Hand/Feet pain

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Aug 26, 2010
Sorry its a bit lengthy but anyone any ideas or anyone have anything similar to the following:

Last winter 09/10 I suffered quite badly from very cold hands, never experienced this before as generally I tolerate the cold very well. However on this occasion it really meant that even taking food out of the freezer would cause great pain which would last for 20 mins or so, walking the dogs was an issue etc I also had areas of numbness in my fingers but increased sensitivity too, bizarre.
Anyway it went on for a while so I went to the Docs who firstly discounted Raynauds and took some blood tests. I went back a week later after I was phoned to come in and have a chat about the results. Seems a Professor at the Hospital reviewed the results as it showed markers for SLE (Lupus) but on evaluation it was considered that this was a throw up of my Colitis and not Lupus! I saw my GI some weeks later and as the symptoms had settled down he was in agreement with this.

However, a few weeks ago, winter 10/11 just as we have gone into milder weather than the previous month i have again started have some numbness in my fingers but also a great deal of pain if I catch my hand on something or rotate/stretch it quickly, the same for my feet and I have a great deal of jabbing pains and aches going on, worse than the previous year but similar enough to make me think i'll get the same response from the Docs and that its down to my colitis.
I should say that over the years my colitis has caused me a number of the so called extra intestinal manifestations, so this may well be the case, although its doesn't seem documented on any info I can get.

Anyone experience anything similar, worth another visit to the Docs, anyone any thoughts?

Hmmm, I wonder if it could be peripheral neuropathy. There is some research to suggest that there is a link between Crohn's and peripheral neuropathy---the numbness and pain is consistent with some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

My hands are always freezing cold as well and my doctor believes this is due to anemia and poor blood circulation (I was also tested for Raynaud's, but it wasn't that).

I would suggest returning to the doctor and having a look again at your symptoms.
IBD is connected to joint pain so that could explain the pain portion. Carpal tunnel could be a cause for the numbness or tingling or poor circulation or some sort of back or neck injury (back injuries like pinched nerves can cause numbness in toes). Also, panic disorders can cause numbness sensations in various parts of the body. So basically it could be a number of things and until you can find out the cause, heat seems to help a lot with the circulation and blood flow as my hands tend to go numb randomly but using the heating pad helps it go back to normal.
Hi, thanks for the replies, I'm pretty sure its not a joint issue, actually my joints are fine just now, very much my nerves I think.

I had a better day yesterday but much worse again today, unfortunately the earliest Doc appointment I can get is next Tues. Extremely sore at times, i like to think I handle pain well but as its so intermittent with no warning its pointless taking pain killers.
Guess i'll just have to wait and see but most strange, I did look up the Peripheral Neuropathy and seems to fit that but I'll see what they say next week, personally I don't see this being colitis related, I do think its sometimes too easy to aportion all the blame on that, we'll see!

I have pains in my hands and feet, as well. After surgery in 2007, my hands and fingers would alternately tingle or go numb. I went to a neurologist and did the test where they prick your fingers. The results came back as neuropathy, and I think I was told that it might just go away in time, or that there was nothing that could be done at that time(memory is a bit fuzzy).

Through the years, I still got the cold extremities thing. Earlier last year, I started to notice that the floors were vibrating. I could feel the vibrations in my feet, travelling up through my legs, and sometimes as far up as my pelvis area. Sometimes, it would feel like needles pricking the bottoms of my feet, sending electrical currents through my legs. This went on for months before I asked the Muffin if she felt the floors vibrating. She looked at me like I was an alien! Of course the floors weren't vibrating! Apparently, it's been my feet tingling the entire time. I can lift them off of the ground and still feel the sensation of vibrations or tingling. I don't have this sensation in my hands, but they do get extremely cold and sometimes painful when touched.
I told my GP about this. She wanted me to wait until I began the iv iron infusions again, and wait until I had my next nephrologist appt. After that, if I'm still having the tingling sensations, then it's off to another neurologist. I think that she thinks it is tied to my anemia, which is tied to the crohn's.
My only suggestions are to check for anemia(you said you already had blood work) or maybe try a neurologist. Good luck!:)
Hi Nytefyre,
Thanks for that, in a way its quite similar to what i'm experiencing.
Last night i was in a great deal of pain with my left hand, really as if someone was standing on my hand, but i was unable to really touch the skin on the back of my hand as it was so sensitive.
I'd actually forgotten that the previous blood markers for SLE also showed vasculitis, both of which i don't have thank god but i'm not sure if they checked for anemia then so i may mention it.
I'm hoping when I see the Docs on Tuesday that they come up with something, as you know when things aren't right, cheers
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