Currently in hospital with a severe flare up for me, diagnosed with indeterminate colitis 6 years ago when I had prednisolone and budesonide to control the flares back then it cleared up quite quickly but did return when tapering usually. Had 2/3 years living like a normal person while taking Azathioprine then came off of it only to flare up 4 months later. I was put onto standard dose 40mg prednisolone daily for two weeks which just continued my symptoms then received iv hydrocortisone for two days which did nothing then bk to pred and got worse now bk on hydrocortisone since wednesday in the hospital, xray and flexible scope show quite heavy inflammation on the left side of the large bowel but clear after that.
Doctor I saw yesterday said I would respond to the hydrocortisone but he doesn't know how long for it to work, has anyone else experienced this? Three weeks of steroids so far have improved nothing, Have steroids lost there effect on me somehow,is that possible? Getting quite bad emotional effects this time round too from the steroids too.
Thankfully the only pain I have had is from the flex scope which was possibly the worst yet even under sedation
Doctor I saw yesterday said I would respond to the hydrocortisone but he doesn't know how long for it to work, has anyone else experienced this? Three weeks of steroids so far have improved nothing, Have steroids lost there effect on me somehow,is that possible? Getting quite bad emotional effects this time round too from the steroids too.
Thankfully the only pain I have had is from the flex scope which was possibly the worst yet even under sedation