Has any1 tried xls medical fat binders

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Jul 22, 2012
hi girls,
so im at slimming world again trying to loose the pred weight I gained last round.
ive been eyeing up these tablets for a while and decided to buy a months supply today. inside the leaflet it says they're not suitable for anyone with IBD. I wonder if they do any harm. they're essentially fibre and can cause constipation but otherwise I cant see the harm.

my question has any of yous tried them?
and what results did you achieve.

I too am on the hunt for something,anything, to help me take the weight off. However, I am always very wary of those pills that bind fat. My understanding is that they are not just fiber. They bond with fat keeping it from being absorbed or becoming fat (I am not a doctor!) but they have lots of potential GI side effects like diarrhea and anal leakage. Anything that might irritate my GI tract makes me very scared. I am afraid of causing a problem tha I Cant get back into control.

I often feel like I am one of the few Crohns patients who gains weight and can not take it off. It is as though my body fears the weight loss possibility (even though it has never really had it happen) so much that it hold onto extra weight.

Be careful before you use those pills. Ask your doctor. Take good care of yourself..
im the same. I have never lost weight even when I had pancreatitis last year or when I was running to the toilet 16 times a day with bloody diarrhea!
its crazy but what I just have to accept it and loose weight the hard way. lol.
slimming worlds great. I do loose weight on it at a steady rate. I have a trip away in march and wanted a boost to help me on my way.


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