anyway to be safe.
Samantha said:
I started new meds on the 8th Jan and have also noticed a bit of hair loss. I was wondering what sort of effect the steroids have on our teeth?If they can cause bone problems surely they can mess up your teeth too?

I never had a cavity until I was 30 years old...Now my doctor says my teeth are soft and I pretty much need a filling once a year...I am assuming it is all related to the disease. My bone density was normal though......
No hair loss for me either. For the first time in years, I am growing out my hair. My GI wanted to put me on methotrexate but I had to decline for reasons of vanity.
Saw my GI doc yesterday (yes- on a Saturday- he's very busy) and he thinks the hair and nail loss issue is in fact malnutrition. I am starting on some vitamin supplements- I already take B6 and B12- but it looks like I need some others too.
Oh boy! we really seem to fall apart at the seams! I am going to make a dentist appointment as I am on the generic of pred and I would really rather keep my teeth. I presume a bone density test will also be on the cards. Where do you have that done? At an Xray dept?
I am also experiencing hair loss. It's normal to loose about 50 pieces a day in the shower or through combing though but I have spots so it's not good.

Biotin is good, try those shampoos also I am putting aloe vera gel on my scalp it is supposed to be very helpful. Who knows?
Samantha said:
Oh boy! we really seem to fall apart at the seams! I am going to make a dentist appointment as I am on the generic of pred and I would really rather keep my teeth. I presume a bone density test will also be on the cards. Where do you have that done? At an Xray dept?

Yes, it is a piece of cake...If you wear nothing with metal, you don't even have to undress.
I am losing a RIDICULOUS amount of hair as well. I am low on b12, and anemic. I am about to have the b12 injection of only 100mg...Is this even worth giving? Once per month. I was told that my b12 range was somewhere in the 200's. There was a point where the oral b12 was working, b12 was in 600's. I was told that the hair loss is from low iron and low b12. I am also on imuran, mind you, so it's all a crappy combo of hair loss. It is devestating. I feel your pain. I am pale, soooooo pale! I hate the way I look these days. Is there nothing we can do for this???? This is so new to me, possibly having to shave your head due to baldness from crohns? WHAT?!? There must be something that can help this!!!!!!
I lost about 70% of my hair last year, thankfully the thinning has subsided now and I am seeing regrowth. I have extensions to thicken the hair I did have left out again - looks very natural, even though it's not. I've also seen a trichologist for help, she prescribed me a topical solution called Minoxidil. It's one of the only proven treatments for hair loss and it's made a big difference. The regrowth I did have has come about quickly and the texture of my hair is also now a lot nicer. The hairs are just firmer and have more body.

For me the reasons for the hair loss were a combination of general ill health, malnutrition (with the associated low b12 levels and low ferritin levels) and being intolerant to Azathioprine. Seems like others have also experienced hair loss associated with Azathioprine! I for one am glad not to be taking it now.
Bald is cool! And it significantly reduces time getting ready in the mornings...

No more bad hair days for me, just bald hair days!
Lishy, you are an inspiration! I am already unhappy because my hair isn't the crowning glory it once was, whether that be from the pred or just being generally unwell or whatever. I am getting used to the fact that my hair now looks like that or a 'normal' person instead of being outstanding. It is hard because it's always been my defining feature, along with my ****s which have also disappeared, but that's another story!!

The hair is one of the big reasons I have resisted Imuran thus far also. I know the doc thinks it is shallow and silly, but he is a man and simply doesn't get it at all!
Hey Shaz, your hair isn't your defining feature - YOU ARE!!!

Your priority should be to GET WELL and if required wear some great hats on the journey!

I thonk you are totally cool and I have never even seen your hair except for your photo, and from your photo I'd have said it was your eyes that were the crowning glory.

We get too hung up on stuff, the hair thing has taught me a valuable lesson - you know?


Aww Lishy, you rock!

To be honest, if I felt really well I probably wouldn't care about anything else! It's just that feeling like rubbish is bad enough without feeling ugly on top of it. I'd rather be bald and flat chested and have my health back than have my ****s and hair and skin back but still feel like crap!! But it is still hard being a woman as we all know.
I think the secret is that I have a wonderful husband!

He makes me feel like I am still the most fabulous person in the world even when I'm schlepping around in my pj's leaving a trail of fart gas behind me!

I am a very lucky person, I have a roof over my head, my son is ALIVE (god knows we came close to losing him), I have great friends and family... So I poop a lot... It could be worse. I'm fortunate that I'm not up tight about poo and farting - I think it's rather hilarious, so usually once the initial hideousness of crapping my pants in public has passed, the only thing to do is laugh until you crap your pants again!

Always look on the bright side!

Thanks for being so nice about me... In real life pred is making me a bitch to live with!

Hugs x

lishyloo x
Oh I'm a loony too, and there are plenty more on this site Erazer - you are amongst friends here!

Always good to remind ourselves about the good things we have in our lives, I think it's easy to spiral into a depression when your body revolts on you... We have to watch ourselves!

Hugs to all!

Lishyloo x
I started to get hair loss when i commenced azathioprine donkeys ago....and only seems to happen when i am on prednisolone, and was so excited cos last year my hairdresser said i was getting a heap of new growth around my crown and a wee baby fringe under my fringe....kinda blamed it on the New Zealand sun, or lack of ozone, who cares, alas now i have returned to the cloudy climes of scotland and ended up back on prednisolone the cycle has begun in the lovely beautiful baby hair.....sad times :(
6mp made me lose a ridiculous amount of hair!! So I called my doc, he took me off of it (thank God). So now I'm getting ready to be put on Humaira (a lil nervous) but hopefully it works and hopefully no hair loss side effects!! Good luck to you, and hopefully it'll statr to grow back for you!! :)
I was experiencing hair loss about a year ago. I started taking General Nutirition Centers Hair Skin and Nails and my hair slowly stopped falling out. My dr recommending a multivitamin for hair and this is what I came up with. It has a huge amount of Biotin in it. Look into it. I too am anemic, taking Cimzia and Asocol. I hope this helps.