Happy to be apart

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Nov 2, 2011
I am so happy to get feedback from people. For 6yrs I have been talking to myself well I did get some advice from CCFA from New York and they help alot, but to vent on a open forum is such a relief. I see that there has been people in this forum for a while. they must have much wisdom. Anyway today is a mild day, we made it through the day ok. The remicade is working because he is in less pain. and we are taking one day at a time. Again, Thank everyone who gave me advice today.
Greetings and a most hearty welcome! We're glad you're here :)

Due to the nature of your post, am I correct in my assumption that you're supporting someone with IBD? If you're interested in elaborating further, we'd love to know more :)

All my best to you!
Hey Concern, caring for someone is very hard, and I commend you for giving all you have. We can also support you as well. I have had this disease 20 years plus and my husband for 11 years. He is still by my side and supports me everyday, he lights up when he knows I am having a good day and that in turn makes me feel better.

Everyone needs a pat on the back once in a while, even David ^^ (up there lol) has given me wonderful support and appreciate what I do on here. But we all need help from time to time and just know that you are a wonderful person! Glad you found us!
Hiya Concern and welcome to the family. :hug:

Good news about the Remicade, eh? Remicade works well for a lot of people - me included. I'd love to hear your story. Who is it that you're supporting? A brother? Father? Friend? Do tell...
I am supporting my son he is 24yrs old and I thank you all so much. but today is not a good day, he is not doing well. Sorry guys dont have the strength to talk today. But thank you again for listening :(
I am supporting my son he is 24yrs old and I thank you all so much. but today is not a good day, he is not doing well. Sorry guys dont have the strength to talk today. But thank you again for listening :(

It's cool that you're sticking by your son. I didn't have parents that supported me when I got crohn's and I really could have used them, stick with him cause it's so much easier to fight the battle with someone by your side.
I'm sorry your son is having a down day. I hope it doesn't last long. You and your boy are in my thoughts. :hugs:

Hope ya don't mind that I moved this thread to the family support forum. Take care of yourself hun. :)
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