Has this happened to anyone else?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 8, 2012
I posted earlier that I got my treatment yesterday and did not have any side effects. This afternoon I started feeling not so great. Chills and sweats, body aches, headache etc. I know these are all common and I am not really worried about it. I'm not dying.

The Weird part is I have been having food cravings all day. Not that I want a lot of any thing but I want a few bites of salty, a few bites of sweet, some greasy, some cheesy. All I can think about is food! I feel like I have some kind of eating disorder. It is driving me crazy! Anyone ever experience this? :ybatty:
Perhaps get a good meal in you and take some supplements. You may be off balance on something. feel better!
Sorry I don't know what treatment you're talking about but yes your body could be lacking in some nutrients and its very normal for your body to crave certain foods. If you can, try to give your body what it wants.
Yup, after my second Remicade infusion I wanted dairy products ssooooo bad - yogurt, abig tall glass of cold milk yummm. All stuff I had to stop eating years ago due to the tummy issues. I upped my calcium supplements and I did indulge - especially in greek yogurt - but sufferred with bad heartburn so I had to stop again Siiiigh.

Oh and yes the Remicade"flu" hits me about 48 hours after the infusions - it was less after the last infusion than the second so I am hopeful that after the 4th infusion it will be even less.
Once I had the Remicade treatment and it started kicking in I began craving things because for once, i didnt feel absolutely horrible. I let myself have bits of it and now its like i eat normal with few basic restrictions. It felt so good to eat like a normal person again after having the bland diet forever
Oh, I loved the increased appetite when I had my first few months of Remicade. After 2 years of not having an appetite (due to the pain and nausea symptoms of flaring), I was SO HAPPY to be able to eat again. I ate everything I wanted and gained back about 75 percent of the weight that I lost - and still remained underweight! It was fabulous.
I had those same symptoms when I started out on Remicade. The side effects get better with every treatment. I find the worst day is the day after treatment. The beauty of Remicade is that if it works, then deal with the side effects and get through the treatments. Good news it will get better, just takes time. We all know that we have to be patient throughout our flares and remissions.

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