Has anyone had success long term (remission)with diet?

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Mar 4, 2018
Has anyone achieved long term remission with diet? I have seen videos where people claim to be in remission for years. Is it possible to be in remission for years and never really have any major issues?
I've been in remission for a few years but not due to diet. Then it slowly came back, so slowly that it was diagnosed as IBS until it was clear it wasn't.
Has anyone achieved long term remission with diet? I have seen videos where people claim to be in remission for years. Is it possible to be in remission for years and never really have any major issues?

Controlling the disease with diet alone is every patient's dream. Unfortunately, it almost never works out that way. Serious diseases usually require strong medicine, and Crohn's is no exception.
My ex has been in total remission since around 2007. She followed a strict program of food, supplements, lifestyle changes and r’n’r and she went from severe CD on the brink of surgery to full recovery.
‘Diet’ suggests eating certain food, avoiding others; it was much much more than that, but totally worked and 100% drug free.
I’ve just been diagnosed with CD at 38 and will be following what she did.
Diet works for awhile but the underlying cycles of the disease continue to rise and fall. Diet can help, but for some unknown reason flares rise unpredictably like bad weather does.